You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public extension Setting.EnumKey {
/// Controls how notifications should appear for the user (See `NotificationPreviewType` for the options)
static let preferencesNotificationPreviewType: Setting.EnumKey = "preferencesNotificationPreviewType"
/// Controls what the default sound for notifications is (See `Sound` for the options)
static let defaultNotificationSound: Setting.EnumKey = "defaultNotificationSound"
public extension Setting.BoolKey {
/// Controls whether the preview screen in the app switcher should be enabled
/// **Note:** In the legacy setting this flag controlled whether the preview was "disabled" (and defaulted to
/// true), by inverting this flag we can default it to false as is standard for Bool values
static let preferencesAppSwitcherPreviewEnabled: Setting.BoolKey = "preferencesAppSwitcherPreviewEnabled"
/// Controls whether typing indicators are enabled
/// **Note:** Only works if both participants in a "contact" thread have this setting enabled
static let areReadReceiptsEnabled: Setting.BoolKey = "areReadReceiptsEnabled"
/// Controls whether typing indicators are enabled
/// **Note:** Only works if both participants in a "contact" thread have this setting enabled
static let typingIndicatorsEnabled: Setting.BoolKey = "typingIndicatorsEnabled"
/// Controls whether the message requests item has been hidden on the home screen
static let hasHiddenMessageRequests: Setting.BoolKey = "hasHiddenMessageRequests"
public extension Setting.StringKey {
/// This is the most recently recorded Push Notifications token
static let lastRecordedPushToken: Setting.StringKey = "lastRecordedPushToken"
/// This is the most recently recorded Voip token
static let lastRecordedVoipToken: Setting.StringKey = "lastRecordedVoipToken"
public enum Preferences {
public enum NotificationPreviewType: Int, EnumSetting {
/// Notifications should include both the sender name and a preview of the message content
case nameAndPreview
/// Notifications should include the sender name but no preview
case nameNoPreview
/// Notifications should be a generic message
case noNameNoPreview
var name: String {
switch self {
case .nameAndPreview: return "NOTIFICATIONS_SENDER_AND_MESSAGE".localized()
case .nameNoPreview: return "NOTIFICATIONS_SENDER_ONLY".localized()
case .noNameNoPreview: return "NOTIFICATIONS_NONE".localized()
var accessibilityIdentifier: String {
return "NotificationSettingsOptionsViewController.\(name)"
public enum Sound: Int, Codable, DatabaseValueConvertible, EnumSetting {
static var defaultiOSIncomingRingtone: Sound = .opening
static var defaultNotificationSound: Sound = .note
case `default`
// Notification Sounds
case aurora = 1000
case bamboo
case chord
case circles
case complete
case hello
case input
case keys
case note
case popcorn
case pulse
case synth
case signalClassic
// Ringtone Sounds
case opening = 2000
// Calls
case callConnecting = 3000
case callOutboundRinging
case callBusy
case callFailure
// Other
case messageSent = 4000
case none
static var notificationSounds: [Sound] {
return [
// None and Note (default) should be first.