You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

722 lines
31 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import DifferenceKit
import SessionMessagingKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public class ConversationViewModel: OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
public typealias SectionModel = ArraySection<Section, MessageViewModel>
// MARK: - Action
public enum Action {
case none
case compose
case audioCall
case videoCall
// MARK: - Section
public enum Section: Differentiable, Equatable, Comparable, Hashable {
case loadOlder
case messages
case loadNewer
// MARK: - Variables
public static let pageSize: Int = 50
private var threadId: String
public let initialThreadVariant: SessionThread.Variant
public var sentMessageBeforeUpdate: Bool = false
public var lastSearchedText: String?
public let focusedInteractionId: Int64? // Note: This is used for global search
public lazy var blockedBannerMessage: String = {
switch self.threadData.threadVariant {
case .contact:
let name: String = Profile.displayName(
id: self.threadData.threadId,
threadVariant: self.threadData.threadVariant
return "\(name) is blocked. Unblock them?"
default: return "Thread is blocked. Unblock it?"
// MARK: - Initialization
init(threadId: String, threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant, focusedInteractionId: Int64?) {
// If we have a specified 'focusedInteractionId' then use that, otherwise retrieve the oldest
// unread interaction and start focused around that one
let targetInteractionId: Int64? = {
if let focusedInteractionId: Int64 = focusedInteractionId { return focusedInteractionId }
return { db in
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
return try Interaction
.filter(interaction[.wasRead] == false)
.filter(interaction[.threadId] == threadId)
.asRequest(of: Int64.self)
self.threadId = threadId
self.initialThreadVariant = threadVariant
self.focusedInteractionId = targetInteractionId
self.pagedDataObserver = nil
// Note: Since this references self we need to finish initializing before setting it, we
// also want to skip the initial query and trigger it async so that the push animation
// doesn't stutter (it should load basically immediately but without this there is a
// distinct stutter)
self.pagedDataObserver = self.setupPagedObserver(
for: threadId,
userPublicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
// Run the initial query on a background thread so we don't block the push transition .userInitiated).async { [weak self] in
// If we don't have a `initialFocusedId` then default to `.pageBefore` (it'll query
// from a `0` offset)
guard let initialFocusedId: Int64 = targetInteractionId else {
self?.pagedDataObserver?.load(.initialPageAround(id: initialFocusedId))
// MARK: - Thread Data
/// This value is the current state of the view
public private(set) lazy var threadData: SessionThreadViewModel = SessionThreadViewModel(
threadId: self.threadId,
threadVariant: self.initialThreadVariant,
currentUserIsClosedGroupMember: (self.initialThreadVariant != .closedGroup ?
nil : { db in
try GroupMember
.filter(GroupMember.Columns.groupId == self.threadId)
.filter(GroupMember.Columns.profileId == getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db))
.filter(GroupMember.Columns.role == GroupMember.Role.standard)
/// This is all the data the screen needs to populate itself, please see the following link for tips to help optimise
/// performance
/// **Note:** The 'trackingConstantRegion' is optimised in such a way that the request needs to be static
/// otherwise there may be situations where it doesn't get updates, this means we can't have conditional queries
/// **Note:** This observation will be triggered twice immediately (and be de-duped by the `removeDuplicates`)
/// this is due to the behaviour of `ValueConcurrentObserver.asyncStartObservation` which triggers it's own
/// fetch (after the ones in `ValueConcurrentObserver.asyncStart`/`ValueConcurrentObserver.syncStart`)
/// just in case the database has changed between the two reads - unfortunately it doesn't look like there is a way to prevent this
public lazy var observableThreadData: ValueObservation<ValueReducers.RemoveDuplicates<ValueReducers.Fetch<SessionThreadViewModel?>>> = setupObservableThreadData(for: self.threadId)
private func setupObservableThreadData(for threadId: String) -> ValueObservation<ValueReducers.RemoveDuplicates<ValueReducers.Fetch<SessionThreadViewModel?>>> {
return ValueObservation
.trackingConstantRegion { db -> SessionThreadViewModel? in
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
Merge branch 'feature/database-refactor' into emoji-reacts # Conflicts: # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+Action.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+ActionView.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC+Interaction.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.h # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.m # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/Content Views/LinkPreviewView.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/MessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/VisibleMessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/BodyTextView.swift # Session/Meta/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Shared/UserCell.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/MessageSendJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Visible Messages/VisibleMessage.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupAPIV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver+Handling.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Notifications/NotificationsProtocol.h # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/OpenGroupPollerV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Utilities/General.swift # SessionNotificationServiceExtension/NSENotificationPresenter.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/DisplayableText.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/NoopNotificationsManager.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/Notification+Loki.swift
2 years ago
let recentReactionEmoji: [String] = try Emoji.getRecent(db, withDefaultEmoji: true)
let threadViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel? = try SessionThreadViewModel
.conversationQuery(threadId: threadId, userPublicKey: userPublicKey)
Merge branch 'feature/database-refactor' into emoji-reacts # Conflicts: # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+Action.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+ActionView.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC+Interaction.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.h # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.m # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/Content Views/LinkPreviewView.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/MessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/VisibleMessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/BodyTextView.swift # Session/Meta/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Shared/UserCell.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/MessageSendJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Visible Messages/VisibleMessage.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupAPIV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver+Handling.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Notifications/NotificationsProtocol.h # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/OpenGroupPollerV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Utilities/General.swift # SessionNotificationServiceExtension/NSENotificationPresenter.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/DisplayableText.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/NoopNotificationsManager.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/Notification+Loki.swift
2 years ago
Merge branch 'feature/database-refactor' into emoji-reacts # Conflicts: # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+Action.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+ActionView.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC+Interaction.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.h # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.m # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/Content Views/LinkPreviewView.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/MessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/VisibleMessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/BodyTextView.swift # Session/Meta/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Shared/UserCell.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/MessageSendJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Visible Messages/VisibleMessage.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupAPIV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver+Handling.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Notifications/NotificationsProtocol.h # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/OpenGroupPollerV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Utilities/General.swift # SessionNotificationServiceExtension/NSENotificationPresenter.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/DisplayableText.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/NoopNotificationsManager.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/Notification+Loki.swift
2 years ago
return threadViewModel
.map { $0.with(recentReactionEmoji: recentReactionEmoji) }
public func updateThreadData(_ updatedData: SessionThreadViewModel) {
self.threadData = updatedData
// MARK: - Interaction Data
private var lastInteractionIdMarkedAsRead: Int64?
public private(set) var unobservedInteractionDataChanges: ([SectionModel], StagedChangeset<[SectionModel]>)?
public private(set) var interactionData: [SectionModel] = []
Merge branch 'feature/database-refactor' into emoji-reacts # Conflicts: # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+Action.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+ActionView.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC+Interaction.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.h # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.m # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/Content Views/LinkPreviewView.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/MessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/VisibleMessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/BodyTextView.swift # Session/Meta/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Shared/UserCell.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/MessageSendJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Visible Messages/VisibleMessage.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupAPIV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver+Handling.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Notifications/NotificationsProtocol.h # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/OpenGroupPollerV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Utilities/General.swift # SessionNotificationServiceExtension/NSENotificationPresenter.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/DisplayableText.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/NoopNotificationsManager.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/Notification+Loki.swift
2 years ago
public private(set) var reactionExpandedInteractionIds: Set<Int64> = []
public private(set) var pagedDataObserver: PagedDatabaseObserver<Interaction, MessageViewModel>?
public var onInteractionChange: (([SectionModel], StagedChangeset<[SectionModel]>) -> ())? {
didSet {
// When starting to observe interaction changes we want to trigger a UI update just in case the
// data was changed while we weren't observing
if let unobservedInteractionDataChanges: ([SectionModel], StagedChangeset<[SectionModel]>) = self.unobservedInteractionDataChanges {
onInteractionChange?(unobservedInteractionDataChanges.0, unobservedInteractionDataChanges.1)
self.unobservedInteractionDataChanges = nil
private func setupPagedObserver(for threadId: String, userPublicKey: String) -> PagedDatabaseObserver<Interaction, MessageViewModel> {
return PagedDatabaseObserver(
pagedTable: Interaction.self,
pageSize: ConversationViewModel.pageSize,
idColumn: .id,
observedChanges: [
table: Interaction.self,
columns: Interaction.Columns
.filter { $0 != .wasRead }
table: Contact.self,
columns: [.isTrusted],
joinToPagedType: {
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let contact: TypedTableAlias<Contact> = TypedTableAlias()
return SQL("LEFT JOIN \(Contact.self) ON \(contact[.id]) = \(interaction[.threadId])")
Fixed a number of reported bugs, some cleanup, added animated profile support Added support for animated profile images (no ability to crop/resize) Updated the message trimming to only remove messages if the open group has 2000 messages or more Updated the message trimming setting to default to be on Updated the ContextMenu to fade out the snapshot as well (looked buggy if the device had even minor lag) Updated the ProfileManager to delete and re-download invalid avatar images (and updated the conversation screen to reload when avatars complete downloading) Updated the message request notification logic so it will show notifications when receiving a new message request as long as the user has read all the old ones (previously the user had to accept/reject all the old ones) Fixed a bug where the "trim open group messages" toggle was accessing UI off the main thread Fixed a bug where the "Chats" settings screen had a close button instead of a back button Fixed a bug where the 'viewsToMove' for the reply UI was inconsistent in some places Fixed an issue where the ProfileManager was doing all of it's validation (and writing to disk) within the database write closure which would block database writes unnecessarily Fixed a bug where a message request wouldn't be identified as such just because it wasn't visible in the conversations list Fixed a bug where opening a message request notification would result in the message request being in the wrong state (also wouldn't insert the 'MessageRequestsViewController' into the hierarchy) Fixed a bug where the avatar image wouldn't appear beside incoming closed group message in some situations cases Removed an error log that was essentially just spam Remove the logic to delete old profile images when calling save on a Profile (wouldn't get called if the row was modified directly and duplicates GarbageCollection logic) Remove the logic to send a notification when calling save on a Profile (wouldn't get called if the row was modified directly) Tweaked the message trimming description to be more accurate Cleaned up some duplicate logic used to determine if a notification should be shown Cleaned up some onion request logic (was passing the version info in some cases when not needed) Moved the push notification notify API call into the PushNotificationAPI class for consistency
2 years ago
table: Profile.self,
columns: [.profilePictureFileName],
joinToPagedType: {
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let profile: TypedTableAlias<Profile> = TypedTableAlias()
return SQL("LEFT JOIN \(Profile.self) ON \(profile[.id]) = \(interaction[.authorId])")
filterSQL: MessageViewModel.filterSQL(threadId: threadId),
groupSQL: MessageViewModel.groupSQL,
orderSQL: MessageViewModel.orderSQL,
dataQuery: MessageViewModel.baseQuery(
userPublicKey: userPublicKey,
orderSQL: MessageViewModel.orderSQL,
groupSQL: MessageViewModel.groupSQL
associatedRecords: [
AssociatedRecord<MessageViewModel.AttachmentInteractionInfo, MessageViewModel>(
trackedAgainst: Attachment.self,
observedChanges: [
table: Attachment.self,
columns: [.state]
dataQuery: MessageViewModel.AttachmentInteractionInfo.baseQuery,
joinToPagedType: MessageViewModel.AttachmentInteractionInfo.joinToViewModelQuerySQL,
associateData: MessageViewModel.AttachmentInteractionInfo.createAssociateDataClosure()
Merge branch 'feature/database-refactor' into emoji-reacts # Conflicts: # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+Action.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+ActionView.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC+Interaction.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.h # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.m # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/Content Views/LinkPreviewView.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/MessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/VisibleMessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/BodyTextView.swift # Session/Meta/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Shared/UserCell.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/MessageSendJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Visible Messages/VisibleMessage.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupAPIV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver+Handling.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Notifications/NotificationsProtocol.h # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/OpenGroupPollerV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Utilities/General.swift # SessionNotificationServiceExtension/NSENotificationPresenter.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/DisplayableText.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/NoopNotificationsManager.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/Notification+Loki.swift
2 years ago
AssociatedRecord<MessageViewModel.ReactionInfo, MessageViewModel>(
trackedAgainst: Reaction.self,
observedChanges: [
table: Reaction.self,
columns: [.count]
dataQuery: MessageViewModel.ReactionInfo.baseQuery,
joinToPagedType: MessageViewModel.ReactionInfo.joinToViewModelQuerySQL,
associateData: MessageViewModel.ReactionInfo.createAssociateDataClosure()
AssociatedRecord<MessageViewModel.TypingIndicatorInfo, MessageViewModel>(
trackedAgainst: ThreadTypingIndicator.self,
observedChanges: [
table: ThreadTypingIndicator.self,
events: [.insert, .delete],
columns: []
dataQuery: MessageViewModel.TypingIndicatorInfo.baseQuery,
joinToPagedType: MessageViewModel.TypingIndicatorInfo.joinToViewModelQuerySQL,
associateData: MessageViewModel.TypingIndicatorInfo.createAssociateDataClosure()
onChangeUnsorted: { [weak self] updatedData, updatedPageInfo in
updatedData: self?.process(data: updatedData, for: updatedPageInfo),
currentDataRetriever: { self?.interactionData },
onDataChange: self?.onInteractionChange,
onUnobservedDataChange: { updatedData, changeset in
self?.unobservedInteractionDataChanges = (updatedData, changeset)
private func process(data: [MessageViewModel], for pageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo) -> [SectionModel] {
let typingIndicator: MessageViewModel? = data.first(where: { $0.isTypingIndicator == true })
let sortedData: [MessageViewModel] = data
.filter { $0.isTypingIndicator != true }
.sorted { lhs, rhs -> Bool in lhs.timestampMs < rhs.timestampMs }
// We load messages from newest to oldest so having a pageOffset larger than zero means
// there are newer pages to load
return [
(!data.isEmpty && (pageInfo.pageOffset + pageInfo.currentCount) < pageInfo.totalCount ?
[SectionModel(section: .loadOlder)] :
section: .messages,
elements: sortedData
.map { index, cellViewModel -> MessageViewModel in
prevModel: (index > 0 ? sortedData[index - 1] : nil),
nextModel: (index < (sortedData.count - 1) ? sortedData[index + 1] : nil),
isLast: (
// The database query sorts by timestampMs descending so the "last"
// interaction will actually have a 'pageOffset' of '0' even though
// it's the last element in the 'sortedData' array
index == (sortedData.count - 1) &&
pageInfo.pageOffset == 0
currentUserBlindedPublicKey: threadData.currentUserBlindedPublicKey
.reduce([]) { result, message in
guard message.shouldShowDateHeader else {
return result.appending(message)
return result
timestampMs: message.timestampMs,
cellType: .dateHeader
(!data.isEmpty && pageInfo.pageOffset > 0 ?
[SectionModel(section: .loadNewer)] :
].flatMap { $0 }
public func updateInteractionData(_ updatedData: [SectionModel]) {
self.interactionData = updatedData
Merge branch 'feature/database-refactor' into emoji-reacts # Conflicts: # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+Action.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+ActionView.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC+Interaction.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.h # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.m # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/Content Views/LinkPreviewView.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/MessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/VisibleMessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/BodyTextView.swift # Session/Meta/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Shared/UserCell.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/MessageSendJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Visible Messages/VisibleMessage.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupAPIV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver+Handling.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Notifications/NotificationsProtocol.h # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/OpenGroupPollerV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Utilities/General.swift # SessionNotificationServiceExtension/NSENotificationPresenter.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/DisplayableText.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/NoopNotificationsManager.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/Notification+Loki.swift
2 years ago
public func expandReactions(for interactionId: Int64) {
public func collapseReactions(for interactionId: Int64) {
// MARK: - Mentions
public func mentions(for query: String = "") -> [MentionInfo] {
let threadData: SessionThreadViewModel = self.threadData
return Storage.shared
.read { db -> [MentionInfo] in
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
let pattern: FTS5Pattern? = try? SessionThreadViewModel.pattern(db, searchTerm: query, forTable: Profile.self)
let capabilities: Set<Capability.Variant> = (threadData.threadVariant != .openGroup ?
nil :
try? Capability
.filter(Capability.Columns.openGroupServer == threadData.openGroupServer)
.asRequest(of: Capability.Variant.self)
.defaulting(to: [])
let targetPrefix: SessionId.Prefix = (capabilities.contains(.blind) ?
.blinded :
return (try MentionInfo
userPublicKey: userPublicKey,
threadId: threadData.threadId,
threadVariant: threadData.threadVariant,
targetPrefix: targetPrefix,
pattern: pattern
.defaulting(to: [])
.defaulting(to: [])
// MARK: - Functions
public func updateDraft(to draft: String) {
let threadId: String = self.threadId
let currentDraft: String = Storage.shared
.read { db in
try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
.asRequest(of: String.self)
.defaulting(to: "")
// Only write the updated draft to the database if it's changed (avoid unnecessary writes)
guard draft != currentDraft else { return }
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
.updateAll(db, SessionThread.Columns.messageDraft.set(to: draft))
/// This method will mark all interactions as read before the specified interaction id, if no id is provided then all interactions for
/// the thread will be marked as read
public func markAsRead(beforeInclusive interactionId: Int64?) {
/// Since this method now gets triggered when scrolling we want to try to optimise it and avoid busying the database
/// write queue when it isn't needed, in order to do this we:
/// - Don't bother marking anything as read if there are no unread interactions (we can rely on the
/// `threadData.threadUnreadCount` to always be accurate)
/// - Don't bother marking anything as read if this was called with the same `interactionId` that we
/// previously marked as read (ie. when scrolling and the last message hasn't changed)
(self.threadData.threadUnreadCount ?? 0) > 0,
let targetInteractionId: Int64 = (interactionId ?? self.threadData.interactionId),
self.lastInteractionIdMarkedAsRead != targetInteractionId
else { return }
let threadId: String = self.threadData.threadId
let trySendReadReceipt: Bool = (self.threadData.threadIsMessageRequest == false)
self.lastInteractionIdMarkedAsRead = targetInteractionId
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try Interaction.markAsRead(
interactionId: targetInteractionId,
threadId: threadId,
includingOlder: true,
trySendReadReceipt: trySendReadReceipt
public func swapToThread(updatedThreadId: String) {
let oldestMessageId: Int64? = self.interactionData
.filter { $0.model == .messages }
self.threadId = updatedThreadId
self.observableThreadData = self.setupObservableThreadData(for: updatedThreadId)
self.pagedDataObserver = self.setupPagedObserver(
for: updatedThreadId,
userPublicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
// Try load everything up to the initial visible message, fallback to just the initial page of messages
// if we don't have one
switch oldestMessageId {
case .some(let id): self.pagedDataObserver?.load(.untilInclusive(id: id, padding: 0))
case .none: self.pagedDataObserver?.load(.pageBefore)
public func trustContact() {
guard self.threadData.threadVariant == .contact else { return }
let threadId: String = self.threadId
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try Contact
.filter(id: threadId)
.updateAll(db, Contact.Columns.isTrusted.set(to: true))
// Start downloading any pending attachments for this contact (UI will automatically be
// updated due to the database observation)
try Attachment
.stateInfo(authorId: threadId, state: .pendingDownload)
.forEach { attachmentDownloadInfo in
job: Job(
variant: .attachmentDownload,
threadId: threadId,
interactionId: attachmentDownloadInfo.interactionId,
details: AttachmentDownloadJob.Details(
attachmentId: attachmentDownloadInfo.attachmentId
public func unblockContact() {
guard self.threadData.threadVariant == .contact else { return }
let threadId: String = self.threadId
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try Contact
.filter(id: threadId)
.updateAll(db, Contact.Columns.isBlocked.set(to: false))
try MessageSender
.syncConfiguration(db, forceSyncNow: true)
// MARK: - Audio Playback
public struct PlaybackInfo {
let state: AudioPlaybackState
let progress: TimeInterval
let playbackRate: Double
let oldPlaybackRate: Double
let updateCallback: (PlaybackInfo?, Error?) -> ()
public func with(
state: AudioPlaybackState? = nil,
progress: TimeInterval? = nil,
playbackRate: Double? = nil,
updateCallback: ((PlaybackInfo?, Error?) -> ())? = nil
) -> PlaybackInfo {
return PlaybackInfo(
state: (state ?? self.state),
progress: (progress ?? self.progress),
playbackRate: (playbackRate ?? self.playbackRate),
oldPlaybackRate: self.playbackRate,
updateCallback: (updateCallback ?? self.updateCallback)
private var audioPlayer: Atomic<OWSAudioPlayer?> = Atomic(nil)
private var currentPlayingInteraction: Atomic<Int64?> = Atomic(nil)
private var playbackInfo: Atomic<[Int64: PlaybackInfo]> = Atomic([:])
public func playbackInfo(for viewModel: MessageViewModel, updateCallback: ((PlaybackInfo?, Error?) -> ())? = nil) -> PlaybackInfo? {
// Use the existing info if it already exists (update it's callback if provided as that means
// the cell was reloaded)
if let currentPlaybackInfo: PlaybackInfo = playbackInfo.wrappedValue[] {
let updatedPlaybackInfo: PlaybackInfo = currentPlaybackInfo
.with(updateCallback: updateCallback)
playbackInfo.mutate { $0[] = updatedPlaybackInfo }
return updatedPlaybackInfo
// Validate the item is a valid audio item
let updateCallback: ((PlaybackInfo?, Error?) -> ()) = updateCallback,
let attachment: Attachment = viewModel.attachments?.first,
let originalFilePath: String = attachment.originalFilePath,
FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: originalFilePath)
else { return nil }
// Create the info with the update callback
let newPlaybackInfo: PlaybackInfo = PlaybackInfo(
state: .stopped,
progress: 0,
playbackRate: 1,
oldPlaybackRate: 1,
updateCallback: updateCallback
// Cache the info
playbackInfo.mutate { $0[] = newPlaybackInfo }
return newPlaybackInfo
public func playOrPauseAudio(for viewModel: MessageViewModel) {
let attachment: Attachment = viewModel.attachments?.first,
let originalFilePath: String = attachment.originalFilePath,
FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: originalFilePath)
else { return }
// If the user interacted with the currently playing item
guard currentPlayingInteraction.wrappedValue != else {
let currentPlaybackInfo: PlaybackInfo? = playbackInfo.wrappedValue[]
let updatedPlaybackInfo: PlaybackInfo? = currentPlaybackInfo?
state: (currentPlaybackInfo?.state != .playing ? .playing : .paused),
playbackRate: 1
audioPlayer.wrappedValue?.playbackRate = 1
switch currentPlaybackInfo?.state {
case .playing: audioPlayer.wrappedValue?.pause()
default: audioPlayer.wrappedValue?.play()
// Update the state and then update the UI with the updated state
playbackInfo.mutate { $0[] = updatedPlaybackInfo }
updatedPlaybackInfo?.updateCallback(updatedPlaybackInfo, nil)
// First stop any existing audio
// Then setup the state for the new audio
currentPlayingInteraction.mutate { $0 = }
audioPlayer.mutate { [weak self] player in
// Note: We clear the delegate and explicitly set to nil here as when the OWSAudioPlayer
// gets deallocated it triggers state changes which cause UI bugs when auto-playing
player?.delegate = nil
player = nil
let audioPlayer: OWSAudioPlayer = OWSAudioPlayer(
mediaUrl: URL(fileURLWithPath: originalFilePath),
audioBehavior: .audioMessagePlayback,
delegate: self
audioPlayer.setCurrentTime(playbackInfo.wrappedValue[]?.progress ?? 0)
player = audioPlayer
public func speedUpAudio(for viewModel: MessageViewModel) {
// If we aren't playing the specified item then just start playing it
guard == currentPlayingInteraction.wrappedValue else {
playOrPauseAudio(for: viewModel)
let updatedPlaybackInfo: PlaybackInfo? = playbackInfo.wrappedValue[]?
.with(playbackRate: 1.5)
// Speed up the audio player
audioPlayer.wrappedValue?.playbackRate = 1.5
playbackInfo.mutate { $0[] = updatedPlaybackInfo }
updatedPlaybackInfo?.updateCallback(updatedPlaybackInfo, nil)
public func stopAudio() {
currentPlayingInteraction.mutate { $0 = nil }
audioPlayer.mutate {
// Note: We clear the delegate and explicitly set to nil here as when the OWSAudioPlayer
// gets deallocated it triggers state changes which cause UI bugs when auto-playing
$0?.delegate = nil
$0 = nil
// MARK: - OWSAudioPlayerDelegate
public func audioPlaybackState() -> AudioPlaybackState {
guard let interactionId: Int64 = currentPlayingInteraction.wrappedValue else { return .stopped }
return (playbackInfo.wrappedValue[interactionId]?.state ?? .stopped)
public func setAudioPlaybackState(_ state: AudioPlaybackState) {
guard let interactionId: Int64 = currentPlayingInteraction.wrappedValue else { return }
let updatedPlaybackInfo: PlaybackInfo? = playbackInfo.wrappedValue[interactionId]?
.with(state: state)
playbackInfo.mutate { $0[interactionId] = updatedPlaybackInfo }
updatedPlaybackInfo?.updateCallback(updatedPlaybackInfo, nil)
public func setAudioProgress(_ progress: CGFloat, duration: CGFloat) {
guard let interactionId: Int64 = currentPlayingInteraction.wrappedValue else { return }
let updatedPlaybackInfo: PlaybackInfo? = playbackInfo.wrappedValue[interactionId]?
.with(progress: TimeInterval(progress))
playbackInfo.mutate { $0[interactionId] = updatedPlaybackInfo }
updatedPlaybackInfo?.updateCallback(updatedPlaybackInfo, nil)
public func audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying(_ player: OWSAudioPlayer, successfully: Bool) {
guard let interactionId: Int64 = currentPlayingInteraction.wrappedValue else { return }
guard successfully else { return }
let updatedPlaybackInfo: PlaybackInfo? = playbackInfo.wrappedValue[interactionId]?
state: .stopped,
progress: 0,
playbackRate: 1
// Safe the changes and send one final update to the UI
playbackInfo.mutate { $0[interactionId] = updatedPlaybackInfo }
updatedPlaybackInfo?.updateCallback(updatedPlaybackInfo, nil)
// Clear out the currently playing record
currentPlayingInteraction.mutate { $0 = nil }
audioPlayer.mutate {
// Note: We clear the delegate and explicitly set to nil here as when the OWSAudioPlayer
// gets deallocated it triggers state changes which cause UI bugs when auto-playing
$0?.delegate = nil
$0 = nil
// If the next interaction is another voice message then autoplay it
let messageSection: SectionModel = self.interactionData
.first(where: { $0.model == .messages }),
let currentIndex: Int = messageSection.elements
.firstIndex(where: { $ == interactionId }),
currentIndex < (messageSection.elements.count - 1),
messageSection.elements[currentIndex + 1].cellType == .audio,
Storage.shared[.shouldAutoPlayConsecutiveAudioMessages] == true
else { return }
let nextItem: MessageViewModel = messageSection.elements[currentIndex + 1]
playOrPauseAudio(for: nextItem)
public func showInvalidAudioFileAlert() {
guard let interactionId: Int64 = currentPlayingInteraction.wrappedValue else { return }
let updatedPlaybackInfo: PlaybackInfo? = playbackInfo.wrappedValue[interactionId]?
state: .stopped,
progress: 0,
playbackRate: 1
currentPlayingInteraction.mutate { $0 = nil }
playbackInfo.mutate { $0[interactionId] = updatedPlaybackInfo }
updatedPlaybackInfo?.updateCallback(updatedPlaybackInfo, AttachmentError.invalidData)