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session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender+Convenience.s...

169 lines
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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import PromiseKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
extension MessageSender {
// MARK: Durable
public static func send(_ db: Database, interaction: Interaction, with attachments: [SignalAttachment], in thread: SessionThread) throws {
guard let interactionId: Int64 = else { throw GRDBStorageError.objectNotSaved }
// TODO: Is the 'prep' method needed anymore?
// prep(db, attachments, for: message)
try send(
message: VisibleMessage.from(db, interaction: interaction),
interactionId: interactionId,
in: thread
public static func send(_ db: Database, interaction: Interaction, in thread: SessionThread) throws {
guard let interactionId: Int64 = else { throw GRDBStorageError.objectNotSaved }
return try send(db, message: VisibleMessage.from(db, interaction: interaction), interactionId: interactionId, in: thread)
public static func send(_ db: Database, message: Message, interactionId: Int64?, in thread: SessionThread) throws {
job: Job(
variant: .messageSend,
interactionId: interactionId,
details: MessageSendJob.Details(
destination: try Message.Destination.from(db, thread: thread),
message: message
public static func sendNonDurably(_ db: Database, interaction: Interaction, in thread: SessionThread) -> Promise<Void> {
guard let interactionId: Int64 = else {
return Promise(error: GRDBStorageError.objectNotSaved)
let openGroup: OpenGroup? = try? thread.openGroup.fetchOne(db)
let attachmentStateInfo: [Attachment.StateInfo] = (try? Attachment
.stateInfo(interactionId: interactionId, state: .pending)
.defaulting(to: [])
let attachmentUploadPromises: [Promise<Void>] = (try? Attachment
.filter(ids: { $0.attachmentId })
.defaulting(to: [])
.map { attachment -> Promise<Void> in
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
using: { data in
if let openGroup: OpenGroup = openGroup {
return OpenGroupAPIV2.upload(data, to:, on: openGroup.server)
return FileServerAPIV2.upload(data)
encrypt: (openGroup == nil),
success: { seal.fulfill(()) },
failure: { seal.reject($0) }
return promise
return when(resolved: attachmentUploadPromises)
.then(on: .userInitiated)) { results -> Promise<Void> in
let errors = results
.compactMap { result -> Swift.Error? in
if case .rejected(let error) = result { return error }
return nil
if let error = errors.first { return Promise(error: error) }
return sendNonDurably(db, interaction: interaction, in: thread)
public static func sendNonDurably(_ db: Database, _ message: VisibleMessage, with attachmentIds: [String], in thread: TSThread) -> Promise<Void> {
public static func sendNonDurably(_ db: Database, message: Message, interactionId: Int64?, in thread: SessionThread) throws -> Promise<Void> {
return try MessageSender.send(
message: message,
to: try Message.Destination.from(db, thread: thread),
interactionId: interactionId
public static func sendNonDurably(_ message: VisibleMessage, with attachments: [SignalAttachment], in thread: TSThread) -> Promise<Void> {
public static func sendNonDurably(_ db: Database, message: Message, interactionId: Int64?, to destination: Message.Destination) throws -> Promise<Void> {
return try MessageSender.send(
message: message,
to: destination,
interactionId: interactionId
/// This method requires the `db` value to be passed in because if it's called within a `writeAsync` completion block
/// it will throw a "re-entrant" fatal error when attempting to write again
public static func syncConfiguration(_ db: Database, forceSyncNow: Bool = true) throws -> Promise<Void> {
// If we don't have a userKeyPair yet then there is no need to sync the configuration
// as the user doesn't exist yet (this will get triggered on the first launch of a
// fresh install due to the migrations getting run)
guard Identity.userExists(db) else {
return Promise(error: GRDBStorageError.generic)
let destination: Message.Destination =
publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
let configurationMessage = try ConfigurationMessage.getCurrent(db)
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
if forceSyncNow {
try MessageSender
.send(db, message: configurationMessage, to: destination, interactionId: nil)
.done { seal.fulfill(()) }
.catch { _ in seal.reject(GRDBStorageError.generic) }
else {
job: Job(
variant: .messageSend,
details: MessageSendJob.Details(
destination: destination,
message: configurationMessage
return promise
extension MessageSender {
public static func objc_forceSyncConfigurationNow() {
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
try syncConfiguration(db, forceSyncNow: true).retainUntilComplete()