remove brackets from recipient numbers as not allowed for dialing

Closes #3450
Stefan Seide 9 years ago committed by Moxie Marlinspike
parent 750e25388f
commit e808ae0ddc

@ -91,6 +91,12 @@ public class SmsSendJob extends SendJob {
ArrayList<PendingIntent> deliveredIntents = constructDeliveredIntents(message.getId(), message.getType(), messages);
String recipient = message.getIndividualRecipient().getNumber();
// remove characters for visible number formatting - they break sending sms on some phones (issue #1516)
// stripSeparator() to rigid? what will people try to send here? - see discussion on #3099
//recipient = PhoneNumberUtils.stripSeparators(recipient);
// minimum required to fix the issue - brackets are no dialable chars...
recipient = recipient.replaceAll("[\\(\\)]", "");
// NOTE 11/04/14 -- There's apparently a bug where for some unknown recipients
// and messages, this will throw an NPE. We have no idea why, so we're just
// catching it and marking the message as a failure. That way at least it doesn't
