Only update display name from received message if the user is not one of our devices.

Mikunj 5 years ago
parent 8c2d075147
commit dc40ff0548

@ -311,13 +311,17 @@ public class PushDecryptJob extends BaseJob implements InjectableType {
// Loki - Store the sender display name if needed
Optional<String> rawSenderDisplayName = content.senderDisplayName;
if (rawSenderDisplayName.isPresent() && rawSenderDisplayName.get().length() > 0) {
setDisplayName(envelope.getSource(), rawSenderDisplayName.get());
// If we got a name from our primary device then we also set that
// If we got a name from our primary device then we set our profile name to match it
String ourPrimaryDevice = TextSecurePreferences.getMasterHexEncodedPublicKey(context);
if (ourPrimaryDevice != null && envelope.getSource().equals(ourPrimaryDevice)) {
TextSecurePreferences.setProfileName(context, rawSenderDisplayName.get());
// If we receive a message from our device then don't set the display name in the database (as we probably have a alias set for them)
MultiDeviceUtilities.isOneOfOurDevices(context, Address.fromSerialized(content.getSender())).success(isOneOfOurDevice -> {
if (!isOneOfOurDevice) { setDisplayName(envelope.getSource(), rawSenderDisplayName.get()); }
return Unit.INSTANCE;
// TODO: Deleting the display name
