fix: messages now filter properly for explicit group update messages

Jubb 3 years ago
parent 069719d568
commit a44a79e59f

@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ object ClosedGroupsProtocolV2 {
val groupDB = DatabaseFactory.getGroupDatabase(context)
val groupID = doubleEncodeGroupID(groupPublicKey)
val group = groupDB.getGroup(groupID).orNull()
val updatedMembers = { it.serialize() }.toSet() - userPublicKey
val admins = { it.serialize() }
val name = group.title
val sentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (group == null) {
Log.d("Loki", "Can't leave nonexistent closed group.")
@ -114,6 +117,10 @@ object ClosedGroupsProtocolV2 {
val job = ClosedGroupUpdateMessageSendJobV2(groupPublicKey, ClosedGroupUpdateMessageSendJobV2.Kind.Leave, sentTime)
job.onRun() // Run the job immediately
// Notify the user
val infoType = GroupContext.Type.QUIT
val threadID = DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).getOrCreateThreadIdFor(Recipient.from(context, Address.fromSerialized(groupID), false))
insertOutgoingInfoMessage(context, groupID, infoType, name, updatedMembers, admins, threadID, sentTime)
// Remove the group private key and unsubscribe from PNs
disableLocalGroupAndUnsubscribe(context, apiDB, groupPublicKey, groupDB, groupID, userPublicKey)
@ -153,6 +160,10 @@ object ClosedGroupsProtocolV2 {
val job = ClosedGroupUpdateMessageSendJobV2(groupPublicKey, memberUpdateKind, sentTime)
job.onRun() // Run the job immediately
// Notify the user
val infoType = GroupContext.Type.UPDATE
val threadID = DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).getOrCreateThreadIdFor(Recipient.from(context, Address.fromSerialized(groupID), false))
insertOutgoingInfoMessage(context, groupID, infoType, name, updatedMembers, admins, threadID, sentTime)
// Send closed group update messages to any new members individually
for (member in membersToAdd) {
@ -191,11 +202,16 @@ object ClosedGroupsProtocolV2 {
Log.d("Loki", "Can't remove admin from closed group unless the group is destroyed entirely.")
return@task Error.InvalidUpdate
val name = group.title
// Send the update to the group
val memberUpdateKind = ClosedGroupUpdateMessageSendJobV2.Kind.RemoveMembers(removeMembersAsData)
val job = ClosedGroupUpdateMessageSendJobV2(groupPublicKey, memberUpdateKind, sentTime)
job.onRun() // Run the job immediately
// Notify the user
val infoType = GroupContext.Type.UPDATE
val threadID = DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).getOrCreateThreadIdFor(Recipient.from(context, Address.fromSerialized(groupID), false))
insertOutgoingInfoMessage(context, groupID, infoType, name, updatedMembers, admins, threadID, sentTime)
val isCurrentUserAdmin = admins.contains(userPublicKey)
if (isCurrentUserAdmin) {
generateAndSendNewEncryptionKeyPair(context, groupPublicKey, updatedMembers)
@ -223,6 +239,10 @@ object ClosedGroupsProtocolV2 {
val job = ClosedGroupUpdateMessageSendJobV2(groupPublicKey, kind, sentTime)
job.onRun() // Run the job immediately
// Notify the user
val infoType = GroupContext.Type.UPDATE
val threadID = DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).getOrCreateThreadIdFor(Recipient.from(context, Address.fromSerialized(groupID), false))
insertOutgoingInfoMessage(context, groupID, infoType, newName, members, admins, threadID, sentTime)
// Update the group
groupDB.updateTitle(groupID, newName)
@ -753,6 +773,7 @@ object ClosedGroupsProtocolV2 {
private fun insertOutgoingInfoMessage(context: Context, groupID: String, type: GroupContext.Type, name: String,
members: Collection<String>, admins: Collection<String>, threadID: Long,
sentTime: Long) {
val userPublicKey = TextSecurePreferences.getLocalNumber(context)
val recipient = Recipient.from(context, Address.fromSerialized(groupID), false)
val groupContextBuilder = GroupContext.newBuilder()
@ -760,8 +781,10 @@ object ClosedGroupsProtocolV2 {
val infoMessage = OutgoingGroupMediaMessage(recipient,, null, 0, null, listOf(), listOf())
val infoMessage = OutgoingGroupMediaMessage(recipient,, null, sentTime, 0, null, listOf(), listOf())
val mmsDB = DatabaseFactory.getMmsDatabase(context)
val mmsSmsDB = DatabaseFactory.getMmsSmsDatabase(context)
if (mmsSmsDB.getMessageFor(sentTime,userPublicKey) != null) return
val infoMessageID = mmsDB.insertMessageOutbox(infoMessage, threadID, false, null, sentTime)
mmsDB.markAsSent(infoMessageID, true)

@ -44,10 +44,27 @@ public class OutgoingGroupMediaMessage extends OutgoingSecureMediaMessage {
@Nullable QuoteModel quote,
@NonNull List<Contact> contacts,
@NonNull List<LinkPreview> previews)
super(recipient, Base64.encodeBytes(group.toByteArray()),
new LinkedList<Attachment>() {{if (avatar != null) add(avatar);}},
ThreadDatabase.DistributionTypes.CONVERSATION, expireIn, quote, contacts, previews); = group;
public OutgoingGroupMediaMessage(@NonNull Recipient recipient,
@NonNull GroupContext group,
@Nullable final Attachment avatar,
long sentTime,
long expireIn,
@Nullable QuoteModel quote,
@NonNull List<Contact> contacts,
@NonNull List<LinkPreview> previews)
super(recipient, Base64.encodeBytes(group.toByteArray()),
new LinkedList<Attachment>() {{if (avatar != null) add(avatar);}},
ThreadDatabase.DistributionTypes.CONVERSATION, expireIn, quote, contacts, previews); = group;
