You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1850 lines
51 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019, The Garble Authors.
// See LICENSE for licensing information.
package main
import (
mathrand "math/rand"
var (
flagSet = flag.NewFlagSet("garble", flag.ContinueOnError)
version = "(devel)" // to match the default from runtime/debug
var (
flagGarbleLiterals bool
flagGarbleTiny bool
flagDebugDir string
flagSeed string
func init() {
flagSet.Usage = usage
flagSet.BoolVar(&flagGarbleLiterals, "literals", false, "Obfuscate literals such as strings")
flagSet.BoolVar(&flagGarbleTiny, "tiny", false, "Optimize for binary size, losing some ability to reverse the process")
flagSet.StringVar(&flagDebugDir, "debugdir", "", "Write the obfuscated source to a directory, e.g. -debugdir=out")
flagSet.StringVar(&flagSeed, "seed", "", "Provide a base64-encoded seed, e.g. -seed=o9WDTZ4CN4w\nFor a random seed, provide -seed=random")
func usage() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `
Garble obfuscates Go code by wrapping the Go toolchain.
garble [garble flags] command [go flags] [go arguments]
For example, to build an obfuscated program:
garble build ./cmd/foo
Similarly, to combine garble flags and Go build flags:
garble -literals build -tags=purego ./cmd/foo
The following commands are supported:
build replace "go build"
test replace "go test"
version print Garble version
reverse de-obfuscate output such as stack traces
To learn more about a command, run "garble help <command>".
garble accepts the following flags before a command:
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `
For more information, see
func main() { os.Exit(main1()) }
var (
fset = token.NewFileSet()
sharedTempDir = os.Getenv("GARBLE_SHARED")
// origImporter is a go/types importer which uses the original versions
// of packages, without any obfuscation. This is helpful to make
// decisions on how to obfuscate our input code.
origImporter = importerWithMap(importer.ForCompiler(fset, "gc", func(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
pkg, err := listPackage(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return os.Open(pkg.Export)
// Basic information about the package being currently compiled or linked.
curPkg *listedPackage
// These are pulled from -importcfg in the current obfuscated build.
// As such, they contain export data for the dependencies which might be
// themselves obfuscated, depending on GOPRIVATE.
importCfgEntries map[string]*importCfgEntry
garbledImporter = importer.ForCompiler(fset, "gc", func(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return os.Open(importCfgEntries[path].packagefile)
opts *flagOptions
type importerWithMap func(path, dir string, mode types.ImportMode) (*types.Package, error)
func (fn importerWithMap) Import(path string) (*types.Package, error) {
panic("should never be called")
func (fn importerWithMap) ImportFrom(path, dir string, mode types.ImportMode) (*types.Package, error) {
if path2 := curPkg.ImportMap[path]; path2 != "" {
path = path2
return fn(path, dir, mode)
func obfuscatedTypesPackage(path string) *types.Package {
if path == curPkg.ImportPath {
panic("called obfuscatedTypesPackage on the current package?")
entry, ok := importCfgEntries[path]
if !ok {
// Handle the case where the name is defined in an indirectly
// imported package. Since only direct imports show up in our
// importcfg, importCfgEntries will not initially contain the
// package path we want.
// This edge case can happen, for example, if package A imports
// package B and calls its API, and B's API returns C's struct.
// Suddenly, A can use struct field names defined in C, even
// though A never directly imports C.
// Another edge case is if A uses C's named type via a type
// alias in B.
// For this rare case, for now, do an extra "go list -toolexec"
// call to retrieve its export path.
// TODO: Think about ways to avoid this extra exec call. Perhaps
// avoid relying on importcfg to know whether an imported name
// was obfuscated. Or perhaps record indirect importcfg entries
// somehow.
goArgs := []string{
"-toolexec=" + cache.ExecPath,
goArgs = append(goArgs, cache.BuildFlags...)
goArgs = append(goArgs, path)
cmd := exec.Command("go", goArgs...)
cmd.Dir = opts.GarbleDir
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
if err := err.(*exec.ExitError); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s", err, err.Stderr))
var pkg listedPackage
if err := json.Unmarshal(out, &pkg); err != nil {
panic(err) // shouldn't happen
if pkg.ImportPath != path {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected path: %q vs %q", pkg.ImportPath, path))
entry = &importCfgEntry{
packagefile: pkg.Export,
// Adding it to buildInfo.imports allows us to reuse the
// "if" branch below. Plus, if this edge case triggers
// multiple times in a single package compile, we can
// call "go list" once and cache its result.
importCfgEntries[path] = entry
if entry.cachedPkg != nil {
return entry.cachedPkg
pkg, err := garbledImporter.ImportFrom(path, opts.GarbleDir, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil
entry.cachedPkg = pkg // cache for later use
return pkg
type importCfgEntry struct {
packagefile string
cachedPkg *types.Package
func main1() int {
if err := flagSet.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {
return 2
log.SetPrefix("[garble] ")
args := flagSet.Args()
if len(args) < 1 {
return 2
if err := mainErr(args); err != nil {
if code, ok := err.(errJustExit); ok {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// If the build failed and a random seed was used,
// the failure might not reproduce with a different seed.
// Print it before we exit.
if flagSeed == "random" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "random seed: %s\n", base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(opts.Seed))
return 1
return 0
type errJustExit int
func (e errJustExit) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("exit: %d", e) }
func goVersionOK() bool {
const (
minGoVersionSemver = "v1.17.0"
suggestedGoVersion = "1.17.x"
rxVersion := regexp.MustCompile(`go\d+\.\d+(\.\d)?`)
version := rxVersion.FindString(cache.GoEnv.GOVERSION)
if version == "" {
// Go 1.15.x and older do not have GOVERSION yet.
// We could go the extra mile and fetch it via 'go version',
// but we'd have to error anyway.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Go version is too old; please upgrade to Go %s or a newer devel version\n", suggestedGoVersion)
return false
versionSemver := "v" + strings.TrimPrefix(version, "go")
if semver.Compare(versionSemver, minGoVersionSemver) < 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Go version %q is too old; please upgrade to Go %s\n", version, suggestedGoVersion)
return false
return true
func mainErr(args []string) error {
// If we recognize an argument, we're not running within -toolexec.
switch command, args := args[0], args[1:]; command {
case "help":
if hasHelpFlag(args) || len(args) > 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: garble help [command]\n")
return errJustExit(2)
if len(args) == 1 {
return mainErr([]string{args[0], "-h"})
return errJustExit(2)
case "version":
if hasHelpFlag(args) || len(args) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: garble version\n")
return errJustExit(2)
// don't overwrite the version if it was set by -ldflags=-X
if info, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo(); ok && version == "(devel)" {
mod := &info.Main
if mod.Replace != nil {
mod = mod.Replace
version = mod.Version
return nil
case "reverse":
return commandReverse(args)
case "build", "test":
cmd, err := toolexecCmd(command, args)
if err != nil {
return err
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
return cmd.Run()
if !filepath.IsAbs(args[0]) {
// -toolexec gives us an absolute path to the tool binary to
// run, so this is most likely misuse of garble by a user.
return fmt.Errorf("unknown command: %q", args[0])
// We're in a toolexec sub-process, not directly called by the user.
// Load the shared data and wrap the tool, like the compiler or linker.
if err := loadSharedCache(); err != nil {
return err
opts = &cache.Options
_, tool := filepath.Split(args[0])
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
tool = strings.TrimSuffix(tool, ".exe")
if len(args) == 2 && args[1] == "-V=full" {
return alterToolVersion(tool, args)
toolexecImportPath := os.Getenv("TOOLEXEC_IMPORTPATH")
curPkg = cache.ListedPackages[toolexecImportPath]
if curPkg == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("TOOLEXEC_IMPORTPATH not found in listed packages: %s", toolexecImportPath)
transform := transformFuncs[tool]
transformed := args[1:]
// log.Println(tool, transformed)
if transform != nil {
var err error
if transformed, err = transform(transformed); err != nil {
return err
cmd := exec.Command(args[0], transformed...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func hasHelpFlag(flags []string) bool {
for _, f := range flags {
switch f {
case "-h", "-help", "--help":
return true
return false
// toolexecCmd builds an *exec.Cmd which is set up for running "go <command>"
// with -toolexec=garble and the supplied arguments.
// Note that it uses and modifies global state; in general, it should only be
// called once from mainErr in the top-level garble process.
func toolexecCmd(command string, args []string) (*exec.Cmd, error) {
// Split the flags from the package arguments, since we'll need
// to run 'go list' on the same set of packages.
flags, args := splitFlagsFromArgs(args)
if hasHelpFlag(flags) {
out, _ := exec.Command("go", command, "-h").CombinedOutput()
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `
usage: garble [garble flags] %s [arguments]
This command wraps "go %s". Below is its help:
%s`[1:], command, command, out)
return nil, errJustExit(2)
if err := setFlagOptions(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Here is the only place we initialize the cache.
// The sub-processes will parse it from a shared gob file.
cache = &sharedCache{Options: *opts}
// Note that we also need to pass build flags to 'go list', such
// as -tags.
cache.BuildFlags, _ = filterBuildFlags(flags)
if command == "test" {
cache.BuildFlags = append(cache.BuildFlags, "-test")
if err := fetchGoEnv(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !goVersionOK() {
return nil, errJustExit(1)
var err error
cache.ExecPath, err = os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := setListedPackages(args); err != nil {
return nil, err
sharedTempDir, err = saveSharedCache()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
os.Setenv("GARBLE_SHARED", sharedTempDir)
defer os.Remove(sharedTempDir)
goArgs := []string{
"-toolexec=" + cache.ExecPath,
if flagDebugDir != "" {
// In case the user deletes the debug directory,
// and a previous build is cached,
// rebuild all packages to re-fill the debug dir.
goArgs = append(goArgs, "-a")
if command == "test" {
// vet is generally not useful on obfuscated code; keep it
// disabled by default.
goArgs = append(goArgs, "-vet=off")
goArgs = append(goArgs, flags...)
goArgs = append(goArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("go", goArgs...), nil
var transformFuncs = map[string]func([]string) (args []string, _ error){
"asm": transformAsm,
"compile": transformCompile,
"link": transformLink,
func transformAsm(args []string) ([]string, error) {
// If the current package isn't private, we have nothing to do.
if !curPkg.Private {
return args, nil
flags, paths := splitFlagsFromFiles(args, ".s")
// When assembling, the import path can make its way into the output
// object file.
if curPkg.Name != "main" && curPkg.Private {
flags = flagSetValue(flags, "-p", curPkg.obfuscatedImportPath())
flags = alterTrimpath(flags)
// We need to replace all function references with their obfuscated name
// counterparts.
// Luckily, all func names in Go assembly files are immediately followed
// by the unicode "middle dot", like:
// TEXT ·privateAdd(SB),$0-24
const middleDot = '·'
middleDotLen := utf8.RuneLen(middleDot)
newPaths := make([]string, 0, len(paths))
for _, path := range paths {
// Read the entire file into memory.
// If we find issues with large files, we can use bufio.
content, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Find all middle-dot names, and replace them.
remaining := content
var buf bytes.Buffer
for {
i := bytes.IndexRune(remaining, middleDot)
if i < 0 {
remaining = nil
// We want to replace "OP ·foo" and "OP $·foo",
// but not "OP somepkg·foo" just yet.
// "somepkg" is often runtime, syscall, etc.
// We don't obfuscate any of those for now.
// TODO: we'll likely need to deal with this
// when we start obfuscating the runtime.
// When we do, note that we can't hash with curPkg.
localName := false
if i >= 0 {
switch remaining[i-1] {
case ' ', '\t', '$':
localName = true
i += middleDotLen
remaining = remaining[i:]
// The name ends at the first rune which cannot be part
// of a Go identifier, such as a comma or space.
nameEnd := 0
for nameEnd < len(remaining) {
c, size := utf8.DecodeRune(remaining[nameEnd:])
if !unicode.IsLetter(c) && c != '_' && !unicode.IsDigit(c) {
nameEnd += size
name := string(remaining[:nameEnd])
remaining = remaining[nameEnd:]
if !localName {
newName := hashWith(curPkg.GarbleActionID, name)
// log.Printf("%q hashed with %x to %q", name, curPkg.GarbleActionID, newName)
// Uncomment for some quick debugging. Do not delete.
// if curPkg.Private {
// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n-- %s --\n%s", path, buf.Bytes())
// }
name := filepath.Base(path)
if path, err := writeTemp(name, buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
newPaths = append(newPaths, path)
return append(flags, newPaths...), nil
// writeTemp is a mix between os.CreateTemp and os.WriteFile, as it writes a
// named source file in sharedTempDir given an input buffer.
// Note that the file is created under a directory tree following curPkg's
// import path, mimicking how files are laid out in modules and GOROOT.
func writeTemp(name string, content []byte) (string, error) {
pkgDir := filepath.Join(sharedTempDir, filepath.FromSlash(curPkg.ImportPath))
if err := os.MkdirAll(pkgDir, 0o777); err != nil {
return "", err
dstPath := filepath.Join(pkgDir, name)
if err := os.WriteFile(dstPath, content, 0o666); err != nil {
return "", err
return dstPath, nil
func transformCompile(args []string) ([]string, error) {
var err error
flags, paths := splitFlagsFromFiles(args, ".go")
// We will force the linker to drop DWARF via -w, so don't spend time
// generating it.
flags = append(flags, "-dwarf=false")
for i, path := range paths {
if filepath.Base(path) == "_gomod_.go" {
// never include module info
paths = append(paths[:i], paths[i+1:]...)
var files []*ast.File
for _, path := range paths {
file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, path, nil, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
files = append(files, file)
tf := newTransformer()
if err := tf.typecheck(files); err != nil {
return nil, err
flags = alterTrimpath(flags)
newImportCfg, err := processImportCfg(flags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := loadKnownReflectAPIs(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := saveKnownReflectAPIs(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if runtimeAndDeps[curPkg.ImportPath] {
opts.GarbleLiterals = false
// Literal obfuscation uses math/rand, so seed it deterministically.
randSeed := opts.Seed
if len(randSeed) == 0 {
randSeed = curPkg.GarbleActionID
// log.Printf("seeding math/rand with %x\n", randSeed)
// log.Println(flags)
// If this is a package to obfuscate, swap the -p flag with the new
// package path.
newPkgPath := ""
if curPkg.Name != "main" && curPkg.Private {
newPkgPath = curPkg.obfuscatedImportPath()
flags = flagSetValue(flags, "-p", newPkgPath)
newPaths := make([]string, 0, len(files))
for i, file := range files {
name := filepath.Base(paths[i])
if curPkg.ImportPath == "runtime" && opts.Tiny {
// strip unneeded runtime code
stripRuntime(name, file)
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "_cgo_") {
// Don't obfuscate cgo code, since it's generated and it gets messy.
} else {
file = tf.transformGo(file)
if newPkgPath != "" {
file.Name.Name = newPkgPath
src, err := printFile(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Uncomment for some quick debugging. Do not delete.
// if curPkg.Private {
// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n-- %s/%s --\n%s", curPkg.ImportPath, name, src)
// }
if path, err := writeTemp(name, src); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
newPaths = append(newPaths, path)
if opts.DebugDir != "" {
osPkgPath := filepath.FromSlash(curPkg.ImportPath)
pkgDebugDir := filepath.Join(opts.DebugDir, osPkgPath)
if err := os.MkdirAll(pkgDebugDir, 0o755); err != nil {
return nil, err
debugFilePath := filepath.Join(pkgDebugDir, name)
if err := os.WriteFile(debugFilePath, src, 0o666); err != nil {
return nil, err
flags = flagSetValue(flags, "-importcfg", newImportCfg)
return append(flags, newPaths...), nil
// handleDirectives looks at all the comments in a file containing build
// directives, and does the necessary for the obfuscation process to work.
// Right now, this means recording what local names are used with go:linkname,
// and rewriting those directives to use obfuscated name from other packages.
func (tf *transformer) handleDirectives(comments []*ast.CommentGroup) {
for _, group := range comments {
for _, comment := range group.List {
if !strings.HasPrefix(comment.Text, "//go:linkname ") {
fields := strings.Fields(comment.Text)
if len(fields) != 3 {
// TODO: the 2nd argument is optional, handle when it's not present
// This directive has two arguments: "go:linkname localName newName"
// obfuscate the local name, if the current package is obfuscated
if curPkg.Private {
fields[1] = hashWith(curPkg.GarbleActionID, fields[1])
// If the new name is of the form "pkgpath.Name", and
// we've obfuscated "Name" in that package, rewrite the
// directive to use the obfuscated name.
newName := fields[2]
dotCnt := strings.Count(newName, ".")
if dotCnt < 1 {
// probably a malformed linkname directive
// If the package path has multiple dots, split on the
// last one.
lastDotIdx := strings.LastIndex(newName, ".")
pkgPath, name := newName[:lastDotIdx], newName[lastDotIdx+1:]
lpkg, err := listPackage(pkgPath)
if err != nil {
// probably a made up symbol name, replace the comment
// in case the local name was obfuscated.
comment.Text = strings.Join(fields, " ")
if lpkg.Private {
// The name exists and was obfuscated; obfuscate
// the new name.
newName := hashWith(lpkg.GarbleActionID, name)
newPkgPath := pkgPath
if pkgPath != "main" {
newPkgPath = lpkg.obfuscatedImportPath()
fields[2] = newPkgPath + "." + newName
comment.Text = strings.Join(fields, " ")
// cannotObfuscate is a list of some packages the runtime depends on, or
// packages which the runtime points to via go:linkname.
// Once we support go:linkname well and once we can obfuscate the runtime
// package, this entire map can likely go away.
// TODO: investigate and resolve each one of these
var cannotObfuscate = map[string]bool{
// not a "real" package
"unsafe": true,
// some linkname failure
"time": true,
"runtime/pprof": true,
// all kinds of stuff breaks when obfuscating the runtime
"syscall": true,
"internal/abi": true,
// rebuilds don't work
"os/signal": true,
// cgo breaks otherwise
"runtime/cgo": true,
// garble reverse breaks otherwise
"runtime/debug": true,
// cgo heavy net doesn't like to be obfuscated
"net": true,
// some linkname failure
"crypto/x509/internal/macos": true,
// We can't obfuscate literals in the runtime and its dependencies,
// because obfuscated literals sometimes escape to heap,
// and that's not allowed in the runtime itself.
var runtimeAndDeps = map[string]bool{
"runtime": true,
"runtime/internal/sys": true,
"internal/cpu": true,
"runtime/internal/atomic": true,
// isPrivate checks if a package import path should be considered private,
// meaning that it should be obfuscated.
func isPrivate(path string) bool {
// We don't support obfuscating these yet.
if cannotObfuscate[path] || runtimeAndDeps[path] {
return false
// These are main packages, so we must always obfuscate them.
if path == "command-line-arguments" || strings.HasPrefix(path, "plugin/unnamed") {
return true
return module.MatchPrefixPatterns(cache.GoEnv.GOPRIVATE, path)
// processImportCfg initializes importCfgEntries via the supplied flags, and
// constructs a new importcfg with the obfuscated import paths changed as
// necessary.
func processImportCfg(flags []string) (newImportCfg string, _ error) {
importCfg := flagValue(flags, "-importcfg")
if importCfg == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not find -importcfg argument")
data, err := os.ReadFile(importCfg)
if err != nil {
return "", err
importCfgEntries = make(map[string]*importCfgEntry)
importMap := make(map[string]string)
for _, line := range strings.SplitAfter(string(data), "\n") {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
if line == "" || strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
i := strings.Index(line, " ")
if i < 0 {
verb := line[:i]
switch verb {
case "importmap":
args := strings.TrimSpace(line[i+1:])
j := strings.Index(args, "=")
if j < 0 {
beforePath, afterPath := args[:j], args[j+1:]
importMap[afterPath] = beforePath
case "packagefile":
args := strings.TrimSpace(line[i+1:])
j := strings.Index(args, "=")
if j < 0 {
importPath, objectPath := args[:j], args[j+1:]
impPkg := &importCfgEntry{packagefile: objectPath}
importCfgEntries[importPath] = impPkg
if otherPath, ok := importMap[importPath]; ok {
importCfgEntries[otherPath] = impPkg
// log.Printf("%#v", buildInfo)
// Produce the modified importcfg file.
// This is mainly replacing the obfuscated paths.
// Note that we range over maps, so this is non-deterministic, but that
// should not matter as the file is treated like a lookup table.
newCfg, err := os.CreateTemp(sharedTempDir, "importcfg")
if err != nil {
return "", err
for beforePath, afterPath := range importMap {
if isPrivate(afterPath) {
lpkg, err := listPackage(beforePath)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // shouldn't happen
// Note that beforePath is not the canonical path.
// For beforePath="vendor/foo", afterPath and
// lpkg.ImportPath can be just "foo".
// Don't use obfuscatedImportPath here.
beforePath = hashWith(lpkg.GarbleActionID, beforePath)
afterPath = lpkg.obfuscatedImportPath()
fmt.Fprintf(newCfg, "importmap %s=%s\n", beforePath, afterPath)
for impPath, pkg := range importCfgEntries {
if isPrivate(impPath) {
lpkg, err := listPackage(impPath)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // shouldn't happen
impPath = lpkg.obfuscatedImportPath()
fmt.Fprintf(newCfg, "packagefile %s=%s\n", impPath, pkg.packagefile)
// Uncomment to debug the transformed importcfg. Do not delete.
// newCfg.Seek(0, 0)
// io.Copy(os.Stderr, newCfg)
if err := newCfg.Close(); err != nil {
return "", err
return newCfg.Name(), nil
type (
funcFullName = string
reflectParameterPosition = int
// knownReflectAPIs is a static record of what std APIs use reflection on their
// parameters, so we can avoid obfuscating types used with them.
// TODO: we're not including fmt.Printf, as it would have many false positives,
// unless we were smart enough to detect which arguments get used as %#v or %T.
var knownReflectAPIs = map[funcFullName][]reflectParameterPosition{
"reflect.TypeOf": {0},
"reflect.ValueOf": {0},
// garbleExportFile returns an absolute path to a build cache entry
// which belongs to garble and corresponds to the given Go package.
// Unlike pkg.Export, it is only read and written by garble itself.
// Also unlike pkg.Export, it includes GarbleActionID,
// so its path will change if the obfuscated build changes.
// The purpose of such a file is to store garble-specific information
// in the build cache, to be reused at a later time.
// The file should have the same lifetime as pkg.Export,
// as it lives under the same cache directory that gets trimmed automatically.
func garbleExportFile(pkg *listedPackage) string {
trimmed := strings.TrimSuffix(pkg.Export, "-d")
if trimmed == pkg.Export {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected export path of %s: %q", pkg.ImportPath, pkg.Export))
return trimmed + "-garble-" + hashToString(pkg.GarbleActionID) + "-d"
func loadKnownReflectAPIs() error {
for _, path := range curPkg.Deps {
pkg, err := listPackage(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if pkg.Export == "" {
continue // nothing to load
// this function literal is used for the deferred close
err = func() error {
filename := garbleExportFile(pkg)
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
// Decode appends new entries to the existing map
if err := gob.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&knownReflectAPIs); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("gob decode: %w", err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func saveKnownReflectAPIs() error {
filename := garbleExportFile(curPkg)
f, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
if err := gob.NewEncoder(f).Encode(knownReflectAPIs); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("gob encode: %w", err)
return f.Close()
func (tf *transformer) findReflectFunctions(files []*ast.File) {
visitReflect := func(node ast.Node) {
funcDecl, ok := node.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok {
funcObj :=*types.Func)
var paramNames []string
for _, param := range funcDecl.Type.Params.List {
for _, name := range param.Names {
paramNames = append(paramNames, name.Name)
ast.Inspect(funcDecl, func(node ast.Node) bool {
call, ok := node.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok {
return true
sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
return true
fnType, _ :=*types.Func)
if fnType == nil || fnType.Pkg() == nil {
return true
fullName := fnType.FullName()
var identifiers []string
for _, argPos := range knownReflectAPIs[fullName] {
arg := call.Args[argPos]
ident, ok := arg.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
obj :=
if obj.Parent() == funcObj.Scope() {
identifiers = append(identifiers, ident.Name)
if identifiers == nil {
return true
var argumentPosReflect []int
for _, ident := range identifiers {
for paramPos, paramName := range paramNames {
if ident == paramName {
argumentPosReflect = append(argumentPosReflect, paramPos)
knownReflectAPIs[funcObj.FullName()] = argumentPosReflect
return true
lenPrevKnownReflectAPIs := len(knownReflectAPIs)
for _, file := range files {
for _, decl := range file.Decls {
// if a new reflectAPI is found we need to Re-evaluate all functions which might be using that API
if len(knownReflectAPIs) > lenPrevKnownReflectAPIs {
// prefillIgnoreObjects collects objects which should not be obfuscated,
// such as those used as arguments to reflect.TypeOf or reflect.ValueOf.
// Since we obfuscate one package at a time, we only detect those if the type
// definition and the reflect usage are both in the same package.
func (tf *transformer) prefillIgnoreObjects(files []*ast.File) {
tf.ignoreObjects = make(map[types.Object]bool)
visit := func(node ast.Node) bool {
if opts.GarbleLiterals {
literals.RecordUsedAsConstants(node,, tf.ignoreObjects)
call, ok := node.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok {
return true
ident, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
return true
ident = sel.Sel
fnType, _ :=*types.Func)
if fnType == nil || fnType.Pkg() == nil {
return true
fullName := fnType.FullName()
// log.Printf("%s: %s", fset.Position(node.Pos()), fullName)
for _, argPos := range knownReflectAPIs[fullName] {
arg := call.Args[argPos]
argType :=
tf.recordIgnore(argType, tf.pkg.Path())
return true
for _, file := range files {
for _, group := range file.Comments {
for _, comment := range group.List {
name := strings.TrimPrefix(comment.Text, "//export ")
if name == comment.Text {
name = strings.TrimSpace(name)
obj := tf.pkg.Scope().Lookup(name)
if obj == nil {
continue // not found; skip
tf.ignoreObjects[obj] = true
ast.Inspect(file, visit)
// transformer holds all the information and state necessary to obfuscate a
// single Go package.
type transformer struct {
// The type-checking results; the package itself, and the Info struct.
pkg *types.Package
info *types.Info
// ignoreObjects records all the objects we cannot obfuscate. An object
// is any named entity, such as a declared variable or type.
// This map is initialized by prefillIgnoreObjects at the start,
// and extra entries from dependencies are added by transformGo,
// for the sake of caching type lookups.
// So far, it records:
// * Types which are used for reflection.
// * Identifiers used in constant expressions.
// * Declarations exported via "//export".
// * Types or variables from external packages which were not obfuscated.
ignoreObjects map[types.Object]bool
// recordTypeDone helps avoid cycles in recordType.
recordTypeDone map[types.Type]bool
// fieldToStruct helps locate struct types from any of their field
// objects. Useful when obfuscating field names.
fieldToStruct map[*types.Var]*types.Struct
// fieldToAlias helps tell if an embedded struct field object is a type
// alias. Useful when obfuscating field names.
fieldToAlias map[*types.Var]*types.TypeName
// newTransformer helps initialize some maps.
func newTransformer() *transformer {
return &transformer{
info: &types.Info{
Types: make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue),
Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
recordTypeDone: make(map[types.Type]bool),
fieldToStruct: make(map[*types.Var]*types.Struct),
fieldToAlias: make(map[*types.Var]*types.TypeName),
func (tf *transformer) typecheck(files []*ast.File) error {
origTypesConfig := types.Config{Importer: origImporter}
pkg, err := origTypesConfig.Check(curPkg.ImportPath, fset, files,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("typecheck error: %v", err)
tf.pkg = pkg
// Run recordType on all types reachable via types.Info.
// A bit hacky, but I could not find an easier way to do this.
for _, obj := range {
if obj != nil {
for name, obj := range {
if obj != nil {
if obj, ok := obj.(*types.TypeName); ok && obj.IsAlias() {
vr, _ :=[name].(*types.Var)
if vr != nil {
tf.fieldToAlias[vr] = obj
for _, tv := range {
return nil
// recordType visits every reachable type after typechecking a package.
// Right now, all it does is fill the fieldToStruct field.
// Since types can be recursive, we need a map to avoid cycles.
func (tf *transformer) recordType(t types.Type) {
if tf.recordTypeDone[t] {
tf.recordTypeDone[t] = true
switch t := t.(type) {
case interface{ Elem() types.Type }:
case *types.Named:
strct, _ := t.(*types.Struct)
if strct == nil {
for i := 0; i < strct.NumFields(); i++ {
field := strct.Field(i)
tf.fieldToStruct[field] = strct
if field.Embedded() {
// transformGo obfuscates the provided Go syntax file.
func (tf *transformer) transformGo(file *ast.File) *ast.File {
if opts.GarbleLiterals {
file = literals.Obfuscate(file,, fset, tf.ignoreObjects)
pre := func(cursor *astutil.Cursor) bool {
node, ok := cursor.Node().(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
return true
if node.Name == "_" {
return true // unnamed remains unnamed
if strings.HasPrefix(node.Name, "_C") || strings.Contains(node.Name, "_cgo") {
return true // don't mess with cgo-generated code
obj :=
if obj == nil {
return true
pkg := obj.Pkg()
if vr, ok := obj.(*types.Var); ok && vr.Embedded() {
// The docs for ObjectOf say:
// If id is an embedded struct field, ObjectOf returns the
// field (*Var) it defines, not the type (*TypeName) it uses.
// If this embedded field is a type alias, we want to
// handle the alias's TypeName instead of treating it as
// the type the alias points to.
// Alternatively, if we don't have an alias, we want to
// use the embedded type, not the field.
if tname := tf.fieldToAlias[vr]; tname != nil {
if !tname.IsAlias() {
panic("fieldToAlias recorded a non-alias TypeName?")
obj = tname
} else {
named := namedType(obj.Type())
if named == nil {
return true // unnamed type (probably a basic type, e.g. int)
// If the field embeds an alias,
// and the field is declared in a dependency,
// fieldToAlias might not tell us about the alias.
// We lack the *ast.Ident for the field declaration,
// so we can't see it in types.Info.Uses.
// Instead, detect such a "foreign alias embed".
// If we embed a final named type,
// but the field name does not match its name,
// then it must have been done via an alias.
// We dig out the alias's TypeName via locateForeignAlias.
if named.Obj().Name() != node.Name {
tname := locateForeignAlias(vr.Pkg().Path(), node.Name)
tf.fieldToAlias[vr] = tname // to reuse it later
obj = tname
} else {
obj = named.Obj()
pkg = obj.Pkg()
if pkg == nil {
return true // universe scope
if pkg.Name() == "main" && obj.Exported() && obj.Parent() == pkg.Scope() {
// TODO: only do this when -buildmode is plugin? what
// about other -buildmode options?
return true // could be a Go plugin API
if pkg.Path() == "embed" {
// The Go compiler needs to detect types such as embed.FS.
// That will fail if we change the import path or type name.
// Leave it as is.
// Luckily, the embed package just declares the FS type.
return true
// We don't want to obfuscate this object.
if tf.ignoreObjects[obj] {
return true
path := pkg.Path()
lpkg, err := listPackage(path)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // shouldn't happen
if !lpkg.Private {
return true // only private packages are transformed
hashToUse := lpkg.GarbleActionID
// log.Printf("%s: %#v %T", fset.Position(node.Pos()), node, obj)
parentScope := obj.Parent()
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.Var:
if parentScope != nil && parentScope != pkg.Scope() {
// Identifiers of non-global variables never show up in the binary.
return true
if !obj.IsField() {
// Identifiers of global variables are always obfuscated.
// From this point on, we deal with struct fields.
// Fields don't get hashed with the package's action ID.
// They get hashed with the type of their parent struct.
// This is because one struct can be converted to another,
// as long as the underlying types are identical,
// even if the structs are defined in different packages.
// TODO: Consider only doing this for structs where all
// fields are exported. We only need this special case
// for cross-package conversions, which can't work if
// any field is unexported. If that is done, add a test
// that ensures unexported fields from different
// packages result in different obfuscated names.
strct := tf.fieldToStruct[obj]
if strct == nil {
panic("could not find for " + node.Name)
// TODO: We should probably strip field tags here.
// Do we need to do anything else to make a
// struct type "canonical"?
fieldsHash := []byte(strct.String())
hashToUse = addGarbleToHash(fieldsHash)
// If the struct of this field was not obfuscated, do not obfuscate
// any of that struct's fields.
parent, ok := cursor.Parent().(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
named := namedType(
if named == nil {
break // TODO(mvdan): add a test
if name := named.Obj().Name(); strings.HasPrefix(name, "_Ctype") {
// A field accessor on a cgo type, such as a C struct.
// We're not obfuscating cgo names.
return true
if path != curPkg.ImportPath {
obfPkg := obfuscatedTypesPackage(path)
if obfPkg.Scope().Lookup(named.Obj().Name()) != nil {
tf.recordIgnore(named, path)
return true
case *types.TypeName:
if parentScope != pkg.Scope() {
// Identifiers of non-global types never show up in the binary.
return true
// If the type was not obfuscated in the package were it was defined,
// do not obfuscate it here.
if path != curPkg.ImportPath {
named := namedType(obj.Type())
if named == nil {
break // TODO(mvdan): add a test
obfPkg := obfuscatedTypesPackage(path)
if obfPkg.Scope().Lookup(obj.Name()) != nil {
tf.recordIgnore(named, path)
return true
case *types.Func:
sign := obj.Type().(*types.Signature)
if obj.Exported() && sign.Recv() != nil {
return true // might implement an interface
switch node.Name {
case "main", "init", "TestMain":
return true // don't break them
if strings.HasPrefix(node.Name, "Test") && isTestSignature(sign) {
return true // don't break tests
return true // we only want to rename the above
origName := node.Name
_ = origName // used for debug prints below
node.Name = hashWith(hashToUse, node.Name)
// log.Printf("%q (%T) hashed with %x to %q", origName, obj, hashToUse, node.Name)
return true
post := func(cursor *astutil.Cursor) bool {
imp, ok := cursor.Node().(*ast.ImportSpec)
if !ok {
return true
path, err := strconv.Unquote(imp.Path.Value)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // should never happen
// We're importing an obfuscated package.
// Replace the import path with its obfuscated version.
// If the import was unnamed, give it the name of the
// original package name, to keep references working.
lpkg, err := listPackage(path)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // should never happen
if !lpkg.Private {
return true
newPath := lpkg.obfuscatedImportPath()
imp.Path.Value = strconv.Quote(newPath)
if imp.Name == nil {
imp.Name = &ast.Ident{Name: lpkg.Name}
return true
return astutil.Apply(file, pre, post).(*ast.File)
// locateForeignAlias finds the TypeName for an alias by the name aliasName,
// which must be declared in one of the dependencies of dependentImportPath.
func locateForeignAlias(dependentImportPath, aliasName string) *types.TypeName {
var found *types.TypeName
lpkg, err := listPackage(dependentImportPath)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // shouldn't happen
for _, importedPath := range lpkg.Imports {
pkg2, err := origImporter.ImportFrom(importedPath, opts.GarbleDir, 0)
if err != nil {
tname, ok := pkg2.Scope().Lookup(aliasName).(*types.TypeName)
if ok && tname.IsAlias() {
if found != nil {
// We assume that the alias is declared exactly
// once in the set of direct imports.
// This might not be the case, e.g. if two
// imports declare the same alias name.
// TODO: Think how we could solve that
// efficiently, if it happens in practice.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("found multiple TypeNames for %s", aliasName))
found = tname
if found == nil {
// This should never happen.
// If package A embeds an alias declared in a dependency,
// it must show up in the form of "B.Alias",
// so A must import B and B must declare "Alias".
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not find TypeName for %s", aliasName))
return found
// recordIgnore adds any named types (including fields) under typ to
// ignoreObjects.
// Only the names declared in package pkgPath are recorded. This is to ensure
// that reflection detection only happens within the package declaring a type.
// Detecting it in downstream packages could result in inconsistencies.
func (tf *transformer) recordIgnore(t types.Type, pkgPath string) {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Named:
obj := t.Obj()
if obj.Pkg() == nil || obj.Pkg().Path() != pkgPath {
return // not from the specified package
if tf.ignoreObjects[obj] {
return // prevent endless recursion
tf.ignoreObjects[obj] = true
// Record the underlying type, too.
tf.recordIgnore(t.Underlying(), pkgPath)
case *types.Struct:
for i := 0; i < t.NumFields(); i++ {
field := t.Field(i)
// This check is similar to the one in *types.Named.
// It's necessary for unnamed struct types,
// as they aren't named but still have named fields.
if field.Pkg() == nil || field.Pkg().Path() != pkgPath {
return // not from the specified package
// Record the field itself, too.
tf.ignoreObjects[field] = true
tf.recordIgnore(field.Type(), pkgPath)
case interface{ Elem() types.Type }:
// Get past pointers, slices, etc.
tf.recordIgnore(t.Elem(), pkgPath)
// named tries to obtain the *types.Named behind a type, if there is one.
// This is useful to obtain "testing.T" from "*testing.T", or to obtain the type
// declaration object from an embedded field.
func namedType(t types.Type) *types.Named {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Named:
return t
case interface{ Elem() types.Type }:
return namedType(t.Elem())
return nil
// isTestSignature returns true if the signature matches "func _(*testing.T)".
func isTestSignature(sign *types.Signature) bool {
if sign.Recv() != nil {
return false // test funcs don't have receivers
params := sign.Params()
if params.Len() != 1 {
return false // too many parameters for a test func
named := namedType(params.At(0).Type())
if named == nil {
return false // the only parameter isn't named, like "string"
obj := named.Obj()
return obj != nil && obj.Pkg().Path() == "testing" && obj.Name() == "T"
func transformLink(args []string) ([]string, error) {
// We can't split by the ".a" extension, because cached object files
// lack any extension.
flags, args := splitFlagsFromArgs(args)
newImportCfg, err := processImportCfg(flags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Make sure -X works with obfuscated identifiers.
// To cover both obfuscated and non-obfuscated names,
// duplicate each flag with a obfuscated version.
flagValueIter(flags, "-X", func(val string) {
// val is in the form of ""
i := strings.IndexByte(val, '=')
if i <= 0 {
name := val[:i]
str := val[i+1:]
j := strings.LastIndexByte(name, '.')
if j <= 0 {
pkg := name[:j]
name = name[j+1:]
// If the package path is "main", it's the current top-level
// package we are linking.
// Otherwise, find it in the cache.
lpkg := curPkg
if pkg != "main" {
lpkg = cache.ListedPackages[pkg]
if lpkg == nil {
// We couldn't find the package.
// Perhaps a typo, perhaps not part of the build.
// cmd/link ignores those, so we should too.
// As before, the main package must remain as "main".
newPkg := pkg
if pkg != "main" {
newPkg = lpkg.obfuscatedImportPath()
newName := hashWith(lpkg.GarbleActionID, name)
flags = append(flags, fmt.Sprintf("-X=%s.%s=%s", newPkg, newName, str))
// Starting in Go 1.17, Go's version is implicitly injected by the linker.
// It's the same method as -X, so we can override it with an extra flag.
flags = append(flags, "-X=runtime.buildVersion=unknown")
// Ensure we strip the -buildid flag, to not leak any build IDs for the
// link operation or the main package's compilation.
flags = flagSetValue(flags, "-buildid", "")
// Strip debug information and symbol tables.
flags = append(flags, "-w", "-s")
flags = flagSetValue(flags, "-importcfg", newImportCfg)
return append(flags, args...), nil
func splitFlagsFromArgs(all []string) (flags, args []string) {
for i := 0; i < len(all); i++ {
arg := all[i]
if !strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-") {
return all[:i:i], all[i:]
if booleanFlags[arg] || strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
// Either "-bool" or "-name=value".
// "-name value", so the next arg is part of this flag.
return all, nil
func alterTrimpath(flags []string) []string {
// If the value of -trimpath doesn't contain the separator ';', the 'go
// build' command is most likely not using '-trimpath'.
trimpath := flagValue(flags, "-trimpath")
// Add our temporary dir to the beginning of -trimpath, so that we don't
// leak temporary dirs. Needs to be at the beginning, since there may be
// shorter prefixes later in the list, such as $PWD if TMPDIR=$PWD/tmp.
return flagSetValue(flags, "-trimpath", sharedTempDir+"=>;"+trimpath)
// buildFlags is obtained from 'go help build' as of Go 1.17.
var buildFlags = map[string]bool{
"-a": true,
"-n": true,
"-p": true,
"-race": true,
"-msan": true,
"-v": true,
"-work": true,
"-x": true,
"-asmflags": true,
"-buildmode": true,
"-compiler": true,
"-gccgoflags": true,
"-gcflags": true,
"-installsuffix": true,
"-ldflags": true,
"-linkshared": true,
"-mod": true,
"-modcacherw": true,
"-modfile": true,
"-pkgdir": true,
"-tags": true,
"-trimpath": true,
"-toolexec": true,
"-overlay": true,
// booleanFlags is obtained from 'go help build' and 'go help testflag' as of Go 1.17.
var booleanFlags = map[string]bool{
// Shared build flags.
"-a": true,
"-i": true,
"-n": true,
"-v": true,
"-x": true,
"-race": true,
"-msan": true,
"-linkshared": true,
"-modcacherw": true,
"-trimpath": true,
// Test flags (TODO: support its special -args flag)
"-c": true,
"-json": true,
"-cover": true,
"-failfast": true,
"-short": true,
"-benchmem": true,
func filterBuildFlags(flags []string) (filtered []string, firstUnknown string) {
for i := 0; i < len(flags); i++ {
arg := flags[i]
name := arg
if i := strings.IndexByte(arg, '='); i > 0 {
name = arg[:i]
buildFlag := buildFlags[name]
if buildFlag {
filtered = append(filtered, arg)
} else {
firstUnknown = name
if booleanFlags[arg] || strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
// Either "-bool" or "-name=value".
// "-name value", so the next arg is part of this flag.
if i++; buildFlag && i < len(flags) {
filtered = append(filtered, flags[i])
return filtered, firstUnknown
// splitFlagsFromFiles splits args into a list of flag and file arguments. Since
// we can't rely on "--" being present, and we don't parse all flags upfront, we
// rely on finding the first argument that doesn't begin with "-" and that has
// the extension we expect for the list of paths.
// This function only makes sense for lower-level tool commands, such as
// "compile" or "link", since their arguments are predictable.
func splitFlagsFromFiles(all []string, ext string) (flags, paths []string) {
for i, arg := range all {
if !strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-") && strings.HasSuffix(arg, ext) {
return all[:i:i], all[i:]
return all, nil
// flagValue retrieves the value of a flag such as "-foo", from strings in the
// list of arguments like "-foo=bar" or "-foo" "bar". If the flag is repeated,
// the last value is returned.
func flagValue(flags []string, name string) string {
lastVal := ""
flagValueIter(flags, name, func(val string) {
lastVal = val
return lastVal
// flagValueIter retrieves all the values for a flag such as "-foo", like
// flagValue. The difference is that it allows handling complex flags, such as
// those whose values compose a list.
func flagValueIter(flags []string, name string, fn func(string)) {
for i, arg := range flags {
if val := strings.TrimPrefix(arg, name+"="); val != arg {
// -name=value
if arg == name { // -name ...
if i+1 < len(flags) {
// -name value
func flagSetValue(flags []string, name, value string) []string {
for i, arg := range flags {
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, name+"=") {
// -name=value
flags[i] = name + "=" + value
return flags
if arg == name { // -name ...
if i+1 < len(flags) {
// -name value
flags[i+1] = value
return flags
return flags
return append(flags, name+"="+value)
func fetchGoEnv() error {
out, err := exec.Command("go", "env", "-json",
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `Can't find Go toolchain: %v
This is likely due to go not being installed/setup correctly.
How to install Go:
`, err)
return errJustExit(1)
if err := json.Unmarshal(out, &cache.GoEnv); err != nil {
return err
// If GOPRIVATE isn't set and we're in a module, use its module
// path as a GOPRIVATE default. Include a _test variant too.
// TODO(mvdan): we shouldn't need the _test variant here,
// as the import path should not include it; only the package name.
if cache.GoEnv.GOPRIVATE == "" {
if mod, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cache.GoEnv.GOMOD); err == nil {
modpath := modfile.ModulePath(mod)
if modpath != "" {
cache.GoEnv.GOPRIVATE = modpath + "," + modpath + "_test"
return nil