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package ssa2ast
import (
const typesSrc = `package main
import (
type localNamed bool
type embedStruct struct {
type genericStruct[K comparable, V int64 | float64] struct {
type exampleStruct struct {
// *types.Array
array [3]int
array2 [0]int
// *types.Basic
bool // anonymous
string string "test:\"tag\""
int int
int8 int8
int16 int16
int32 int32
int64 int64
uint uint
uint8 uint8
uint16 uint16
uint32 uint32
uint64 uint64
uintptr uintptr
byte byte
rune rune
float32 float32
float64 float64
complex64 complex64
complex128 complex128
// *types.Chan
chanSendRecv chan struct{}
chanRecv <-chan struct{}
chanSend chan<- struct{}
// *types.Interface
interface1 interface{}
interface2 interface{ io.Reader }
interface3 interface{ Dummy(int) bool }
interface4 interface {
Dummy(int) bool
// *types.Map
strMap map[string]string
// *types.Named
localNamed localNamed
importedNamed time.Month
// *types.Pointer
pointer1 *string
pointer2 **string
// *types.Signature
func1 func(int, int) int
func2 func(a int, b int, varargs ...struct{ string }) (res int)
// *types.Slice
slice1 []int
slice2 [][]int
// generics
generic genericStruct[genericStruct[genericStruct[bool, int64], int64], int64]
func TestTypeToExpr(t *testing.T) {
f, _, info, _ := mustParseAndTypeCheckFile(typesSrc)
name, structAst := findStruct(f, "exampleStruct")
obj := info.Defs[name]
fc := &TypeConverter{resolver: defaultImportNameResolver}
convAst, err := fc.Convert(obj.Type().Underlying())
if err != nil {
structConvAst := convAst.(*ast.StructType)
if structDiff := cmp.Diff(structAst, structConvAst, astCmpOpt); structDiff != "" {
t.Fatalf("struct not equals: %s", structDiff)