You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

234 lines
5.4 KiB

env GOPRIVATE=test/main
# Generate and write random literals into a separate file
generate-literals extraLiterals.go 100 printExtraLiterals
go build
exec ./main$exe
binsubstr main$exe 'Lorem' 'dolor' 'second assign' 'First Line' 'Second Line' 'map value' 'to obfuscate' 'also obfuscate' 'stringTypeField String'
cp stderr normal.stderr
garble -literals build
exec ./main$exe
cmp stderr normal.stderr
binsubstr main$exe 'Skip this block' 'also skip this' 'skip typed const' 'skip typed var' 'skip typed var assign' 'stringTypeField strType' 'stringType lambda func return' 'testMap1 key' 'testMap2 key' 'testMap3 key' 'testMap1 value' 'testMap3 value' 'testMap1 new value' 'testMap3 new value' 'stringType func param' 'stringType return' 'skip untyped const'
! binsubstr main$exe 'garbleDecrypt' 'Lorem' 'dolor' 'first assign' 'second assign' 'First Line' 'Second Line' 'map value' 'to obfuscate' 'also obfuscate' 'stringTypeField String'
[short] stop # checking that the build is reproducible is slow
# Also check that the binary is reproducible.
cp main$exe main_old$exe
rm main$exe
garble -literals build
bincmp main$exe main_old$exe
# Also check that the binary is different from previous builds.
rm main$exe
garble -literals -debugdir=.obf-src -seed=8J+Ri/Cfh6fwn4e+ build
! bincmp main$exe main_old$exe
exec ./main$exe
cmp stderr normal.stderr
# Check obfuscators
# Xor obfuscator. Detect a[i] = a[i] (^|-|+) b[i]
grep '^\s+\w+\[\w+\] = \w+\[\w+\] [\^\-+] \w+$' .obf-src/main/extraLiterals.go
# Swap obfuscator. Detect [...]byte|uint16|uint32|uint64{...}
grep '^\s+\w+ := \[\.{3}\](byte|uint16|uint32|uint64)\{[0-9\s,]+\}$' .obf-src/main/extraLiterals.go
# Split obfuscator. Detect decryptKey ^= i * counter
grep '^\s+\w+ \^= \w+ \* \w+$' .obf-src/main/extraLiterals.go
# XorShuffle obfuscator. Detect data = append(data, x (^|-|+) y...)
grep '^\s+\w+ = append\(\w+,(\s+\w+\[\d+\][\^\-+]\w+\[\d+\],?)+\)$' .obf-src/main/extraLiterals.go
# XorSeed obfuscator. Detect type decFunc func(byte) decFunc
grep '^\s+type \w+ func\(byte\) \w+$' .obf-src/main/extraLiterals.go
-- go.mod --
module test/main
-- main.go --
package main
type strucTest struct {
field string
anotherfield string
const (
cnst string = "Lorem"
multiline string = `First Line
Second Line`
const (
i = 1
boolean = true
skip1 = "Skip this block"
const (
foo = iota
skip2 = "also skip this"
const arrayLen = 4
var array [arrayLen]byte
type typeAlias [arrayLen]byte
func main() {
empty := ""
localVar := "dolor"
reassign := "first assign"
reassign = "second assign"
add := "total" + " string"
println(cnst, boolean)
println(multiline, add)
x := strucTest{
field: "to obfuscate",
anotherfield: "also obfuscate",
lambda := func() string {
return "😅 😅"
println(x.field, x.anotherfield)
testMap := map[string]string{"map key": "map value"}
testMap["map key"] = "new value"
println(testMap["map key"])
println("another literal")
println(skip1, skip2)
println(i, foo, bar)
type stringType string
type stringTypeStruct struct {
str string
strType stringType
// typedTest types defined from string broke previously
func typedTest() {
const skipUntypedConst = "skip untyped const"
const skipTypedConst stringType = "skip typed const" // skip
var skipTypedVar stringType = "skip typed var" // skip
var skipTypedVarAssign stringType
skipTypedVarAssign = "skip typed var assign" // skip
println(skipTypedConst, skipTypedVar, skipTypedVarAssign)
y := stringTypeStruct{
str: "stringTypeField String", // obfuscate
strType: "stringTypeField strType", // skip
println(y.str, y.strType)
z := func(s stringType) stringType {
return "stringType lambda func return" // skip
}("lambda call") // skip
testMap1 := map[string]stringType{"testMap1 key": "testMap1 value"} // skip
testMap1["testMap1 key"] = "testMap1 new value" // skip
testMap2 := map[stringType]string{"testMap2 key": "testMap2 value"} // skip key
testMap2["testMap2 key"] = "testMap2 new value" // skip key
testMap3 := map[stringType]stringType{"testMap3 key": "testMap3 value"} // skip
testMap3["testMap3 key"] = "testMap3 new value" // skip
println(stringTypeFunc("stringType func param")) // skip
// constantTest tests that string constants which need to be constant are skipped
func constantTest() {
const a = "foo" // skip
const length = len(a)
const b = "bar" // skip
type T [len(b)]byte
const c = "foo" // skip
var _ [len(c)]byte
const d = "foo" // skip
var arr = [5]string{len(d): "foo"}
for _, elm := range arr {
if elm != "" {
const e = "foo" // skip
var slice = []string{len(e): "foo"}
for _, elm := range slice {
if elm != "" {
const f = "foo" // skip
const i = length + len(f)
println(length, i)
func byteTest() {
a := []byte{12, 13}
for _, elm := range a {
print(elm, ", ")
var b = []byte{12, 13}
for _, elm := range b {
print(elm, ", ")
var c = [2]byte{12, 13}
for _, elm := range c {
print(elm, ", ")
d := func() [4]byte {
return [4]byte{12, 13}
for _, elm := range d {
print(elm, ", ")
func stringTypeFunc(s stringType) stringType {
return "stringType return" // skip