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env GOGARBLE=test/main
garble build
exec ./main
cmp stdout main.stdout
! binsubstr main$exe 'garble_main.go' 'test/main' 'importedpkg.' 'DownstreamObfuscated' 'SiblingObfuscated' 'IndirectObfuscated' 'IndirectNamedWithoutReflect' 'AliasIndirectNamedWithReflect' 'AliasIndirectNamedWithoutReflect' 'FmtTypeField'
binsubstr main$exe 'ReflectInDefined' 'ExportedField2' 'unexportedField2' 'IndirectUnobfuscated' 'IndirectNamedWithReflect'
[short] stop # no need to verify this with -short
# Check that the program works as expected without garble.
go build
exec ./main
cmp stdout main.stdout
-- go.mod --
module test/main
go 1.18
-- garble_main.go --
package main
import (
func main() {
// Fields still work fine when they are not obfuscated.
fmt.Println(importedpkg.ReflectInDefined{ExportedField2: 5})
// Type names are not obfuscated either, when reflection is used.
printfWithoutPackage("%T\n", importedpkg.ReflectTypeOf(2))
printfWithoutPackage("%T\n", importedpkg.ReflectTypeOfIndirect(4))
// More complex use of reflect.
v := importedpkg.ReflectValueOfVar
printfWithoutPackage("%#v\n", v)
method := reflect.ValueOf(&v).MethodByName("ExportedMethodName")
if method.IsValid() {
} else {
fmt.Println("method not found")
// Use of a common library using reflect, encoding/json.
enc, _ := json.Marshal(EncodingT{Foo: 3})
// Another common library, text/template.
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("").Parse("Hello {{.Name}}."))
_ = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, struct{Name string}{Name: "Dave"})
fmt.Println() // Always print a newline.
// Another complex case, involving embedding and another package.
outer := &importedpkg.EmbeddingOuter{}
outer.InnerField = 3
enc, _ = json.Marshal(outer)
// An edge case; the struct type is defined in a different package.
// Note that the struct type is unnamed, but it still has named fields.
// We only use reflection on it here, not the declaring package.
// As such, we should obfuscate the field name.
// Simply using the field name here used to cause build failures.
_ = reflect.TypeOf(importedpkg.UnnamedWithDownstreamReflect{})
fmt.Printf("%v\n", importedpkg.UnnamedWithDownstreamReflect{
DownstreamObfuscated: "downstream",
// An edge case; the struct type is defined in package importedpkg2.
// importedpkg2 does not use reflection on it, so it's not obfuscated there.
// importedpkg uses reflection on a type containing ReflectInSiblingImport.
// If our logic is incorrect, we might inconsistently obfuscate the type.
// We should not obfuscate it when building any package.
fmt.Printf("%v\n", importedpkg2.ReflectInSiblingImport{
SiblingObfuscated: "sibling",
// Using type aliases as both regular fields, and embedded fields.
var emb EmbeddingIndirect
emb.With.IndirectUnobfuscated = "indirect-with"
emb.With.DuplicateFieldName = 3
emb.Without.IndirectObfuscated = "indirect-without"
emb.Without.DuplicateFieldName = 4
fmt.Printf("%v\n", emb)
printfWithoutPackage("%#v\n", emb.With)
// TODO: don't obfuscate the embedded field name here
// printfWithoutPackage("%#v\n", importedpkg.ReflectEmbeddingAlias{})
// Variadic functions are a bit tricky as the number of parameters is variable.
// We want to notice indirect uses of reflection via all variadic arguments.
_ = importedpkg.VariadicReflect(0, 1, 2, 3)
_ = importedpkg.VariadicReflect(0)
variadic := VariadicReflection{ReflectionField: "variadic"}
_ = importedpkg.VariadicReflect("foo", 1, variadic, false)
printfWithoutPackage("%#v\n", variadic)
type EmbeddingIndirect struct {
// With field names, to test selectors above.
With importedpkg.AliasIndirectNamedWithReflect
Without importedpkg.AliasIndirectNamedWithoutReflect
// Embedding used to crash garble, too.
func printfWithoutPackage(format string, v any) {
s := fmt.Sprintf(format, v)
if _, without, found := strings.Cut(s, "."); found {
s = without
type EncodingT struct {
Foo int
type RecursiveStruct struct {
list []RecursiveStruct
// This could crash or hang if we don't deal with loops.
var _ = reflect.TypeOf(RecursiveStruct{})
type IndirectReflection struct {
ReflectionField string
func indirectReflection(v any) {
type VariadicReflection struct {
ReflectionField string
type FmtType struct {
FmtTypeField int
-- importedpkg/imported.go --
package importedpkg
import (
type ReflectTypeOf int
var _ = reflect.TypeOf(ReflectTypeOf(0))
type ReflectTypeOfIndirect int
var _ = reflect.TypeOf(new([]*ReflectTypeOfIndirect))
type ReflectValueOf struct {
ExportedField string
unexportedField string
func (r *ReflectValueOf) ExportedMethodName() string { return "method: " + r.ExportedField }
var ReflectValueOfVar = ReflectValueOf{ExportedField: "abc"}
var _ = reflect.TypeOf(ReflectValueOfVar)
type ReflectInDefined struct {
ExportedField2 int
unexportedField2 int
var ReflectInDefinedVar = ReflectInDefined{ExportedField2: 9000}
var _ = reflect.TypeOf(ReflectInDefinedVar)
var _ = reflect.TypeOf([]*struct{EmbeddingOuter}{})
type EmbeddingOuter struct {
Anon struct {
AnonField int
type EmbeddingInner struct {
InnerField int
type UnnamedWithDownstreamReflect = struct {
DownstreamObfuscated string
type (
AliasIndirectNamedWithReflect = indirect.IndirectNamedWithReflect
AliasIndirectNamedWithoutReflect = indirect.IndirectNamedWithoutReflect
var _ = reflect.TypeOf(ReflectEmbeddingAlias{})
type ReflectEmbeddingAlias struct {
type ReflectEmbeddedAlias = ReflectEmbeddingNamed
type ReflectEmbeddingNamed struct{}
func VariadicReflect(x any, ys ...any) int {
_ = reflect.TypeOf(x)
_ = reflect.TypeOf(ys)
// TODO: we likely do not notice indirect calls via a range like this.
for _, y := range ys {
_ = reflect.TypeOf(y)
return len(ys)
-- importedpkg2/imported2.go --
package importedpkg2
type ReflectInSiblingImport struct {
SiblingObfuscated string
-- importedpkg/indirect/indirect.go --
package indirect
import "reflect"
var _ = reflect.TypeOf(IndirectNamedWithReflect{})
type IndirectNamedWithReflect struct {
IndirectUnobfuscated string
DuplicateFieldName int
type IndirectNamedWithoutReflect struct {
IndirectObfuscated string
DuplicateFieldName int
-- main.stdout --
{5 0 {}}
ReflectValueOf{ExportedField:"abc", unexportedField:""}
[method: abc]
Hello Dave.
{{indirect-with 3} {indirect-without 4} { 0}}
IndirectNamedWithReflect{IndirectUnobfuscated:"indirect-with", DuplicateFieldName:3}