skip # TODO: get plugins working properly. See issue #87 [windows] skip 'Go plugins are not supported on Windows' env GOGARBLE=test/main garble build -buildmode=plugin ./plugin binsubstr 'PublicVar' 'PublicFunc' ! binsubstr 'privateFunc' # Note that we need -trimpath; see the caveat section in the README. go build -trimpath exec ./main cmp stderr main.stderr binsubstr main$exe 'PublicVar' 'PublicFunc' [short] stop # no need to verify this with -short # This used to fail, since in this case the package path for the ad-hoc plugin # package isn't "main", but "plugin/unnamed-*". garble build -buildmode=plugin plugin/main.go go build -buildmode=plugin ./plugin binsubstr 'PublicVar' 'PublicFunc' 'privateFunc' go build exec ./main cmp stderr main.stderr -- go.mod -- module test/main go 1.17 -- plugin/main.go -- package main import "test/main/plugin/lib" var PublicVar int = lib.ImportedFunc() func privateFunc(n int) { println("Hello, number", n) } func PublicFunc() { privateFunc(PublicVar) } -- plugin/lib/lib.go -- package lib func ImportedFunc() int { return 4 } -- main.go -- package main import "plugin" func main() { p, err := plugin.Open("") if err != nil { panic(err) } v, err := p.Lookup("PublicVar") if err != nil { panic(err) } f, err := p.Lookup("PublicFunc") if err != nil { panic(err) } *v.(*int) = 7 f.(func())() } -- main.stderr -- Hello, number 7