# Check that the program works as expected without garble. exec go build main.go exec ./main cmp stderr main.stderr # The default build includes DWARF and the symbol table. [!windows] [exec:readelf] exec readelf --section-headers main$exe [!windows] [exec:readelf] stdout 'debug_info' [!windows] [exec:readelf] stdout '\.symtab' # The default build includes full non-trimmed paths, as well as our names. bingrep main$exe ${WORK@R} 'globalVar' 'globalFunc' # Check that we fail if the user forgot -trimpath. ! exec go build -a -toolexec=garble main.go stderr 'should be used alongside -trimpath' # Check that the simplest use of garble works. exec go build -a -trimpath -toolexec=garble main.go exec ./main cmp stderr main.stderr [!windows] [exec:readelf] exec readelf --section-headers main$exe [!windows] [exec:readelf] ! stdout 'debug_info' [!windows] [exec:readelf] ! stdout '\.symtab' ! bingrep main$exe ${WORK@R} 'globalVar' 'globalFunc' # Finally, check that the 'garble build' shortcut works. # cp main main_old garble build main.go ! bingrep main$exe 'globalVar' # bincmp main main_old -- main.go -- package main var globalVar = "global value" func globalFunc() { println("global func body") } func main() { println(globalVar) globalFunc() } -- main.stderr -- global value global func body