// Copyright (c) 2020, The Garble Authors. // See LICENSE for licensing information. package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "go/ast" "go/parser" "go/printer" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" ) func isDirective(text string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(text, "//go:") || strings.HasPrefix(text, "// +build") } // printFile prints a Go file to a buffer, while also removing non-directive // comments and adding extra compiler directives to obfuscate position // information. func printFile(file1 *ast.File) ([]byte, error) { printConfig := printer.Config{Mode: printer.RawFormat} var buf1 bytes.Buffer if err := printConfig.Fprint(&buf1, fset, file1); err != nil { return nil, err } src := buf1.Bytes() if !curPkg.Private { // TODO(mvdan): make transformCompile handle non-private // packages like runtime earlier on, to remove these checks. return src, nil } absFilename := fset.Position(file1.Pos()).Filename filename := filepath.Base(absFilename) if strings.HasPrefix(filename, "_cgo_") { // cgo-generated files don't need changed line numbers. // Plus, the compiler can complain rather easily. return src, nil } // Many parts of garble, notably the literal obfuscator, modify the AST. // Unfortunately, comments are free-floating in File.Comments, // and those are the only source of truth that go/printer uses. // So the positions of the comments in the given file are wrong. // The only way we can get the final ones is to parse again. file2, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, absFilename, src, parser.ParseComments) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Keep the compiler directives, and change position info. type commentToAdd struct { offset int text string } var toAdd []commentToAdd addComment := func(offset int, text string) { toAdd = append(toAdd, commentToAdd{offset, text}) } // Make sure the entire file gets a zero filename by default, // in case we miss any positions below. addComment(0, "/*line :1*/") // Remove any comments by making them whitespace. // Keep directives, as they affect the build. // This is superior to removing the comments before printing, // because then the final source would have different line numbers. for _, group := range file2.Comments { for _, comment := range group.List { if isDirective(comment.Text) { continue } start := fset.Position(comment.Pos()).Offset end := fset.Position(comment.End()).Offset for i := start; i < end; i++ { src[i] = ' ' } } } var origCallExprs []*ast.CallExpr ast.Inspect(file1, func(node ast.Node) bool { if node, ok := node.(*ast.CallExpr); ok { origCallExprs = append(origCallExprs, node) } return true }) i := 0 ast.Inspect(file2, func(node ast.Node) bool { node, ok := node.(*ast.CallExpr) if !ok { return true } origNode := origCallExprs[i] i++ newName := "" if !opts.Tiny { origPos := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filename, fset.Position(origNode.Pos()).Offset) newName = hashWith(curPkg.GarbleActionID, origPos) + ".go" // log.Printf("%q hashed with %x to %q", origPos, curPkg.GarbleActionID, newName) } newPos := fmt.Sprintf("%s:1", newName) pos := fset.Position(node.Pos()) // We use the "/*text*/" form, since we can use multiple of them // on a single line, and they don't require extra newlines. addComment(pos.Offset, "/*line "+newPos+"*/") return true }) // We add comments in order. sort.Slice(toAdd, func(i, j int) bool { return toAdd[i].offset < toAdd[j].offset }) copied := 0 var buf2 bytes.Buffer for _, comment := range toAdd { buf2.Write(src[copied:comment.offset]) copied = comment.offset // Make sure there is whitespace at either side of a comment. // Otherwise, we could change the syntax of the program. // Inserting "/*text*/" in "a/b" // must be "a/ /*text*/ b", // as "a//*text*/b" is tokenized as a "//" comment. buf2.WriteByte(' ') buf2.WriteString(comment.text) if strings.HasPrefix(comment.text, "//") { buf2.WriteByte('\n') } else { buf2.WriteByte(' ') } } buf2.Write(src[copied:]) return buf2.Bytes(), nil }