# Ensure that we support temporary directories with spaces and quotes. env TMPDIR=${WORK}/'.temp ''quotes'' and spaces' mkdir ${TMPDIR} # Unfortunately, due to https://go.dev/issue/22315, cp + exec is racy. # Since we run multiple test scripts in parallel as goroutines, # if one thread performs a cp while another is forking, the other may keep the # file open slightly longer than we think, causing the fork to fail due to the # file still being open for writing. # Until the root problem is fixed, add a sleep to try to make that narrow window # of time less likely to cause problems. # TODO(mvdan): remove the sleeps once cp + exec isn't racy anymore. env CP_EXEC_SLEEP=10ms # We need to properly quote the path to garble for toolexec. # If we don't, characters like spaces or quotes will result in errors. # EXEC_PATH is the test binary's os.Executable. # Copying it to a path with basename "garble" makes testscript run our main func. # Note that double quotes are not allowed in Windows filenames. env NAME='with spaces' mkdir $NAME cp $EXEC_PATH $NAME/garble$exe sleep $CP_EXEC_SLEEP exec $NAME/garble$exe build # Ensure that we cleaned up the temporary files. ! grepfiles ${TMPDIR} 'garble|importcfg|cache\.gob|\.go' [!windows] env NAME='with"double"quotes' [!windows] mkdir $NAME [!windows] cp $EXEC_PATH $NAME/garble$exe [!windows] sleep $CP_EXEC_SLEEP [!windows] exec $NAME/garble$exe build env NAME='with''single''quotes' mkdir $NAME cp $EXEC_PATH $NAME/garble$exe exec $NAME/garble$exe build [!windows] env NAME='with"both''quotes' [!windows] mkdir $NAME [!windows] cp $EXEC_PATH $NAME/garble$exe [!windows] sleep $CP_EXEC_SLEEP [!windows] ! exec $NAME/garble$exe build [!windows] stderr 'cannot be quoted' -- go.mod -- module test/main go 1.19 -- main.go -- package main func main() { println("hello world") }