obfuscate Go names in asm header files

Assembly files can include header files within the same Go module,
and those header files can include "defines" which refer to Go names.

Since those Go names are likely being obfuscated,
we need to replace them just like we do in assembly files.

The added mechanism is rather basic; we add two TODOs to improve it.
This should help when building projects like go-ethereum.

Fixes #553.
Daniel Martí 2 years ago
parent f9d99190d2
commit fc91758b49

@ -584,6 +584,8 @@ var transformFuncs = map[string]func([]string) ([]string, error){
"link": transformLink,
var rxIncludeHeader = regexp.MustCompile(`#include\s+"([^"]+)"`)
func transformAsm(args []string) ([]string, error) {
if !curPkg.ToObfuscate {
return args, nil // we're not obfuscating this package
@ -612,15 +614,8 @@ func transformAsm(args []string) ([]string, error) {
return append(flags, newPaths...), nil
// We need to replace all function references with their obfuscated name
// counterparts.
// Luckily, all func names in Go assembly files are immediately followed
// by the unicode "middle dot", like:
// TEXT ·privateAdd(SB),$0-24
const middleDot = '·'
middleDotLen := utf8.RuneLen(middleDot)
const missingHeader = "missing header path"
newHeaderPaths := make(map[string]string)
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, path := range paths {
// Read the entire file into memory.
@ -629,67 +624,57 @@ func transformAsm(args []string) ([]string, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Find all middle-dot names, and replace them.
remaining := content
for {
i := bytes.IndexRune(remaining, middleDot)
if i < 0 {
remaining = nil
offset := 0
for _, match := range rxIncludeHeader.FindAllSubmatchIndex(content, -1) {
start, end := offset+match[2], offset+match[3]
path := string(content[start:end])
if strings.ContainsAny(path, "\n\"") {
// If we failed to keep track of offsets, we could see a header
// path that contains quotes or newlines, which should not happen.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad offset tracking? %q", path)
// We want to replace "OP ·foo" and "OP $·foo",
// but not "OP somepkg·foo" just yet.
// "somepkg" is often runtime, syscall, etc.
// We don't obfuscate any of those for now.
// TODO: we'll likely need to deal with this
// when we start obfuscating the runtime.
// When we do, note that we can't hash with curPkg.
localName := false
if i >= 0 {
switch remaining[i-1] {
case ' ', '\t', '$':
localName = true
newPath := newHeaderPaths[path]
switch newPath {
case missingHeader: // no need to try again
case "": // first time we see this header
content, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
newHeaderPaths[path] = missingHeader
continue // a header file provided by Go or the system
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
replaceAsmNames(&buf, content)
i += middleDotLen
remaining = remaining[i:]
// The name ends at the first rune which cannot be part
// of a Go identifier, such as a comma or space.
nameEnd := 0
for nameEnd < len(remaining) {
c, size := utf8.DecodeRune(remaining[nameEnd:])
if !unicode.IsLetter(c) && c != '_' && !unicode.IsDigit(c) {
nameEnd += size
name := string(remaining[:nameEnd])
remaining = remaining[nameEnd:]
// For now, we replace `foo.h` or `dir/foo.h` with `garbled_foo.h`.
// The different name ensures we don't use the unobfuscated file.
// This is far from perfect, but does the job for the time being.
// In the future, use a randomized name.
newPath = "garbled_" + filepath.Base(path)
if !localName {
// Uncomment for some quick debugging. Do not delete.
// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n-- %s --\n%s", path, buf.Bytes())
newName := hashWithPackage(curPkg, name)
if flagDebug { // TODO(mvdan): remove once https://go.dev/issue/53465 if fixed
log.Printf("asm name %q hashed with %x to %q", name, curPkg.GarbleActionID, newName)
if _, err := writeTemp(newPath, buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
return nil, err
newHeaderPaths[path] = newPath
offset += len(newPath) - len(path)
// TODO: copying the bytes in a loop like this is far from optimal.
var newContent []byte
newContent = append(newContent, content[:start]...)
newContent = append(newContent, newPath...)
newContent = append(newContent, content[end:]...)
content = newContent
replaceAsmNames(&buf, content)
// Uncomment for some quick debugging. Do not delete.
// if curPkg.ToObfuscate {
// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n-- %s --\n%s", path, buf.Bytes())
// }
// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n-- %s --\n%s", path, buf.Bytes())
name := filepath.Base(path)
if path, err := writeTemp(name, buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
@ -702,6 +687,70 @@ func transformAsm(args []string) ([]string, error) {
return append(flags, newPaths...), nil
func replaceAsmNames(buf *bytes.Buffer, remaining []byte) {
// We need to replace all function references with their obfuscated name
// counterparts.
// Luckily, all func names in Go assembly files are immediately followed
// by the unicode "middle dot", like:
// TEXT ·privateAdd(SB),$0-24
const middleDot = '·'
middleDotLen := utf8.RuneLen(middleDot)
for {
i := bytes.IndexRune(remaining, middleDot)
if i < 0 {
remaining = nil
// We want to replace "OP ·foo" and "OP $·foo",
// but not "OP somepkg·foo" just yet.
// "somepkg" is often runtime, syscall, etc.
// We don't obfuscate any of those for now.
// TODO: we'll likely need to deal with this
// when we start obfuscating the runtime.
// When we do, note that we can't hash with curPkg.
localName := false
if i >= 0 {
switch remaining[i-1] {
case ' ', '\t', '$', ',', '(':
localName = true
i += middleDotLen
remaining = remaining[i:]
// The name ends at the first rune which cannot be part
// of a Go identifier, such as a comma or space.
nameEnd := 0
for nameEnd < len(remaining) {
c, size := utf8.DecodeRune(remaining[nameEnd:])
if !unicode.IsLetter(c) && c != '_' && !unicode.IsDigit(c) {
nameEnd += size
name := string(remaining[:nameEnd])
remaining = remaining[nameEnd:]
if !localName {
newName := hashWithPackage(curPkg, name)
if flagDebug { // TODO(mvdan): remove once https://go.dev/issue/53465 if fixed
log.Printf("asm name %q hashed with %x to %q", name, curPkg.GarbleActionID, newName)
// writeTemp is a mix between os.CreateTemp and os.WriteFile, as it writes a
// named source file in sharedTempDir given an input buffer.

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
# Note that it doesn't really matter if the assembly below is badly written.
# We just care enough to see that it obfuscates and keeps the same behavior.
# TODO: support arm64, at least
[!386] [!amd64] skip 'the assembly is only written for 386 and amd64'
[!amd64] skip 'the assembly is only written for amd64'
env GOGARBLE=test/main
garble build
exec ./main
cmp stderr main.stderr
# TODO: ! binsubstr main$exe 'test/main' 'privateAdd' 'PublicAdd' 'garble_main' 'garble_define'
! binsubstr main$exe 'privateAdd' 'PublicAdd'
[short] stop # no need to verify this with -short
@ -33,26 +36,59 @@ import (
func privateAdd(x, y int32) int32
// goData is used from both assembly and header files.
var goData = [4]uint64{1, 2, 3, 4}
func modifyGoData()
func modifyGoData2()
func main() {
println(privateAdd(1, 2))
println(goData[0], goData[1])
println(goData[0], goData[1])
println(goData[0], goData[1])
println(imported.PublicAdd(3, 4))
-- main_x86.s --
//go:build 386 || amd64
-- garble_main_amd64.s --
TEXT ·privateAdd(SB),$0-16
MOVL x+0(FP), BX
MOVL y+4(FP), BP
MOVL BX, ret+8(FP)
#include "garble_define_amd64.h"
#include "extra/garble_define2_amd64.h"
TEXT ·modifyGoData(SB),$0-16
ADDL $34, ·goData+8(SB)
TEXT ·modifyGoData2(SB),$0-16
ADDL $34,·goData+8(SB) // note the lack of a space
-- garble_define_amd64.h --
#define addGoDataTo(arg) \
ADDL arg, ·goData+0(SB)
-- extra/garble_define2_amd64.h --
#define addGoDataTo2(arg) \
ADDL arg, ·goData+0(SB)
-- imported/imported.go --
package imported
func PublicAdd(x, y int32) int32
-- imported/imported_x86.s --
//go:build 386 || amd64
-- imported/imported_amd64.s --
TEXT ·PublicAdd(SB),$0-16
MOVL x+0(FP), BX
MOVL y+4(FP), BP
@ -61,4 +97,7 @@ TEXT ·PublicAdd(SB),$0-16
-- main.stderr --
1 2
13 36
25 70
