add more reflect test cases and simplify logic

A recent PR added a bigger regression test for go-spew,
and fixed an issue where we would obfuscate local named types
even if they were embedded into local structs used for reflection.
This would effectively mean we were obfuscating one field name,
the one derived from the embedding, which we didn't want to.

The fix did this by searching for embedded objects with extra code.
However, as far as I can tell, that isn't necessary;
we can do the right thing by recording all local type names
just like we already do for all field names.

This results in less complicated code, and avoids needing special logic
to handle embedding struct types, so I reckon it's a win.

Add even more tests to convince myself that we're still obfuscating
local types and field names which aren't used for reflection.
Daniel Martí 1 year ago
parent 404b2ce128
commit d60957d514

@ -406,28 +406,33 @@ func (ri *reflectInspector) recursivelyRecordUsedForReflect(t types.Type) {
// TODO: consider caching recordedObjectString via a map,
// if that shows an improvement in our benchmark
func recordedObjectString(obj types.Object) objectString {
// For exported fields, "pkgpath.Field" is not unique,
// because two exported top-level types could share "Field".
// Moreover, note that not all fields belong to named struct types;
// an API could be exposing:
pkg := obj.Pkg()
// Names which are not at the package level still need to avoid obfuscation in some cases:
// var usedInReflection = struct{Field string}
// 1. Field names on global types, which can be reached via reflection.
// 2. Field names on anonymous types can also be reached via reflection.
// 3. Local named types can be embedded in a local struct, becoming a field name as well.
// For now, a hack: assume that packages don't declare the same field
// more than once in the same line. This works in practice, but one
// could craft Go code to break this assumption.
// Also note that the compiler's object files include filenames and line
// numbers, but not column numbers nor byte offsets.
// TODO(mvdan): give this another think, and add tests involving anon types.
// Note that fields are never top-level.
pkg := obj.Pkg()
if pkg.Scope() != obj.Parent() {
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.Var: // struct fields; cases 1 and 2 above
if !obj.IsField() {
return "" // local variables don't need to be recorded
case *types.TypeName: // local named types; case 3 above
return "" // other objects (labels, consts, etc) don't need to be recorded
pos := fset.Position(obj.Pos())
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s - %s:%d", pkg.Path(), obj.Name(),
filepath.Base(pos.Filename), pos.Line)
// For top-level exported names, "pkgpath.Name" is unique.
// For top-level names, "pkgpath.Name" is unique.
return pkg.Path() + "." + obj.Name()
@ -437,44 +442,20 @@ func (ri *reflectInspector) recordUsedForReflect(obj types.Object) {
if obj.Pkg().Path() != ri.pkg.Path() {
panic("called recordUsedForReflect with a foreign object")
if obj, ok := obj.(*types.Var); ok && obj.IsField() {
ri.result.ReflectObjects[recordedObjectString(obj)] = struct{}{}
if !obj.Embedded() {
embeddedType, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Named)
if !ok {
embeddedObj := embeddedType.Obj()
if embeddedObj.Pkg().Scope() == embeddedObj.Parent() {
// not local type
if embeddedObj.Pkg() == nil || embeddedObj.Pkg() != ri.pkg {
// not from the specified package
ri.result.ReflectObjects[recordedObjectString(embeddedObj)] = struct{}{}
objStr := recordedObjectString(obj)
if objStr == "" {
// If the object can't be described via a qualified string,
// do we need to record it at all?
// we don't need to record the local type names
if obj.Pkg().Scope() != obj.Parent() {
ri.result.ReflectObjects[recordedObjectString(obj)] = struct{}{}
ri.result.ReflectObjects[objStr] = struct{}{}
func usedForReflect(cache pkgCache, obj types.Object) bool {
_, ok := cache.ReflectObjects[recordedObjectString(obj)]
objStr := recordedObjectString(obj)
if objStr == "" {
return false
_, ok := cache.ReflectObjects[objStr]
return ok

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ exec garble build
exec ./main
cmp stdout main.stdout
! binsubstr main$exe 'garble_main.go' 'test/main' 'importedpkg.' 'DownstreamObfuscated' 'SiblingObfuscated' 'IndirectObfuscated' 'IndirectNamedWithoutReflect' 'AliasIndirectNamedWithReflect' 'AliasIndirectNamedWithoutReflect' 'FmtTypeField'
! binsubstr main$exe 'garble_main.go' 'test/main' 'importedpkg.' 'DownstreamObfuscated' 'SiblingObfuscated' 'IndirectObfuscated' 'IndirectNamedWithoutReflect' 'AliasIndirectNamedWithReflect' 'AliasIndirectNamedWithoutReflect' 'FmtTypeField' 'LocalObfuscated'
binsubstr main$exe 'ReflectInDefined' 'ExportedField2' 'unexportedField2' 'IndirectUnobfuscated' 'IndirectNamedWithReflect'
[short] stop # no need to verify this with -short
@ -128,6 +128,18 @@ func main() {
x := UnnamedStructInterface(importedpkg.ReflectUnnamedStruct(0))
x.UnnamedStructMethod(struct{ UnnamedStructField string }{UnnamedStructField: "field value"})
// Local names not used in reflection should not be in the final binary,
// even if they are embedded in a struct and become a field name.
type unexportedLocalObfuscated struct { LocalObfuscatedA int }
type ExportedLocalObfuscated struct { LocalObfuscatedB int }
type EmbeddingObfuscated struct {
// Ensure the types are kept in the binary. Use an anonymous type too.
_ = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", EmbeddingObfuscated{})
_ = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", struct{ExportedLocalObfuscated}{})
type EmbeddingIndirect struct {
