You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1412 lines
40 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019, The Garble Authors.
// See LICENSE for licensing information.
5 years ago
package main
import (
5 years ago
mathrand "math/rand"
5 years ago
5 years ago
var (
flagSet = flag.NewFlagSet("garble", flag.ContinueOnError)
version = "(devel)" // to match the default from runtime/debug
5 years ago
var (
flagGarbleLiterals bool
flagGarbleTiny bool
flagDebugDir string
flagSeed string
func init() {
flagSet.Usage = usage
flagSet.BoolVar(&flagGarbleLiterals, "literals", false, "Obfuscate literals such as strings")
flagSet.BoolVar(&flagGarbleTiny, "tiny", false, "Optimize for binary size, losing the ability to reverse the process")
flagSet.StringVar(&flagDebugDir, "debugdir", "", "Write the garbled source to a directory, e.g. -debugdir=out")
flagSet.StringVar(&flagSeed, "seed", "", "Provide a base64-encoded seed, e.g. -seed=o9WDTZ4CN4w\nFor a random seed, provide -seed=random")
5 years ago
func usage() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `
Garble obfuscates Go code by wrapping the Go toolchain.
5 years ago
garble [flags] build [build flags] [packages]
Aside from "build", the "test" command mirroring "go test" is also supported.
garble accepts the following flags:
5 years ago
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `
For more information, see
5 years ago
func main() { os.Exit(main1()) }
var (
fset = token.NewFileSet()
sharedTempDir = os.Getenv("GARBLE_SHARED")
nameCharset = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_z"
b64 = base64.NewEncoding(nameCharset)
printConfig = printer.Config{Mode: printer.RawFormat}
// origImporter is a go/types importer which uses the original versions
// of packages, without any obfuscation. This is helpful to make
// decisions on how to obfuscate our input code.
origImporter = importer.ForCompiler(fset, "gc", func(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
pkg, err := listPackage(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return os.Open(pkg.Export)
// Basic information about the package being currently compiled or
// linked. These variables are filled in early, and reused later.
curPkgPath string // note that this isn't filled for the linker yet
curActionID []byte
curImportCfg string
buildInfo = struct {
// TODO: replace part of this with goobj.ParseImportCfg, so that
// we can also reuse it. For now, parsing ourselves is still
// necessary so that we can set firstImport.
imports map[string]importedPkg // parsed importCfg plus cached info
firstImport string // first from -importcfg; the main package when linking
}{imports: make(map[string]importedPkg)}
garbledImporter = importer.ForCompiler(fset, "gc", func(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return os.Open(buildInfo.imports[path].packagefile)
opts *options
envGoPrivate = os.Getenv("GOPRIVATE") // complemented by 'go env' later
const (
// Note that these are capped at 16 bytes.
obfuscate unexported names like exported ones (#227) In 90fa325da7, the obfuscation logic was changed to use hashes for exported names, but incremental names starting at just one letter for unexported names. Presumably, this was done for the sake of binary size. I argue that this is not a good idea for the default mode for a number of reasons: 1) It makes reversing of stack traces nearly impossible for unexported names, since replacing an obfuscated name "c" with "originalName" would trigger too many false positives by matching single characters. 2) Exported and unexported names aren't different. We need to know how names were obfuscated at a later time in both cases, thanks to use cases like -ldflags=-X. Using short names for one but not the other doesn't make a lot of sense, and makes the logic inconsistent. 3) Shaving off three bytes for unexported names doesn't seem like a huge deal for the default mode, when we already have -tiny to optimize for size. This saves us a bit of work, but most importantly, simplifies the obfuscation state as we no longer need to carry privateNameMap between the compile and link stages. name old time/op new time/op delta Build-8 153ms ± 2% 150ms ± 2% ~ (p=0.065 n=6+6) name old bin-B new bin-B delta Build-8 7.09M ± 0% 7.08M ± 0% -0.24% (p=0.002 n=6+6) name old sys-time/op new sys-time/op delta Build-8 296ms ± 5% 277ms ± 6% -6.50% (p=0.026 n=6+6) name old user-time/op new user-time/op delta Build-8 562ms ± 1% 558ms ± 3% ~ (p=0.329 n=5+6) Note that I do not oppose using short names for both exported and unexported names in the future for -tiny, since reversing of stack traces will by design not work there. The code can be resurrected from the git history if we want to improve -tiny that way in the future, as we'd need to store state in header files again. Another major cleanup we can do here is to no longer use the garbledImports map. From a look at obfuscateImports, we hash a package's import path with its action ID, much like exported names, so we can simply re-do that hashing for the linker's -X flag. garbledImports does have some logic to handle duplicate package names, but it's worth noting that should not affect package paths, as they are always unique. That area of code could probably do with some simplification in the future, too. While at it, make hashWith panic if either parameter is empty. obfuscateImports was hashing the main package path without a salt due to a bug, so we want to catch those in the future. Finally, make some tiny spacing and typo tweaks to the README.
3 years ago
headerDebugSource = "garble/debugSrc"
func garbledImport(path string) (*types.Package, error) {
ipkg, ok := buildInfo.imports[path]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find imported package %q", path)
if ipkg.pkg != nil {
return ipkg.pkg, nil // cached
if opts.GarbleDir == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("$GARBLE_DIR unset; did you run via 'garble build'?")
pkg, err := garbledImporter.ImportFrom(path, opts.GarbleDir, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ipkg.pkg = pkg // cache for later use
return pkg, nil
type importedPkg struct {
packagefile string
initial support for build caching (#142) As per the discussion in, it turns out that we don't need special support for build caching in -toolexec. We can simply modify the behavior of "[...]/compile -V=full" and "[...]/link -V=full" so that they include garble's own version and options in the printed build ID. The part of the build ID that matters is the last, since it's the "content ID" which is used to work out whether there is a need to redo the action (build) or not. Since cmd/go parses the last word in the output as "buildID=...", we simply add "+garble buildID=_/_/_/${hash}". The slashes let us imitate a full binary build ID, but we assume that the other components such as the action ID are not necessary, since the only reader here is cmd/go and it only consumes the content ID. The reported content ID includes the tool's original content ID, garble's own content ID from the built binary, and the garble options which modify how we obfuscate code. If any of the three changes, we should use a different build cache key. GOPRIVATE also affects caching, since a different GOPRIVATE value means that we might have to garble a different set of packages. Include tests, which mainly check that 'garble build -v' prints package lines when we expect to always need to rebuild packages, and that it prints nothing when we should be reusing the build cache even when the built binary is missing. After this change, 'go test' on Go 1.15.2 stabilizes at about 8s on my machine, whereas it used to be at around 25s before.
4 years ago
actionID []byte
pkg *types.Package
5 years ago
func main1() int {
if err := flagSet.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {
return 2
log.SetPrefix("[garble] ")
5 years ago
args := flagSet.Args()
if len(args) < 1 {
return 2
5 years ago
if err := mainErr(args); err != nil {
switch err {
case flag.ErrHelp:
return 2
case errJustExit:
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
if flagSeed == "random" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "random seed: %s\n", base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(opts.Seed))
return 1
return 0
var errJustExit = errors.New("")
func goVersionOK() bool {
const (
minGoVersion = "v1.15.0"
supportedGoVersions = "1.15.x"
gitTimeFormat = "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 2006 -0700"
// Go 1.15 was released on August 11th, 2020.
minGoVersionDate := time.Date(2020, 8, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
out, err := exec.Command("go", "version").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `Can't get Go version: %v
This is likely due to go not being installed/setup correctly.
How to install Go:
`, err)
return false
initial support for build caching (#142) As per the discussion in, it turns out that we don't need special support for build caching in -toolexec. We can simply modify the behavior of "[...]/compile -V=full" and "[...]/link -V=full" so that they include garble's own version and options in the printed build ID. The part of the build ID that matters is the last, since it's the "content ID" which is used to work out whether there is a need to redo the action (build) or not. Since cmd/go parses the last word in the output as "buildID=...", we simply add "+garble buildID=_/_/_/${hash}". The slashes let us imitate a full binary build ID, but we assume that the other components such as the action ID are not necessary, since the only reader here is cmd/go and it only consumes the content ID. The reported content ID includes the tool's original content ID, garble's own content ID from the built binary, and the garble options which modify how we obfuscate code. If any of the three changes, we should use a different build cache key. GOPRIVATE also affects caching, since a different GOPRIVATE value means that we might have to garble a different set of packages. Include tests, which mainly check that 'garble build -v' prints package lines when we expect to always need to rebuild packages, and that it prints nothing when we should be reusing the build cache even when the built binary is missing. After this change, 'go test' on Go 1.15.2 stabilizes at about 8s on my machine, whereas it used to be at around 25s before.
4 years ago
rawVersion := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), "go version ")
tagIdx := strings.IndexByte(rawVersion, ' ')
tag := rawVersion[:tagIdx]
if tag == "devel" {
commitAndDate := rawVersion[tagIdx+1:]
// Remove commit hash and architecture from version
startDateIdx := strings.IndexByte(commitAndDate, ' ') + 1
endDateIdx := strings.LastIndexByte(commitAndDate, ' ')
if endDateIdx <= 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Can't recognize devel build timestamp")
return false
date := commitAndDate[startDateIdx:endDateIdx]
versionDate, err := time.Parse(gitTimeFormat, date)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Can't recognize devel build timestamp: %v\n", err)
return false
if versionDate.After(minGoVersionDate) {
return true
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "You use the old unstable %q Go version, please upgrade Go to %s\n", rawVersion, supportedGoVersions)
return false
version := "v" + strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "go")
if semver.Compare(version, minGoVersion) < 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Outdated Go version %q is used, please upgrade Go to %s\n", version, supportedGoVersions)
return false
return true
func mainErr(args []string) error {
// If we recognize an argument, we're not running within -toolexec.
switch command, args := args[0], args[1:]; command {
case "help":
return flag.ErrHelp
case "version":
if len(args) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("the version command does not take arguments")
// don't overwrite the version if it was set by -ldflags=-X
if info, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo(); ok && version == "(devel)" {
mod := &info.Main
if mod.Replace != nil {
mod = mod.Replace
version = mod.Version
return nil
case "reverse":
return commandReverse(args)
case "build", "test", "list":
cmd, err := toolexecCmd(command, args)
if err != nil {
return err
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
return cmd.Run()
if !filepath.IsAbs(args[0]) {
// -toolexec gives us an absolute path to the tool binary to
// run, so this is most likely misuse of garble by a user.
return fmt.Errorf("unknown command: %q", args[0])
// We're in a toolexec sub-process, not directly called by the user.
// Load the shared data and wrap the tool, like the compiler or linker.
if err := loadShared(); err != nil {
return err
opts = &cache.Options
5 years ago
_, tool := filepath.Split(args[0])
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
tool = strings.TrimSuffix(tool, ".exe")
if len(args) == 2 && args[1] == "-V=full" {
return alterToolVersion(tool, args)
transform := transformFuncs[tool]
5 years ago
transformed := args[1:]
var postFunc func() error
// log.Println(tool, transformed)
if transform != nil {
var err error
if transformed, postFunc, err = transform(transformed); err != nil {
return err
5 years ago
cmd := exec.Command(args[0], transformed...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return err
5 years ago
if postFunc != nil {
if err := postFunc(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
5 years ago
// toolexecCmd builds an *exec.Cmd which is set up for running "go <command>"
// with -toolexec=garble and the supplied arguments.
// Note that it uses and modifies global state; in general, it should only be
// called once from mainErr in the top-level garble process.
func toolexecCmd(command string, args []string) (*exec.Cmd, error) {
if !goVersionOK() {
return nil, errJustExit
// Split the flags from the package arguments, since we'll need
// to run 'go list' on the same set of packages.
flags, args := splitFlagsFromArgs(args)
for _, f := range flags {
switch f {
case "-h", "-help", "--help":
return nil, flag.ErrHelp
if err := setOptions(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Note that we also need to pass build flags to 'go list', such
// as -tags.
cache.BuildFlags = filterBuildFlags(flags)
if command == "test" {
cache.BuildFlags = append(cache.BuildFlags, "-test")
if err := setGoPrivate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var err error
cache.ExecPath, err = os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := setListedPackages(args); err != nil {
return nil, err
sharedTempDir, err = saveShared()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
os.Setenv("GARBLE_SHARED", sharedTempDir)
defer os.Remove(sharedTempDir)
goArgs := []string{
"-toolexec=" + cache.ExecPath,
if command == "test" {
// vet is generally not useful on garbled code; keep it
// disabled by default.
goArgs = append(goArgs, "-vet=off")
goArgs = append(goArgs, flags...)
goArgs = append(goArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("go", goArgs...), nil
var transformFuncs = map[string]func([]string) (args []string, post func() error, _ error){
"compile": transformCompile,
"link": transformLink,
func transformCompile(args []string) ([]string, func() error, error) {
var err error
flags, paths := splitFlagsFromFiles(args, ".go")
// We will force the linker to drop DWARF via -w, so don't spend time
// generating it.
flags = append(flags, "-dwarf=false")
curPkgPath = flagValue(flags, "-p")
if (curPkgPath == "runtime" && opts.Tiny) || curPkgPath == "runtime/internal/sys" {
// Even though these packages aren't private, we will still process
// them later to remove build information and strip code from the
// runtime. However, we only want flags to work on private packages.
opts.GarbleLiterals = false
opts.DebugDir = ""
} else if !isPrivate(curPkgPath) {
return append(flags, paths...), nil, nil
for i, path := range paths {
if filepath.Base(path) == "_gomod_.go" {
// never include module info
paths = append(paths[:i], paths[i+1:]...)
if len(paths) == 1 && filepath.Base(paths[0]) == "_testmain.go" {
return append(flags, paths...), nil, nil
// If the value of -trimpath doesn't contain the separator ';', the 'go
// build' command is most likely not using '-trimpath'.
trimpath := flagValue(flags, "-trimpath")
if !strings.Contains(trimpath, ";") {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("-toolexec=garble should be used alongside -trimpath")
if err := fillBuildInfo(flags); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var files []*ast.File
for _, path := range paths {
file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, path, nil, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
files = append(files, file)
randSeed := opts.Seed
if len(randSeed) == 0 {
randSeed = curActionID
// log.Printf("seeding math/rand with %x\n", randSeed)
tf := &transformer{
info: &types.Info{
Types: make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue),
Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
origTypesConfig := types.Config{Importer: origImporter}
tf.pkg, err = origTypesConfig.Check(curPkgPath, fset, files,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("typecheck error: %v", err)
if opts.GarbleLiterals {
// TODO: use transformer here?
files = literals.Obfuscate(files,, fset, tf.ignoreObjects)
// Add our temporary dir to the beginning of -trimpath, so that we don't
// leak temporary dirs. Needs to be at the beginning, since there may be
// shorter prefixes later in the list, such as $PWD if TMPDIR=$PWD/tmp.
flags = flagSetValue(flags, "-trimpath", sharedTempDir+"=>;"+trimpath)
// log.Println(flags)
detachedComments := make([][]string, len(files))
for i, file := range files {
name := filepath.Base(filepath.Clean(paths[i]))
comments, file := tf.transformLineInfo(file, name)
detachedComments[i], files[i] = comments, file
obfSrcArchive := &bytes.Buffer{}
obfSrcGzipWriter := gzip.NewWriter(obfSrcArchive)
defer obfSrcGzipWriter.Close()
obfSrcTarWriter := tar.NewWriter(obfSrcGzipWriter)
defer obfSrcTarWriter.Close()
// TODO: randomize the order and names of the files
newPaths := make([]string, 0, len(files))
for i, file := range files {
origName := filepath.Base(filepath.Clean(paths[i]))
name := origName
switch {
case curPkgPath == "runtime":
// strip unneeded runtime code
stripRuntime(origName, file)
case curPkgPath == "runtime/internal/sys":
// The first declaration in zversion.go contains the Go
// version as follows. Replace it here, since the
// linker's -X does not work with constants.
// const TheVersion = `devel ...`
// Don't touch the source in any other way.
if origName != "zversion.go" {
spec := file.Decls[0].(*ast.GenDecl).Specs[0].(*ast.ValueSpec)
lit := spec.Values[0].(*ast.BasicLit)
lit.Value = "`unknown`"
case strings.HasPrefix(origName, "_cgo_"):
// Cgo generated code requires a prefix. Also, don't
// garble it, since it's just generated code and it gets
// messy.
name = "_cgo_" + name
file = tf.transformGo(file)
// Uncomment for some quick debugging. Do not delete.
// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n-- %s/%s --\n", curPkgPath, origName)
// if err := printConfig.Fprint(os.Stderr, fset, file); err != nil {
// return nil, nil, err
// }
tempFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(sharedTempDir, name+".*.go")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer tempFile.Close()
obfSrc := &bytes.Buffer{}
printWriter := io.MultiWriter(tempFile, obfSrc)
for _, comment := range detachedComments[i] {
if _, err := printWriter.Write([]byte(comment + "\n")); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if err := printConfig.Fprint(printWriter, fset, file); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if err := tempFile.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if err := obfSrcTarWriter.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{
Name: name,
Mode: 0o755,
ModTime: time.Now(), // Need for restoring obfuscation time
Size: int64(obfSrc.Len()),
}); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if _, err := obfSrcTarWriter.Write(obfSrc.Bytes()); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
newPaths = append(newPaths, tempFile.Name())
// After the compilation succeeds, add our headers to the object file.
objPath := flagValue(flags, "-o")
postCompile := func() error {
importMap := func(importPath string) (objectPath string) {
return buildInfo.imports[importPath].packagefile
pkg, err := goobj2.Parse(objPath, curPkgPath, importMap)
if err != nil {
return err
// Adding an extra archive header is safe,
// and shouldn't break other tools like the linker since our header name is unique
pkg.ArchiveMembers = append(pkg.ArchiveMembers,
goobj2.ArchiveMember{ArchiveHeader: goobj2.ArchiveHeader{
Name: headerDebugSource,
Size: int64(obfSrcArchive.Len()),
Data: obfSrcArchive.Bytes(),
return pkg.Write(objPath)
return append(flags, newPaths...), postCompile, nil
// handleDirectives looks at all the comments in a file containing build
// directives, and does the necessary for the obfuscation process to work.
// Right now, this means recording what local names are used with go:linkname,
// and rewriting those directives to use obfuscated name from other packages.
func (tf *transformer) handleDirectives(comments []string) {
for i, comment := range comments {
if !strings.HasPrefix(comment, "//go:linkname ") {
fields := strings.Fields(comment)
if len(fields) != 3 {
// This directive has two arguments: "go:linkname localName newName"
localName := fields[1]
// The local name must not be obfuscated.
obj := tf.pkg.Scope().Lookup(localName)
if obj != nil {
tf.ignoreObjects[obj] = true
// If the new name is of the form "pkgpath.Name", and
// we've obfuscated "Name" in that package, rewrite the
// directive to use the obfuscated name.
newName := strings.Split(fields[2], ".")
if len(newName) != 2 {
pkg, name := newName[0], newName[1]
if pkg == "runtime" && strings.HasPrefix(name, "cgo") {
continue // ignore cgo-generated linknames
if !isPrivate(pkg) {
continue // ignore non-private symbols
listedPkg, ok := buildInfo.imports[pkg]
if !ok {
continue // probably a made up symbol name
garbledPkg, _ := garbledImport(pkg)
if garbledPkg != nil && garbledPkg.Scope().Lookup(name) != nil {
continue // the name exists and was not garbled
// The name exists and was obfuscated; replace the
// comment with the obfuscated name.
obfuscate unexported names like exported ones (#227) In 90fa325da7, the obfuscation logic was changed to use hashes for exported names, but incremental names starting at just one letter for unexported names. Presumably, this was done for the sake of binary size. I argue that this is not a good idea for the default mode for a number of reasons: 1) It makes reversing of stack traces nearly impossible for unexported names, since replacing an obfuscated name "c" with "originalName" would trigger too many false positives by matching single characters. 2) Exported and unexported names aren't different. We need to know how names were obfuscated at a later time in both cases, thanks to use cases like -ldflags=-X. Using short names for one but not the other doesn't make a lot of sense, and makes the logic inconsistent. 3) Shaving off three bytes for unexported names doesn't seem like a huge deal for the default mode, when we already have -tiny to optimize for size. This saves us a bit of work, but most importantly, simplifies the obfuscation state as we no longer need to carry privateNameMap between the compile and link stages. name old time/op new time/op delta Build-8 153ms ± 2% 150ms ± 2% ~ (p=0.065 n=6+6) name old bin-B new bin-B delta Build-8 7.09M ± 0% 7.08M ± 0% -0.24% (p=0.002 n=6+6) name old sys-time/op new sys-time/op delta Build-8 296ms ± 5% 277ms ± 6% -6.50% (p=0.026 n=6+6) name old user-time/op new user-time/op delta Build-8 562ms ± 1% 558ms ± 3% ~ (p=0.329 n=5+6) Note that I do not oppose using short names for both exported and unexported names in the future for -tiny, since reversing of stack traces will by design not work there. The code can be resurrected from the git history if we want to improve -tiny that way in the future, as we'd need to store state in header files again. Another major cleanup we can do here is to no longer use the garbledImports map. From a look at obfuscateImports, we hash a package's import path with its action ID, much like exported names, so we can simply re-do that hashing for the linker's -X flag. garbledImports does have some logic to handle duplicate package names, but it's worth noting that should not affect package paths, as they are always unique. That area of code could probably do with some simplification in the future, too. While at it, make hashWith panic if either parameter is empty. obfuscateImports was hashing the main package path without a salt due to a bug, so we want to catch those in the future. Finally, make some tiny spacing and typo tweaks to the README.
3 years ago
obfName := hashWith(listedPkg.actionID, name)
fields[2] = pkg + "." + obfName
comments[i] = strings.Join(fields, " ")
// runtimeRelated is a snapshot of all the packages runtime depends on, or
// packages which the runtime points to via go:linkname.
// Once we support go:linkname well and once we can obfuscate the runtime
// package, this entire map can likely go away.
// The list was obtained via scripts/ on Go 1.15.5.
var runtimeRelated = map[string]bool{
"bufio": true,
"bytes": true,
"compress/flate": true,
"compress/gzip": true,
"context": true,
"encoding/binary": true,
"errors": true,
"fmt": true,
"hash": true,
"hash/crc32": true,
"internal/bytealg": true,
"internal/cpu": true,
"internal/fmtsort": true,
"internal/oserror": true,
"internal/poll": true,
"internal/race": true,
"internal/reflectlite": true,
"internal/syscall/execenv": true,
"internal/syscall/unix": true,
"internal/syscall/windows": true,
"internal/syscall/windows/registry": true,
"internal/syscall/windows/sysdll": true,
"internal/testlog": true,
"internal/unsafeheader": true,
"io": true,
"io/ioutil": true,
"math": true,
"math/bits": true,
"os": true,
"os/signal": true,
"path/filepath": true,
"plugin": true,
"reflect": true,
"runtime": true,
"runtime/cgo": true,
"runtime/debug": true,
"runtime/internal/atomic": true,
"runtime/internal/math": true,
"runtime/internal/sys": true,
"runtime/pprof": true,
"runtime/trace": true,
"sort": true,
"strconv": true,
"strings": true,
"sync": true,
"sync/atomic": true,
"syscall": true,
"text/tabwriter": true,
"time": true,
"unicode": true,
"unicode/utf16": true,
"unicode/utf8": true,
"unsafe": true,
// isPrivate checks if GOPRIVATE matches path.
// To allow using garble without GOPRIVATE for standalone main packages, it will
// default to not matching standard library packages.
func isPrivate(path string) bool {
// isPrivate is used in lots of places, so use it as a way to sanity
// check that none of our package paths are invalid.
// This can happen if we end up with an escaped or corrupted path.
// TODO: Do we want to support obfuscating test packages?
// It is a bit tricky as their import paths are confusing, such as
// "test/bar.test" and "test/bar [test/bar.test]".
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".test") || strings.HasSuffix(path, ".test]") {
return false
if err := module.CheckImportPath(path); err != nil {
if runtimeRelated[path] {
return false
if path == "main" || path == "command-line-arguments" || strings.HasPrefix(path, "plugin/unnamed") {
// TODO: why don't we see the full package path for main
// packages? The linker has it at the top of -importcfg, but not
// the compiler.
return true
return module.MatchPrefixPatterns(envGoPrivate, path)
// fillBuildInfo initializes the global buildInfo struct via the supplied flags.
func fillBuildInfo(flags []string) error {
initial support for build caching (#142) As per the discussion in, it turns out that we don't need special support for build caching in -toolexec. We can simply modify the behavior of "[...]/compile -V=full" and "[...]/link -V=full" so that they include garble's own version and options in the printed build ID. The part of the build ID that matters is the last, since it's the "content ID" which is used to work out whether there is a need to redo the action (build) or not. Since cmd/go parses the last word in the output as "buildID=...", we simply add "+garble buildID=_/_/_/${hash}". The slashes let us imitate a full binary build ID, but we assume that the other components such as the action ID are not necessary, since the only reader here is cmd/go and it only consumes the content ID. The reported content ID includes the tool's original content ID, garble's own content ID from the built binary, and the garble options which modify how we obfuscate code. If any of the three changes, we should use a different build cache key. GOPRIVATE also affects caching, since a different GOPRIVATE value means that we might have to garble a different set of packages. Include tests, which mainly check that 'garble build -v' prints package lines when we expect to always need to rebuild packages, and that it prints nothing when we should be reusing the build cache even when the built binary is missing. After this change, 'go test' on Go 1.15.2 stabilizes at about 8s on my machine, whereas it used to be at around 25s before.
4 years ago
buildID := flagValue(flags, "-buildid")
switch buildID {
case "", "true":
return fmt.Errorf("could not find -buildid argument")
curActionID = decodeHash(splitActionID(buildID))
curImportCfg = flagValue(flags, "-importcfg")
if curImportCfg == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("could not find -importcfg argument")
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(curImportCfg)
if err != nil {
return err
importMap := make(map[string]string)
for _, line := range strings.Split(string(data), "\n") {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
if line == "" || strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
i := strings.Index(line, " ")
if i < 0 {
verb := line[:i]
switch verb {
case "importmap":
args := strings.TrimSpace(line[i+1:])
j := strings.Index(args, "=")
if j < 0 {
beforePath, afterPath := args[:j], args[j+1:]
importMap[afterPath] = beforePath
case "packagefile":
args := strings.TrimSpace(line[i+1:])
j := strings.Index(args, "=")
if j < 0 {
importPath, objectPath := args[:j], args[j+1:]
buildID, err := buildidOf(objectPath)
if err != nil {
return err
// log.Println("buildid:", buildID)
if len(buildInfo.imports) == 0 {
buildInfo.firstImport = importPath
impPkg := importedPkg{
packagefile: objectPath,
actionID: decodeHash(splitActionID(buildID)),
buildInfo.imports[importPath] = impPkg
if otherPath, ok := importMap[importPath]; ok {
buildInfo.imports[otherPath] = impPkg
// log.Printf("%#v", buildInfo)
return nil
// recordReflectArgs collects all the objects in a package which are known to be
// used as arguments to reflect.TypeOf or reflect.ValueOf. Since we obfuscate
// one package at a time, we only detect those if the type definition and the
// reflect usage are both in the same package.
// The resulting map mainly contains named types and their field declarations.
func (tf *transformer) recordReflectArgs(files []*ast.File) {
tf.ignoreObjects = make(map[types.Object]bool)
visitReflectArg := func(node ast.Node) bool {
expr, _ := node.(ast.Expr) // info.TypeOf(nil) will just return nil
named := namedType(
if named == nil {
return true
obj := named.Obj()
if obj == nil || obj.Pkg() != tf.pkg {
return true
recordStruct(named, tf.ignoreObjects)
return true
visit := func(node ast.Node) bool {
if opts.GarbleLiterals {
// TODO: use transformer here?
literals.RecordUsedAsConstants(node,, tf.ignoreObjects)
call, ok := node.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok {
return true
sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
return true
fnType :=
if fnType.Pkg() == nil {
return true
if fnType.Pkg().Path() == "reflect" && (fnType.Name() == "TypeOf" || fnType.Name() == "ValueOf") {
for _, arg := range call.Args {
ast.Inspect(arg, visitReflectArg)
return true
for _, file := range files {
ast.Inspect(file, visit)
// transformer holds all the information and state necessary to obfuscate a
// single Go package.
type transformer struct {
// The type-checking results; the package itself, and the Info struct.
pkg *types.Package
info *types.Info
// ignoreObjects records all the objects we cannot obfuscate. An object
// is any named entity, such as a declared variable or type.
// So far, this map records:
// * Types which are used for reflection; see recordReflectArgs.
// * Identifiers used in constant expressions; see RecordUsedAsConstants.
// * Identifiers used in go:linkname directives; see handleDirectives.
// * Types or variables from external packages which were not
// obfuscated, for caching reasons; see transformGo.
ignoreObjects map[types.Object]bool
// transformGo garbles the provided Go syntax node.
func (tf *transformer) transformGo(file *ast.File) *ast.File {
// Shuffle top level declarations
mathrand.Shuffle(len(file.Decls), func(i, j int) {
decl1 := file.Decls[i]
decl2 := file.Decls[j]
// Import declarations must remain at the top of the file.
gd1, iok1 := decl1.(*ast.GenDecl)
gd2, iok2 := decl2.(*ast.GenDecl)
if (iok1 && gd1.Tok == token.IMPORT) || (iok2 && gd2.Tok == token.IMPORT) {
// init function declarations must remain in order.
fd1, fok1 := decl1.(*ast.FuncDecl)
fd2, fok2 := decl2.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if (fok1 && fd1.Name.Name == "init") || (fok2 && fd2.Name.Name == "init") {
file.Decls[i], file.Decls[j] = decl2, decl1
pre := func(cursor *astutil.Cursor) bool {
node, ok := cursor.Node().(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
return true
if node.Name == "_" {
return true // unnamed remains unnamed
if strings.HasPrefix(node.Name, "_C") || strings.Contains(node.Name, "_cgo") {
return true // don't mess with cgo-generated code
obj :=
if obj == nil {
return true
pkg := obj.Pkg()
if vr, ok := obj.(*types.Var); ok && vr.Embedded() {
// ObjectOf returns the field for embedded struct
// fields, not the type it uses. Use the type.
named := namedType(obj.Type())
if named == nil {
return true // unnamed type (probably a basic type, e.g. int)
obj = named.Obj()
pkg = obj.Pkg()
if pkg == nil {
return true // universe scope
if pkg.Name() == "main" && obj.Exported() && obj.Parent() == pkg.Scope() {
// TODO: only do this when -buildmode is plugin? what
// about other -buildmode options?
return true // could be a Go plugin API
// We don't want to obfuscate this object.
if tf.ignoreObjects[obj] {
return true
path := pkg.Path()
if !isPrivate(path) {
return true // only private packages are transformed
// log.Printf("%#v %T", node, obj)
parentScope := obj.Parent()
switch x := obj.(type) {
case *types.Var:
if parentScope != nil && parentScope != pkg.Scope() {
// identifiers of non-global variables never show up in the binary
return true
// if the struct of this field was not garbled, do not garble
// any of that struct's fields
if parentScope != tf.pkg.Scope() && x.IsField() && !x.Embedded() {
parent, ok := cursor.Parent().(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
parentType :=
if parentType == nil {
named := namedType(parentType)
if named == nil {
if name := named.Obj().Name(); strings.HasPrefix(name, "_Ctype") {
// A field accessor on a cgo type, such as a C struct.
// We're not obfuscating cgo names.
return true
if garbledPkg, _ := garbledImport(path); garbledPkg != nil {
if garbledPkg.Scope().Lookup(named.Obj().Name()) != nil {
recordStruct(named, tf.ignoreObjects)
return true
case *types.TypeName:
if parentScope != pkg.Scope() {
// identifiers of non-global types never show up in the binary
return true
// if the type was not garbled in the package were it was defined,
// do not garble it here
if parentScope != tf.pkg.Scope() {
named := namedType(x.Type())
if named == nil {
if garbledPkg, _ := garbledImport(path); garbledPkg != nil {
if garbledPkg.Scope().Lookup(x.Name()) != nil {
recordStruct(named, tf.ignoreObjects)
return true
case *types.Func:
sign := obj.Type().(*types.Signature)
if obj.Exported() && sign.Recv() != nil {
return true // might implement an interface
if implementedOutsideGo(x) {
return true // give up in this case
switch node.Name {
case "main", "init", "TestMain":
return true // don't break them
if strings.HasPrefix(node.Name, "Test") && isTestSignature(sign) {
return true // don't break tests
return true // we only want to rename the above
// Handle the case where the name is defined in an indirectly
// imported package. Since only direct imports show up in our
// importcfg, buildInfo.imports will not initially contain the
// package path we want.
// This edge case can happen, for example, if package A imports
// package B and calls its API, and B's API returns C's struct.
// Suddenly, A can use struct field names defined in C, even
// though A never directly imports C.
// For this rare case, for now, do an extra "go list -toolexec"
// call to retrieve its export path.
// TODO: Think about ways to avoid this extra exec call. Perhaps
// add an extra archive header to record all direct and indirect
// importcfg data, like we do with private name maps.
if _, e := buildInfo.imports[path]; !e && path != curPkgPath {
goArgs := []string{
"-toolexec=" + cache.ExecPath,
goArgs = append(goArgs, cache.BuildFlags...)
goArgs = append(goArgs, path)
cmd := exec.Command("go", goArgs...)
cmd.Dir = opts.GarbleDir
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
if err := err.(*exec.ExitError); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s", err, err.Stderr))
var pkg listedPackage
if err := json.Unmarshal(out, &pkg); err != nil {
panic(err) // shouldn't happen
buildID, err := buildidOf(pkg.Export)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // shouldn't happen
// Adding it to buildInfo.imports allows us to reuse the
// "if" branch below. Plus, if this edge case triggers
// multiple times in a single package compile, we can
// call "go list" once and cache its result.
if pkg.ImportPath != path {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected path: %q vs %q", pkg.ImportPath, path))
buildInfo.imports[path] = importedPkg{
packagefile: pkg.Export,
actionID: decodeHash(splitActionID(buildID)),
// log.Printf("fetched indirect dependency %q from: %s", path, pkg.Export)
actionID := curActionID
// TODO: Make this check less prone to bugs, like the one we had
// with indirect dependencies. If "path" is not our current
// package, then it must exist in buildInfo.imports. Otherwise
// we should panic.
initial support for build caching (#142) As per the discussion in, it turns out that we don't need special support for build caching in -toolexec. We can simply modify the behavior of "[...]/compile -V=full" and "[...]/link -V=full" so that they include garble's own version and options in the printed build ID. The part of the build ID that matters is the last, since it's the "content ID" which is used to work out whether there is a need to redo the action (build) or not. Since cmd/go parses the last word in the output as "buildID=...", we simply add "+garble buildID=_/_/_/${hash}". The slashes let us imitate a full binary build ID, but we assume that the other components such as the action ID are not necessary, since the only reader here is cmd/go and it only consumes the content ID. The reported content ID includes the tool's original content ID, garble's own content ID from the built binary, and the garble options which modify how we obfuscate code. If any of the three changes, we should use a different build cache key. GOPRIVATE also affects caching, since a different GOPRIVATE value means that we might have to garble a different set of packages. Include tests, which mainly check that 'garble build -v' prints package lines when we expect to always need to rebuild packages, and that it prints nothing when we should be reusing the build cache even when the built binary is missing. After this change, 'go test' on Go 1.15.2 stabilizes at about 8s on my machine, whereas it used to be at around 25s before.
4 years ago
if id := buildInfo.imports[path].actionID; len(id) > 0 {
garbledPkg, err := garbledImport(path)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // shouldn't happen
// Check if the imported name wasn't garbled, e.g. if it's assembly.
// If the object returned from the garbled package's scope has a different type as the object
// we're searching for, they are most likely two separate objects with the same name, so ok to garble
if o := garbledPkg.Scope().Lookup(obj.Name()); o != nil && reflect.TypeOf(o) == reflect.TypeOf(obj) {
return true
initial support for build caching (#142) As per the discussion in, it turns out that we don't need special support for build caching in -toolexec. We can simply modify the behavior of "[...]/compile -V=full" and "[...]/link -V=full" so that they include garble's own version and options in the printed build ID. The part of the build ID that matters is the last, since it's the "content ID" which is used to work out whether there is a need to redo the action (build) or not. Since cmd/go parses the last word in the output as "buildID=...", we simply add "+garble buildID=_/_/_/${hash}". The slashes let us imitate a full binary build ID, but we assume that the other components such as the action ID are not necessary, since the only reader here is cmd/go and it only consumes the content ID. The reported content ID includes the tool's original content ID, garble's own content ID from the built binary, and the garble options which modify how we obfuscate code. If any of the three changes, we should use a different build cache key. GOPRIVATE also affects caching, since a different GOPRIVATE value means that we might have to garble a different set of packages. Include tests, which mainly check that 'garble build -v' prints package lines when we expect to always need to rebuild packages, and that it prints nothing when we should be reusing the build cache even when the built binary is missing. After this change, 'go test' on Go 1.15.2 stabilizes at about 8s on my machine, whereas it used to be at around 25s before.
4 years ago
actionID = id
origName := node.Name
_ = origName // used for debug prints below
obfuscate unexported names like exported ones (#227) In 90fa325da7, the obfuscation logic was changed to use hashes for exported names, but incremental names starting at just one letter for unexported names. Presumably, this was done for the sake of binary size. I argue that this is not a good idea for the default mode for a number of reasons: 1) It makes reversing of stack traces nearly impossible for unexported names, since replacing an obfuscated name "c" with "originalName" would trigger too many false positives by matching single characters. 2) Exported and unexported names aren't different. We need to know how names were obfuscated at a later time in both cases, thanks to use cases like -ldflags=-X. Using short names for one but not the other doesn't make a lot of sense, and makes the logic inconsistent. 3) Shaving off three bytes for unexported names doesn't seem like a huge deal for the default mode, when we already have -tiny to optimize for size. This saves us a bit of work, but most importantly, simplifies the obfuscation state as we no longer need to carry privateNameMap between the compile and link stages. name old time/op new time/op delta Build-8 153ms ± 2% 150ms ± 2% ~ (p=0.065 n=6+6) name old bin-B new bin-B delta Build-8 7.09M ± 0% 7.08M ± 0% -0.24% (p=0.002 n=6+6) name old sys-time/op new sys-time/op delta Build-8 296ms ± 5% 277ms ± 6% -6.50% (p=0.026 n=6+6) name old user-time/op new user-time/op delta Build-8 562ms ± 1% 558ms ± 3% ~ (p=0.329 n=5+6) Note that I do not oppose using short names for both exported and unexported names in the future for -tiny, since reversing of stack traces will by design not work there. The code can be resurrected from the git history if we want to improve -tiny that way in the future, as we'd need to store state in header files again. Another major cleanup we can do here is to no longer use the garbledImports map. From a look at obfuscateImports, we hash a package's import path with its action ID, much like exported names, so we can simply re-do that hashing for the linker's -X flag. garbledImports does have some logic to handle duplicate package names, but it's worth noting that should not affect package paths, as they are always unique. That area of code could probably do with some simplification in the future, too. While at it, make hashWith panic if either parameter is empty. obfuscateImports was hashing the main package path without a salt due to a bug, so we want to catch those in the future. Finally, make some tiny spacing and typo tweaks to the README.
3 years ago
node.Name = hashWith(actionID, node.Name)
// log.Printf("%q hashed with %x to %q", origName, actionID, node.Name)
return true
return astutil.Apply(file, pre, nil).(*ast.File)
// recordStruct adds the given named type to the map, plus all of its fields if
// it is a struct. This function is mainly used for types used via reflection,
// so we want to record their members too.
func recordStruct(named *types.Named, m map[types.Object]bool) {
m[named.Obj()] = true
strct, ok := named.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
if !ok {
for i := 0; i < strct.NumFields(); i++ {
m[strct.Field(i)] = true
// implementedOutsideGo returns whether a *types.Func does not have a body, for
// example when it's implemented in assembly, or when one uses go:linkname.
// Note that this function can only return true if the obj parameter was
// type-checked from source - that is, if it's the top-level package we're
// building. Dependency packages, whose type information comes from export data,
// do not differentiate these "external funcs" in any way.
func implementedOutsideGo(obj *types.Func) bool {
return obj.Type().(*types.Signature).Recv() == nil &&
(obj.Scope() != nil && obj.Scope().End() == token.NoPos)
// named tries to obtain the *types.Named behind a type, if there is one.
// This is useful to obtain "testing.T" from "*testing.T", or to obtain the type
// declaration object from an embedded field.
func namedType(t types.Type) *types.Named {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Named:
return t
case interface{ Elem() types.Type }:
return namedType(t.Elem())
return nil
// isTestSignature returns true if the signature matches "func _(*testing.T)".
func isTestSignature(sign *types.Signature) bool {
if sign.Recv() != nil {
return false
params := sign.Params()
if params.Len() != 1 {
return false
obj := namedType(params.At(0).Type()).Obj()
return obj != nil && obj.Pkg().Path() == "testing" && obj.Name() == "T"
func transformLink(args []string) ([]string, func() error, error) {
initial support for build caching (#142) As per the discussion in, it turns out that we don't need special support for build caching in -toolexec. We can simply modify the behavior of "[...]/compile -V=full" and "[...]/link -V=full" so that they include garble's own version and options in the printed build ID. The part of the build ID that matters is the last, since it's the "content ID" which is used to work out whether there is a need to redo the action (build) or not. Since cmd/go parses the last word in the output as "buildID=...", we simply add "+garble buildID=_/_/_/${hash}". The slashes let us imitate a full binary build ID, but we assume that the other components such as the action ID are not necessary, since the only reader here is cmd/go and it only consumes the content ID. The reported content ID includes the tool's original content ID, garble's own content ID from the built binary, and the garble options which modify how we obfuscate code. If any of the three changes, we should use a different build cache key. GOPRIVATE also affects caching, since a different GOPRIVATE value means that we might have to garble a different set of packages. Include tests, which mainly check that 'garble build -v' prints package lines when we expect to always need to rebuild packages, and that it prints nothing when we should be reusing the build cache even when the built binary is missing. After this change, 'go test' on Go 1.15.2 stabilizes at about 8s on my machine, whereas it used to be at around 25s before.
4 years ago
// We can't split by the ".a" extension, because cached object files
// lack any extension.
flags, paths := splitFlagsFromArgs(args)
if err := fillBuildInfo(flags); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// there should only ever be one archive/object file passed to the linker,
// the file for the main package or entrypoint
if len(paths) != 1 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("expected exactly one link argument")
importMap := func(importPath string) (objectPath string) {
return buildInfo.imports[importPath].packagefile
obfuscate unexported names like exported ones (#227) In 90fa325da7, the obfuscation logic was changed to use hashes for exported names, but incremental names starting at just one letter for unexported names. Presumably, this was done for the sake of binary size. I argue that this is not a good idea for the default mode for a number of reasons: 1) It makes reversing of stack traces nearly impossible for unexported names, since replacing an obfuscated name "c" with "originalName" would trigger too many false positives by matching single characters. 2) Exported and unexported names aren't different. We need to know how names were obfuscated at a later time in both cases, thanks to use cases like -ldflags=-X. Using short names for one but not the other doesn't make a lot of sense, and makes the logic inconsistent. 3) Shaving off three bytes for unexported names doesn't seem like a huge deal for the default mode, when we already have -tiny to optimize for size. This saves us a bit of work, but most importantly, simplifies the obfuscation state as we no longer need to carry privateNameMap between the compile and link stages. name old time/op new time/op delta Build-8 153ms ± 2% 150ms ± 2% ~ (p=0.065 n=6+6) name old bin-B new bin-B delta Build-8 7.09M ± 0% 7.08M ± 0% -0.24% (p=0.002 n=6+6) name old sys-time/op new sys-time/op delta Build-8 296ms ± 5% 277ms ± 6% -6.50% (p=0.026 n=6+6) name old user-time/op new user-time/op delta Build-8 562ms ± 1% 558ms ± 3% ~ (p=0.329 n=5+6) Note that I do not oppose using short names for both exported and unexported names in the future for -tiny, since reversing of stack traces will by design not work there. The code can be resurrected from the git history if we want to improve -tiny that way in the future, as we'd need to store state in header files again. Another major cleanup we can do here is to no longer use the garbledImports map. From a look at obfuscateImports, we hash a package's import path with its action ID, much like exported names, so we can simply re-do that hashing for the linker's -X flag. garbledImports does have some logic to handle duplicate package names, but it's worth noting that should not affect package paths, as they are always unique. That area of code could probably do with some simplification in the future, too. While at it, make hashWith panic if either parameter is empty. obfuscateImports was hashing the main package path without a salt due to a bug, so we want to catch those in the future. Finally, make some tiny spacing and typo tweaks to the README.
3 years ago
garbledObj, err := obfuscateImports(paths[0], importMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Make sure -X works with garbled identifiers. To cover both garbled
// and non-garbled names, duplicate each flag with a garbled version.
flagValueIter(flags, "-X", func(val string) {
// val is in the form of ""
i := strings.IndexByte(val, '=')
if i <= 0 {
name := val[:i]
str := val[i+1:]
j := strings.LastIndexByte(name, '.')
if j <= 0 {
pkg := name[:j]
name = name[j+1:]
pkgPath := pkg
if pkgPath == "main" {
// The main package is known under its import path in
// the import config map.
pkgPath = buildInfo.firstImport
obfuscate unexported names like exported ones (#227) In 90fa325da7, the obfuscation logic was changed to use hashes for exported names, but incremental names starting at just one letter for unexported names. Presumably, this was done for the sake of binary size. I argue that this is not a good idea for the default mode for a number of reasons: 1) It makes reversing of stack traces nearly impossible for unexported names, since replacing an obfuscated name "c" with "originalName" would trigger too many false positives by matching single characters. 2) Exported and unexported names aren't different. We need to know how names were obfuscated at a later time in both cases, thanks to use cases like -ldflags=-X. Using short names for one but not the other doesn't make a lot of sense, and makes the logic inconsistent. 3) Shaving off three bytes for unexported names doesn't seem like a huge deal for the default mode, when we already have -tiny to optimize for size. This saves us a bit of work, but most importantly, simplifies the obfuscation state as we no longer need to carry privateNameMap between the compile and link stages. name old time/op new time/op delta Build-8 153ms ± 2% 150ms ± 2% ~ (p=0.065 n=6+6) name old bin-B new bin-B delta Build-8 7.09M ± 0% 7.08M ± 0% -0.24% (p=0.002 n=6+6) name old sys-time/op new sys-time/op delta Build-8 296ms ± 5% 277ms ± 6% -6.50% (p=0.026 n=6+6) name old user-time/op new user-time/op delta Build-8 562ms ± 1% 558ms ± 3% ~ (p=0.329 n=5+6) Note that I do not oppose using short names for both exported and unexported names in the future for -tiny, since reversing of stack traces will by design not work there. The code can be resurrected from the git history if we want to improve -tiny that way in the future, as we'd need to store state in header files again. Another major cleanup we can do here is to no longer use the garbledImports map. From a look at obfuscateImports, we hash a package's import path with its action ID, much like exported names, so we can simply re-do that hashing for the linker's -X flag. garbledImports does have some logic to handle duplicate package names, but it's worth noting that should not affect package paths, as they are always unique. That area of code could probably do with some simplification in the future, too. While at it, make hashWith panic if either parameter is empty. obfuscateImports was hashing the main package path without a salt due to a bug, so we want to catch those in the future. Finally, make some tiny spacing and typo tweaks to the README.
3 years ago
id := buildInfo.imports[pkgPath].actionID
newName := hashWith(id, name)
garbledPkg := hashWith(id, pkg)
flags = append(flags, fmt.Sprintf("-X=%s.%s=%s", garbledPkg, newName, str))
// Ensure we strip the -buildid flag, to not leak any build IDs for the
// link operation or the main package's compilation.
flags = flagSetValue(flags, "-buildid", "")
// Strip debug information and symbol tables.
flags = append(flags, "-w", "-s")
return append(flags, garbledObj), nil, nil
func splitFlagsFromArgs(all []string) (flags, args []string) {
for i := 0; i < len(all); i++ {
arg := all[i]
if !strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-") {
return all[:i:i], all[i:]
if booleanFlags[arg] || strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
// Either "-bool" or "-name=value".
// "-name value", so the next arg is part of this flag.
return all, nil
// buildFlags is obtained from 'go help build' as of Go 1.15.
var buildFlags = map[string]bool{
"-a": true,
"-n": true,
"-p": true,
"-race": true,
"-msan": true,
"-v": true,
"-work": true,
"-x": true,
"-asmflags": true,
"-buildmode": true,
"-compiler": true,
"-gccgoflags": true,
"-gcflags": true,
"-installsuffix": true,
"-ldflags": true,
"-linkshared": true,
"-mod": true,
"-modcacherw": true,
"-modfile": true,
"-pkgdir": true,
"-tags": true,
"-trimpath": true,
"-toolexec": true,
// booleanFlags is obtained from 'go help build' and 'go help testflag' as of Go
// 1.15.
var booleanFlags = map[string]bool{
// Shared build flags.
"-a": true,
"-i": true,
"-n": true,
"-v": true,
"-x": true,
"-race": true,
"-msan": true,
"-linkshared": true,
"-modcacherw": true,
"-trimpath": true,
// Test flags (TODO: support its special -args flag)
"-c": true,
"-json": true,
"-cover": true,
"-failfast": true,
"-short": true,
"-benchmem": true,
func filterBuildFlags(flags []string) (filtered []string) {
for i := 0; i < len(flags); i++ {
arg := flags[i]
name := arg
if i := strings.IndexByte(arg, '='); i > 0 {
name = arg[:i]
buildFlag := buildFlags[name]
if buildFlag {
filtered = append(filtered, arg)
if booleanFlags[arg] || strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
// Either "-bool" or "-name=value".
// "-name value", so the next arg is part of this flag.
if i++; buildFlag && i < len(flags) {
filtered = append(filtered, flags[i])
return filtered
// splitFlagsFromFiles splits args into a list of flag and file arguments. Since
// we can't rely on "--" being present, and we don't parse all flags upfront, we
// rely on finding the first argument that doesn't begin with "-" and that has
// the extension we expect for the list of paths.
// This function only makes sense for lower-level tool commands, such as
// "compile" or "link", since their arguments are predictable.
func splitFlagsFromFiles(all []string, ext string) (flags, paths []string) {
for i, arg := range all {
if !strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-") && strings.HasSuffix(arg, ext) {
return all[:i:i], all[i:]
return all, nil
5 years ago
// flagValue retrieves the value of a flag such as "-foo", from strings in the
// list of arguments like "-foo=bar" or "-foo" "bar". If the flag is repeated,
// the last value is returned.
func flagValue(flags []string, name string) string {
lastVal := ""
flagValueIter(flags, name, func(val string) {
lastVal = val
return lastVal
// flagValueIter retrieves all the values for a flag such as "-foo", like
// flagValue. The difference is that it allows handling complex flags, such as
// those whose values compose a list.
func flagValueIter(flags []string, name string, fn func(string)) {
for i, arg := range flags {
if val := strings.TrimPrefix(arg, name+"="); val != arg {
// -name=value
if arg == name { // -name ...
if i+1 < len(flags) {
// -name value
func flagSetValue(flags []string, name, value string) []string {
for i, arg := range flags {
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, name+"=") {
// -name=value
flags[i] = name + "=" + value
return flags
if arg == name { // -name ...
if i+1 < len(flags) {
// -name value
flags[i+1] = value
return flags
return flags
return append(flags, name+"="+value)
func setGoPrivate() error {
if envGoPrivate == "" {
// Try 'go env' too, to query ${CONFIG}/go/env as well.
out, err := exec.Command("go", "env", "GOPRIVATE").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: %s", err, out)
envGoPrivate = string(bytes.TrimSpace(out))
// If GOPRIVATE isn't set and we're in a module, use its module
// path as a GOPRIVATE default. Include a _test variant too.
if envGoPrivate == "" {
modpath, err := exec.Command("go", "list", "-m").Output()
if err == nil {
path := string(bytes.TrimSpace(modpath))
envGoPrivate = path + "," + path + "_test"
// Explicitly set GOPRIVATE, since future garble processes won't
// query 'go env' again.
os.Setenv("GOPRIVATE", envGoPrivate)
return nil