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! exec garble
stderr 'Garble obfuscates Go code'
stderr 'garble \[garble flags\] command'
! stderr 'usage: go build'
5 years ago
! stdout .
! exec garble -h
stderr 'Garble obfuscates Go code'
stderr 'garble \[garble flags\] command'
! stdout .
! exec garble help
stderr 'Garble obfuscates Go code'
stderr 'garble \[garble flags\] command'
! stdout .
! exec garble help foo bar
stderr 'usage: garble help'
! stderr 'Garble obfuscates Go code'
! stdout .
! exec garble help -h
stderr 'usage: garble help'
! stdout .
! exec garble build -h
stderr 'garble \[garble flags\] build'
stderr 'This command wraps "go build"'
stderr 'usage: go build'
stderr 'Run .go help build.'
! stderr 'Garble obfuscates Go code'
! stdout .
! exec garble test -h
stderr 'garble \[garble flags\] test'
stderr 'This command wraps "go test"'
stderr 'usage: go test'
stderr 'Run .go help test.'
! stderr 'Garble obfuscates Go code'
! stdout .
! exec garble reverse -h
stderr 'garble \[garble flags\] reverse \[build flags\] package \[files\]'
! stderr 'usage: go '
! stdout .
! exec garble help reverse
stderr 'garble \[garble flags\] reverse \[build flags\] package \[files\]'
! stderr 'usage: go '
5 years ago
! stdout .
! exec garble -badflag
stderr 'flag provided but not defined'
stderr 'garble \[garble flags\] command'
5 years ago
! stdout .
! exec garble badcmd
stderr 'unknown command'
! exec garble build -badflag
stderr 'usage: go build' # TODO: is this confusing?
! stdout .
! exec garble build -tiny
stderr 'must precede command, like: garble -tiny build \./pkg'
! stdout .
! exec garble build -literals
stderr 'must precede command, like: garble -literals build \./pkg'
! stdout .
! exec garble build -seed=random
stderr 'must precede command, like: garble -seed=random build \./pkg'
! stdout .
[!windows] ! exec garble toolexec /does/not/exist/compile
[windows] ! exec garble toolexec C:\does\not\exist\compile
stderr 'did you run.*instead of "garble \[command\]"'
! exec garble build badpackage
stderr 'package badpackage is not in std'
! stdout .
! exec garble build ./badpackage
stderr 'directory not found'
! stdout .
# Test the version command. Note that test binaries exclude VCS build info,
# and we reuse the test binary for garble itself, so that's missing.
# To avoid building another garble binary,
# and to be able to use static VCS info, use an environment variable.
# First, test without the information, and then with it.
exec garble version
stdout -count=1 ' \(devel\)'
stdout -count=1 'Build settings'
stdout -count=3 '-compiler|GOOS|GOARCH'
! stdout 'vcs'
# Obtained from a real build while developing.
env GARBLE_TEST_BUILDSETTINGS='[{"Key":"vcs","Value":"git"},{"Key":"vcs.revision","Value":"91ea246349544769f5100c29f79cb0f173abfeea"},{"Key":"vcs.time","Value":"2022-03-18T13:45:11Z"},{"Key":"vcs.modified","Value":"true"}]'
exec garble version
stdout -count=1 'mvdan\.cc/garble v0\.0\.0-20220318134511-91ea24634954'
stdout -count=1 'Build settings'
stdout -count=3 '-compiler|GOOS|GOARCH'
stdout -count=1 'vcs git'
stdout -count=1 'vcs\.revision 91ea246349544769f5100c29f79cb0f173abfeea'
stdout -count=1 'vcs\.time 2022-03-18T13:45:11Z'
stdout -count=1 'vcs\.modified true'
! exec garble version -flag
stderr 'usage: garble version'
! exec garble version arg
stderr 'usage: garble version'
# We need a dummy module for "garble build -badflag".
-- go.mod --
module dummy
go 1.22
-- dummy.go --
package dummy