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124 lines
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env GOGARBLE=test/main
garble build
exec ./main
! stdout 'garble_main\.go|garble_other_filename|is sorted'
! binsubstr main$exe 'garble_main.go' 'garble_other_filename'
[short] stop # no need to verify this with -short
go build
exec ./main
stdout 'garble_main.go'
stdout 'garble_other_filename'
stdout ':19: main'
stdout 'initPositions is sorted'
stdout 'varPositions is sorted'
-- go.mod --
module test/main
go 1.19
-- garble_main.go --
package main
import (
var _, globalFile, globalLine, _ = runtime.Caller(0)
func init() {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
fmt.Printf("%s:%d: init\n", file, line)
func main() {
fmt.Printf("%s:%d: global\n", globalFile, globalLine)
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
fmt.Printf("%s:%d: main\n", file, line)
// initPositions is filled by ten consecutive funcs.
// If we are not shuffling or obfuscating line numbers,
// this list will be sorted.
// If we are, it's extremely unlikely it would remain sorted.
if sort.IsSorted(sort.StringSlice(initPositions)) {
fmt.Println("initPositions is sorted")
// Same as the above, but with vars.
if sort.IsSorted(sort.StringSlice(varPositions)) {
fmt.Println("varPositions is sorted")
// Adding "/*text*/" comments here is tricky,
// as we don't want to turn "a/b" into "a//*text*/b".
// We need "a/ /*text*/b" to preserve the syntax.
// The nested expression is needed to prevent spaces.
fmt.Printf("%v\n", 10*float64(3.0)/float64(4.0))
work around another go/printer bug to fix andybalholm/brotli When obfuscating the following piece of code: func issue_573(s struct{ f int }) { var _ *int = &s.f /*x*/ } the function body would roughly end up printed as: we would roughly end up with: var _ *int = &dZ4xYx3N /*x*/.rbg1IM3V Note that the /*x*/ comment got moved earlier in the source code. This happens because the new identifiers are longer, so the printer thinks that the selector now ends past the comment. That would be fine - we don't really mind where comments end up, because these non-directive comments end up being removed anyway. However, the resulting syntax is wrong, as the period for the selector must be on the first line rather than the second. This is a go/printer bug that we should fix upstream, but until then, we must work around it in Go 1.18.x and 1.19.x. The fix is somewhat obvious in hindsight. To reduce the chances that go/printer will trip over comments and produce invalid syntax, get rid of most comments before we use the printer. We still keep the removal of comments after printing, since go/printer consumes some comments in ast.Node Doc fields. Add the minimized unit test case above, and add the upstream project that found this bug to check-third-party. andybalholm/brotli helps cover a compression algorithm and ccgo code generation from C to Go, and it's also a fairly popular module, particular with HTTP implementations which want pure-Go brotli. While here, fix the check-third-party script: it was setting GOFLAGS a bit too late, so it may run `go get` on the wrong mod file. Fixes #573.
2 years ago
// Replacing `s` and `f` with obfuscated names triggered a bug in go/printer,
// where it would move `.f` after the comment, breaking the syntax.
func issue_573(s struct{ f int }) {
var _ *int = &s.f
-- garble_other_filename.go --
package main
import (
func funcDecl() {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
fmt.Printf("%s:%d: func\n", file, line)
var funcVar = func() {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
fmt.Printf("%s:%d: func var\n", file, line)
var initPositions []string
func curPos() string {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line)
func init() { initPositions = append(initPositions, curPos()) }
func init() { initPositions = append(initPositions, curPos()) }
func init() { initPositions = append(initPositions, curPos()) }
func init() { initPositions = append(initPositions, curPos()) }
func init() { initPositions = append(initPositions, curPos()) }
func init() { initPositions = append(initPositions, curPos()) }
func init() { initPositions = append(initPositions, curPos()) }
func init() { initPositions = append(initPositions, curPos()) }
func init() { initPositions = append(initPositions, curPos()) }
func init() { initPositions = append(initPositions, curPos()) }
var varLine0 = curPos()
var varLine1 = curPos()
var varLine2 = curPos()
var varLine3 = curPos()
var varLine4 = curPos()
var varLine5 = curPos()
var varLine6 = curPos()
var varLine7 = curPos()
var varLine8 = curPos()
var varLine9 = curPos()
var varPositions = []string{
varLine0, varLine1, varLine2, varLine3, varLine4,
varLine5, varLine6, varLine7, varLine8, varLine9,