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// Copyright (c) 2020, The Garble Authors.
// See LICENSE for licensing information.
package main
import (
func isDirective(text string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(text, "//go:") || strings.HasPrefix(text, "// +build")
// printFile prints a Go file to a buffer, while also removing non-directive
// comments and adding extra compiler directives to obfuscate position
// information.
func printFile(file1 *ast.File) ([]byte, error) {
printConfig := printer.Config{Mode: printer.RawFormat}
var buf1 bytes.Buffer
if err := printConfig.Fprint(&buf1, fset, file1); err != nil {
return nil, err
src := buf1.Bytes()
if !curPkg.Private {
// TODO(mvdan): make transformCompile handle non-private
// packages like runtime earlier on, to remove these checks.
return src, nil
absFilename := fset.Position(file1.Pos()).Filename
filename := filepath.Base(absFilename)
if strings.HasPrefix(filename, "_cgo_") {
// cgo-generated files don't need changed line numbers.
// Plus, the compiler can complain rather easily.
return src, nil
// Many parts of garble, notably the literal obfuscator, modify the AST.
// Unfortunately, comments are free-floating in File.Comments,
// and those are the only source of truth that go/printer uses.
// So the positions of the comments in the given file are wrong.
// The only way we can get the final ones is to parse again.
file2, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, absFilename, src, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
set positions when using cursor.Replace The regular obfuscation process simply modifies some simple nodes, such as identifiers and strings. In those cases, we modify the nodes in-place, meaning that their positions remain the same. This hasn't caused any problems. Literal obfuscation is trickier. Since we replace one expression with an entirely different one, we use cursor.Replace. The new expression is entirely made up on the spot, so it lacks position information. This was causing problems. For example, in the added test input: > garble -literals build [stderr] # test/main dgcm4t6w.go:3: misplaced compiler directive dgcm4t6w.go:4: misplaced compiler directive dgcm4t6w.go:3: misplaced compiler directive dgcm4t6w.go:6: misplaced compiler directive dgcm4t6w.go:7: misplaced compiler directive dgcm4t6w.go:3: misplaced compiler directive dgcm4t6w.go:9: misplaced compiler directive dgcm4t6w.go:3: misplaced compiler directive dgcm4t6w.go:3: too many errors The build errors are because we'd move the compiler directives, which makes the compiler unhappy as they must be directly followed by a function declaration. The root cause there seems to be that, since the replacement nodes lack position information, go/printer would try to estimate its printing position by adding to the last known position. Since -literals adds code, this would result in the printer position increasing rapidly, and potentially printing directive comments earlier than needed. For now, making the replacement nodes have the same position as the original node seems to stop go/printer from making this mistake. It's possible that this workaround won't be bulletproof forever, but it works well for now, and I don't see a simpler workaround right now. It would be possible to use fancier mechanisms like go/ast.CommentMap or dave/dst, but those are a significant amount of added complexity as well. Fixes #285.
3 years ago
return nil, fmt.Errorf("re-parse error: %w", err)
// Keep the compiler directives, and change position info.
type commentToAdd struct {
offset int
text string
var toAdd []commentToAdd
addComment := func(offset int, text string) {
toAdd = append(toAdd, commentToAdd{offset, text})
// Make sure the entire file gets a zero filename by default,
// in case we miss any positions below.
addComment(0, "/*line :1*/")
// Remove any comments by making them whitespace.
// Keep directives, as they affect the build.
// This is superior to removing the comments before printing,
// because then the final source would have different line numbers.
for _, group := range file2.Comments {
for _, comment := range group.List {
if isDirective(comment.Text) {
start := fset.Position(comment.Pos()).Offset
end := fset.Position(comment.End()).Offset
for i := start; i < end; i++ {
src[i] = ' '
var origCallExprs []*ast.CallExpr
ast.Inspect(file1, func(node ast.Node) bool {
if node, ok := node.(*ast.CallExpr); ok {
origCallExprs = append(origCallExprs, node)
return true
i := 0
ast.Inspect(file2, func(node ast.Node) bool {
node, ok := node.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok {
return true
origNode := origCallExprs[i]
newName := ""
if !opts.Tiny {
origPos := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filename, fset.Position(origNode.Pos()).Offset)
newName = hashWith(curPkg.GarbleActionID, origPos) + ".go"
// log.Printf("%q hashed with %x to %q", origPos, curPkg.GarbleActionID, newName)
newPos := fmt.Sprintf("%s:1", newName)
pos := fset.Position(node.Pos())
// We use the "/*text*/" form, since we can use multiple of them
// on a single line, and they don't require extra newlines.
addComment(pos.Offset, "/*line "+newPos+"*/")
return true
// We add comments in order.
sort.Slice(toAdd, func(i, j int) bool {
return toAdd[i].offset < toAdd[j].offset
copied := 0
var buf2 bytes.Buffer
for _, comment := range toAdd {
copied = comment.offset
// Make sure there is whitespace at either side of a comment.
// Otherwise, we could change the syntax of the program.
// Inserting "/*text*/" in "a/b" // must be "a/ /*text*/ b",
// as "a//*text*/b" is tokenized as a "//" comment.
buf2.WriteByte(' ')
if strings.HasPrefix(comment.text, "//") {
} else {
buf2.WriteByte(' ')
return buf2.Bytes(), nil