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gravel b52d8e6936
Update languages and listings
1 year ago
.. Merge branch 'main' into dev 1 year ago
language-flags.php Update languages and listings 1 year ago

Language information on


To help label Communities by language, send your labelings to us (see contact info), or fork this repository and submit a pull request with your changes (account required).

To make language tags a native feature, support this issue on Oxen Github.

File format

Communities are each identified by a short string. You can copy this identifier using the "Copy Community ID" button from within Community details. It should be of the form roomname+xxxx.

Language labels for communities are grouped by server for easy navigation:

$server_languages[] = array(
    "crypto+a03c"                   => "🇬🇧",
    "lokinet+a03c"                  => "🇬🇧",
    "oxen+a03c"                     => "🇬🇧",
    "session-farsi+a03c"            => "🇮🇷",
    "session-updates+a03c"          => "🇬🇧",
    "session+a03c"                  => "🇬🇧"

To label a Community, you would search for the xxxx suffix (in this case a03c) in the flags file and add the appropriate entry.

If you cannot find any entries for this code, copy an existing block from another server & replace the entries with your own. If you have trouble entering language flags on your keyboard, you may find it helpful to copy them from