You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
2.4 KiB

* \file
* Generate webpages using static site generation.
require_once 'getenv.php';
require_once 'utils/getopt.php';
* Recursively match the last segment of the given path pattern.
* @source
function rglob($pattern, $flags = 0) {
$files = glob($pattern, $flags);
foreach (glob(dirname($pattern).'/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR|GLOB_NOSORT) as $dir) {
$files = array_merge(
...[$files, rglob($dir . "/" . basename($pattern), $flags)]
return $files;
function serialize_shell_environment(array $env_vars) {
$env_assignments = array_map(function(string $key, string $value) {
return "$key=".escapeshellarg($value);
}, array_keys($env_vars), array_values($env_vars));
return implode(' ', $env_assignments);
* Generate files from PHP templates in the templates directory.
function generate_files() {
$flags = LoggingVerbosity::getVerbosityFlags($LOGGING_VERBOSITY)[1];
foreach (rglob("$TEMPLATES_ROOT/*.php") as $phppath) {
// Do not render auxiliary PHP files.
if (str_contains("$phppath", "/+") || $phppath[0] == "+")
$filename = basename($phppath);
$docpath = str_replace($TEMPLATES_ROOT, $DOCUMENT_ROOT, $phppath);
$relpath = str_replace($TEMPLATES_ROOT, "", $phppath);
$dirname = dirname($relpath);
if (preg_match("/[^.]+\\.\w+\\.php$/", $filename) == 1) {
$docpath = str_replace(".php", "", $docpath);
} else {
$docpath = str_replace(".php", ".html", $docpath);
$reldocpath = str_replace($DOCUMENT_ROOT, "", $docpath);
// We do this to isolate the environment and include-once triggers,
// otherwise we could include the documents in an ob_* wrapper.
mkdir("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/$dirname", recursive: true);
log_info("Generating output for $relpath.");
$output = [];
$exit_code = 0;
$env_vars = [
'SSG_TARGET' => $reldocpath,
$environment = serialize_shell_environment($env_vars);
exec("cd '$TEMPLATES_ROOT'; $environment php '$phppath' $flags", $output, $exit_code);
if ($exit_code != 0 || empty($output)) {
log_error("Site generation failed.");
if (str_ends_with($docpath, ".html")) {
$output = preg_replace("/^\\s+/", "", $output);
file_put_contents($docpath, join("\n", $output));
log_info("Done generating site.");