You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

188 lines
6.4 KiB

* Build valid HTML5 page from provided (table) html
function create_html_page_from_html_data($html_data, $title, $timestamp) {
$pre =
"<!DOCTYPE html>" . PHP_EOL .
"<html lang=\"en\">" . PHP_EOL .
" <head>" . PHP_EOL .
" <meta charset=\"UTF-8\">" . PHP_EOL .
" <link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/svg+xml\" href=\"favicon.svg\" sizes=\"any\">" . PHP_EOL .
" <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"styles.css\">" . PHP_EOL .
" <script src=\"script.js\" defer></script>" . PHP_EOL .
" <title>" . $title . "</title>" . PHP_EOL .
" </head>" . PHP_EOL .
" <body onload=\"onLoad(" . $timestamp . ")\">" . PHP_EOL;
$post =
" </body>" . PHP_EOL .
"</html>" . PHP_EOL;
$html5 = $pre . $html_data . $post;
return $html5;
* Writes HTML table with the following info:
* Token + shortened pubkey | Name | Description | Users | View Links(?) | Join URL
function get_table_html($info_arrays) {
$table_lines = array();
foreach($info_arrays as $id => $content) {
* $id is "room token+shortened_pubkey", e.g. "example+09af"
* Each $content looks like this:
* $info_array = array(
* "name" => "Name of the room",
* "language" => "🇩🇪",
* "description" => "Some text that describes the community",
* "active_users" => 1234,
* "preview_link" => "",
* "join_link" => "[64_hex_chars]"
* );
$exploded = explode("/", $content["join_link"]); // https: + "" + + token?public_key=0123456789abcdef
$server_url = $exploded[0] . "//" . $exploded[2]; // extract server_url
$token = explode("?", $exploded[3])[0]; // extract token
$line =
" <tr id=\"" . $id . "\">" . PHP_EOL .
" <td class=\"td_identifier\">" . $id . "</td>" . PHP_EOL .
" <td>" . $content["language"] . "</td>" . PHP_EOL .
" <td>" . $content["name"] . "</td>" . PHP_EOL .
" <td>" . $content["description"] . "</td>" . PHP_EOL .
" <td class=\"td_users\">" . $content["active_users"] . "</td>" . PHP_EOL .
" <td><a href=\"" . $content["preview_link"] . "\">" . $content["preview_link"] . "</a></td>" . PHP_EOL .
" <td><img src=\"qrcode-solid.svg\" onclick=\"displayQRModal('" . $id . "')\" alt=\"Pictogram of an QR code\"></td>" . PHP_EOL .
" <td class=\"td_join_url\"><a href=\"" . $content["join_link"] . "\">" . $content["join_link"] . "</a></td>" . PHP_EOL .
" </tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$table_lines[] = $line;
// prefix
$prefix =
"<h1 id=\"headline\">Session Communities</h1>" . PHP_EOL .
"<table id=\"tbl_communities\">" . PHP_EOL .
" <tr>" . PHP_EOL .
" <th onclick=\"sortTable(0)\" id=\"th_identifier\">Identifier</th>" . PHP_EOL .
" <th onclick=\"sortTable(1)\" id=\"th_language\">L</th>" . PHP_EOL .
" <th onclick=\"sortTable(2)\" id=\"th_name\">Name</th>" . PHP_EOL .
" <th onclick=\"sortTable(3)\" id=\"th_description\">Description</th>" . PHP_EOL .
" <th onclick=\"sortTable(4)\" id=\"th_users\">Users</th>" . PHP_EOL .
" <th onclick=\"sortTable(5)\" id=\"th_preview\">Preview</th>" . PHP_EOL .
" <th id=\"th_qr\">QR</th>" . PHP_EOL .
" <th onclick=\"sortTable(7)\" id=\"th_join_url\">Join URL</th>" . PHP_EOL .
" </tr>" . PHP_EOL;
// suffix
$suffix =
"</table>" . PHP_EOL .
"<table id=\"tbl_footer\">" . PHP_EOL .
" <tr>" . PHP_EOL .
" <td id=\"td_summary\">" . count($table_lines) . " unique Session Communities on " . count_servers($info_arrays) . " servers have been found.</td>" . PHP_EOL .
" </tr>" . PHP_EOL .
" <tr>" . PHP_EOL .
" <td id=\"td_last_checked\">Last checked X minutes ago.</td>" . PHP_EOL .
" </tr>" . PHP_EOL .
"</table>" . PHP_EOL;
// concatenate html
$html = $prefix;
foreach($table_lines as $line) {
$html = $html . $line;
$html = $html . $suffix;
return $html;
* Needed until all Community servers reliably generate QR codes again
function get_qr_img_element_from_join_url($join_url) {
$data = get_base64_qr_code_from_join_url($join_url);
$mime = "image/png";
$src = "data:" . $mime . ";base64," . $data;
$result =
"<img src=\"" . $src . "\" " .
"alt=\"Community join link encoded as QR code image\" " .
// echo($result . PHP_EOL);
return $result;
* Use Google API to generate QR codes and encode them as base64
function get_base64_qr_code_from_join_url($join_url) {
$data = urlencode($join_url);
$size = "512x512";
//$error_correction_level = ""; // "chld=" L = 7%, M = 15%, Q = 25%, H = 30%
$api_url =
"" .
"&chs=" . $size .
"&chl=" . $data;
$img_base64 = base64_encode(file_get_contents($api_url));
// echo($img_base64 . PHP_EOL);
return $img_base64;
* TODO: Description
function create_qr_code_modals_html($info_arrays) {
$html = "";
foreach($info_arrays as $id => $content) {
* $id is "room token+shortened_pubkey", e.g. "example+09af"
* Each $content looks like this:
* $info_array = array(
* "name" => "Name of the room",
* "language" => "🇩🇪",
* "description" => "Some text that describes the community",
* "active_users" => 1234,
* "preview_link" => "",
* "join_link" => "[64_hex_chars]"
* );
$img_elem = get_qr_img_element_from_join_url($content["join_link"]); // TODO: incorporate ID to use in js function
$modal_html =
"<div id=\"modal_" . $id . "\" class=\"qr-code-modal\">" . PHP_EOL .
" <div class=\"qr-code-modal-content\">" . PHP_EOL .
" <span class=\"qr-code-modal-close\" onclick=\"hideQRModal('" . $id . "')\">&times;</span>" . PHP_EOL .
" " . $img_elem . PHP_EOL .
" </div>" . PHP_EOL .
"</div>" . PHP_EOL;
$html = $html . $modal_html;
return $html;
* TODO: Description
function generateHTML($timestamp, $info_arrays) {
$title = "Self-updating list of active Session Communities";
$modal_html = create_qr_code_modals_html($info_arrays);
$table_html = get_table_html($info_arrays);
$html =
$modal_html . PHP_EOL .
$table_html . PHP_EOL;
$final_html = create_html_page_from_html_data($html, $title, $timestamp);
return $final_html;