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* \file
* Implement logging messages to console.
* @var int[] $hrtime_start
* Seconds and nanoseconds at start of logging period.
$hrtime_start = hrtime();
* @var int $NANOSEC
* Number of nanoseconds in a second.
* Comparable enum describing the verbosity of logged messages.
final class LoggingVerbosity {
// Make class functionally static.
private function __construct() {}
const Error = 10;
const Warning = 20;
const Info = 30;
const Debug = 40;
* Returns the proper letter to mark the given message verbosity.
* @param int $verbosity Numeric LoggingVerbosity value.
* @return string One-letter string denoting the given verbosity class.
static function getVerbosityMarker(int $verbosity) {
return match($verbosity) {
LoggingVerbosity::Error => 'e',
LoggingVerbosity::Warning => 'w',
LoggingVerbosity::Info => 'i',
LoggingVerbosity::Debug => 'd'
* Terminal escape sequence to clear formatting.
private const COLOR_RESET = "\033[0m";
* Specifies whether to enable terminal colors.
public static bool $showColor = true;
* Returns the color marker for the given logging verbosity if colors are enabled.
* @param int $verbosity Logging verbosity to used for printing.
* @return ?string Terminal escape sequence to color foreground text.
static function getVerbosityColorMarker(int $verbosity): ?string {
// See for reference.
if (!LoggingVerbosity::$showColor) {
return '';
return match($verbosity) {
LoggingVerbosity::Error => "\033[31m",
LoggingVerbosity::Warning => "\033[93m",
LoggingVerbosity::Debug => "\033[90m",
default => ''
* @return ?string Terminal escape sequence to turn off color if colors are enabled.
static function getColorResetMarker(): ?string {
if (!LoggingVerbosity::$showColor) {
return '';
return LoggingVerbosity::COLOR_RESET;
* Returns a pair of optíons triggering the given verbosity.
* @param int $verbosity Logging verbosity to set using flag.
* @return string[] Pair of short and long command-line verbosity flags.
static function getVerbosityFlags(int $verbosity): array {
return match($verbosity) {
LoggingVerbosity::Debug => ["-v", "--verbose"],
default => ['', '']
* Calculate current process runtime as [s, ns].
* @return int[] Seconds and nanoseconds.
function hrtime_interval() {
global $hrtime_start, $NANOSEC;
list($s, $ns) = hrtime();
list($s0, $ns0) = $hrtime_start;
// Borrow
if ($ns < $ns0) { $s--; $ns += $NANOSEC; }
return [$s - $s0, $ns - $ns0];
* Format current process runtime to millisecond precision.
* @return string Runtime ninutes, seconds, and milliseconds as string.
function runtime_str(): string {
list($s, $ns) = hrtime_interval();
return (
date('i:s.', $s) .
str_pad(intdiv($ns, 1E6), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)
function _log_message(?string $msg, int $message_verbosity) {
if ($message_verbosity > $LOGGING_VERBOSITY) return;
$runtime = runtime_str();
$marker = LoggingVerbosity::getVerbosityMarker($message_verbosity);
$color_marker = LoggingVerbosity::getVerbosityColorMarker($message_verbosity);
$color_reset = LoggingVerbosity::getColorResetMarker();
// Need to concatenate marker to avoid interpolated array member syntax.
fwrite(STDERR, $color_marker . "[$runtime] [$marker] $msg$color_reset" . PHP_EOL);
* Logs the given message as an error to stderr.
* Only logs when `$LOGGING_VERBOSITY` is Error and below.
* @param string $msg String message to log.
function log_error(?string $msg) {
_log_message($msg, LoggingVerbosity::Error);
* Logs the given message as a warning to stderr.
* Only logs when `$LOGGING_VERBOSITY` is Warning and below.
* @param string $msg String message to log.
function log_warning(?string $msg) {
_log_message($msg, LoggingVerbosity::Warning);
* Logs the given message as an info message to stderr.
* Only logs when `$LOGGING_VERBOSITY` is Info and below.
* @param string $msg String message to log.
function log_info(?string $msg) {
_log_message($msg, LoggingVerbosity::Info);
* Logs the given message as a debug message to stderr.
* Only logs when `$LOGGING_VERBOSITY` is Debug and below.
* @param string $msg String message to log.
function log_debug(?string $msg) {
_log_message($msg, LoggingVerbosity::Debug);
* Logs the given value in a debug message to stderr.
* Only logs when `$LOGGING_VERBOSITY` is debug and below.
* @param string $msg String message to log.
function log_value(mixed $value, int $message_verbosity = LoggingVerbosity::Debug) {
_log_message(var_export($value, true), $message_verbosity);
* Global setting.
* Controls how detailed the displayed logs are.
$LOGGING_VERBOSITY = LoggingVerbosity::Info;