You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1558 lines
43 KiB

* \file
* Represent Session Communities and Session Open Group Servers.
require_once 'languages/language-flags.php';
require_once 'servers/known-servers.php';
require_once 'servers/tags.php';
require_once 'utils/fetching-coroutines.php';
require_once 'assets/room-icons.php';
require_once 'assets/room-invites.php';
require_once 'utils/numeric.php';
* Representation of Session Community room.
class CommunityRoom implements JsonSerializable {
* @var CommunityServer $server
* Session Open Group Server this room belongs to.
public readonly object $server;
* @var int|null $active_users
* Number of active users in the defined period.
public readonly ?int $active_users;
* @var int|null $active_users_cutoff
* Period for `$active_users`, in seconds.
public readonly ?int $active_users_cutoff;
* @var string $token
* Unique room identifier within server.
public readonly string $token;
* @var string|null $name
* User-facing name of Community.
public readonly ?string $name;
* @var string[]|null $admins
* The mixed Session IDs of public room admins.
public readonly ?array $admins;
* @var string[]|null $moderators
* The mixed Session IDs of public room moderators.
public readonly ?array $moderators;
* @var float|null $created
* UNIX timestamp of room creation, in seconds.
public readonly ?float $created;
* @var string|null $description
* User-facing description given to Community.
public ?string $description;
* @var int|null $image_id
* File number for this room's icon; optional.
public readonly ?int $image_id;
* @var int|null $info_updates
* Monotonic integer counter that increases whenever the room's metadata changes.
public readonly ?int $info_updates;
* @var int|null $message_sequence
* Monotonic room post counter that increases each time a message is posted, edited, or deleted in this room.
public readonly ?int $message_sequence;
* @var bool|null $read
* This boolean flag indicates whether a regular user
* has permission to read messages in this room.
public readonly ?bool $read;
* @var bool|null $upload
* This boolean flag indicates whether a regular user
* has permission to upload files to this room.
public readonly ?bool $upload;
* @var bool|null $write
* This boolean flag indicates whether a regular user
* has permission to write messages to this room.
public readonly ?bool $write;
// Custom properties
* @var string[] $string_tags
* String tags from external sources originally applied to room.
private array $string_tags = [];
* @var CommunityTag[] $tags
* Tag-based information from multiple sources.
* Not valid in fetching phase.
* Custom attribute.
private ?array $tags = null;
* @var string $language_flag;
* Flag emoji as derived from specifying tags.
* Custom attribute.
private ?string $language_flag;
private function __construct(
CommunityServer $server,
array $details,
bool $suppress_processing = false
) {
$this->server = $server;
$this->active_users = $details['active_users'];
$this->active_users_cutoff = $details['active_users_cutoff'];
$this->name = $details['name'];
$this->token = $details['token'];
$this->admins = $details['admins'];
$this->moderators = $details['moderators'];
$this->created = $details['created'];
$this->description = $details['description'] ?? "";
$this->image_id = $details['image_id'];
$this->info_updates = $details['info_updates'];
$this->message_sequence = $details['message_sequence'];
$this->read = $details['read'];
$this->write = $details['write'];
$this->upload = $details['upload'];
$this->string_tags = $details['string_tags'] ?? [];
if ($suppress_processing) return;
$this->language_flag = $details['language_flag'] ?? $this->get_language_flag();
if (!isset($details['tags'])) {
// Fetching phase.
// String tags are added, object tags are on-demand only.
$this->tags = null;
} else {
// Post fetching phase.
// Fetched & derived object tags are loaded and used.
$this->tags = CommunityTag::from_details_array($details['tags']);
* Create incomplete CommunityRoom instance from intermediate data.
public static function _from_intermediate_data(
CommunityServer $server,
array $details
) {
return new CommunityRoom($server, $details, suppress_processing: true);
* Return an optional Unicode emoji of region matching
* the primary language of this room.
public function get_language_flag(): string {
global $languages;
if (!empty($this->language_flag)) {
return $this->language_flag;
foreach ($languages as $key => $flag) {
if ($this->matched_by_identifier($key)) {
return $flag;
return "";
* Regular expression matching tags specified in the Community description.
private const DESCRIPTION_TAGS_SPECIFICATION = '/(#[^#()@., ]+(?:,?\s*|\s+|$))+\s*.?$/';
* Pre-processes SOGS data by treating description-trailing hashtags as room tags.
private function extract_tags_from_description() {
$matches = [];
if (!preg_match(CommunityRoom::DESCRIPTION_TAGS_SPECIFICATION, $this->description, $matches)) {
$tag_specification = $matches[0];
$tags = preg_split("/,\s*|\s+/", $tag_specification);
if (!$tags) {
// Remove pound sign prefixes
$tags = array_map(function (string $tag) {
return substr($tag, 1);
}, $tags);
// Trim tags from description.
$this->description = substr($this->description, 0, strpos($this->description, $tag_specification));
$this->description = preg_replace('/\s*tags:\s*$/i', '', $this->description);
* Returns true if room should not be reflected in listings.
public function is_off_record(): bool {
return (!$this->read && !$this->write)
|| $this->is_testing_room()
|| in_array("unlisted", $this->string_tags);
* Produce associative data for JSON serialization.
public function jsonSerialize(): array {
$details = get_object_vars($this);
$details['tags'] = $this->get_room_tags();
return $details;
* Produce associative data for JSON serialization to Community listings.
public function to_listing_data(): array {
$details = get_object_vars($this);
return array(
"room" => $details,
"room_extra" => array(
"join_url" => $this->get_join_url(),
"language_flag" => $this->language_flag,
"tags" => $this->string_tags
* Create a CommunityRoom instance from associative data.
* @param CommunityServer $server
public static function from_details($server, array $details) {
return new CommunityRoom($server, $details);
* Create an array of CommunityRoom instances from associative data.
* @param array[] $details
* @return CommunityRoom[]
public static function from_details_array($server, array $details_array) {
return array_map(function($room_data) use ($server) {
return CommunityRoom::from_details($server, $room_data);
}, $details_array);
* Sort Community rooms in-place by the given string property.
* @param CommunityRoom[] $rooms Rooms to sort by given key.
* @param string $key String property of CommunityRoom to sort by.
public static function sort_rooms_str(array &$rooms, string $key) {
usort($rooms, function(CommunityRoom $a, CommunityRoom $b) use ($key) {
return strcmp(
* Sort Community rooms in-place by their server.
* @param CommunityRoom[] $rooms Rooms to sort by server.
public static function sort_rooms_by_server(array &$rooms) {
usort($rooms, function(CommunityRoom $a, CommunityRoom $b) {
return strcmp(
$a->server->get_pubkey() . $a->server->get_hostname(),
$b->server->get_pubkey() . $b->server->get_hostname()
* @param CommunityRoom[] $rooms
public static function sort_stickied_rooms_first(array &$rooms) {
usort($rooms, function(CommunityRoom $a, CommunityRoom $b) use ($STICKIED_ROOMS) {
return $b->matched_by_list($STICKIED_ROOMS) - $a->matched_by_list($STICKIED_ROOMS);
* Return all known Community staff Session IDs.
* @return string[]
function get_staff(): array {
return array_values(array_unique(
[...$this->admins, ...$this->moderators]
* Return duration in seconds since room was created.
function get_age(): float {
return time() - $this->created;
* Formats the active user cutoff period as a duration string.
* @return string|null Period over which active users are counted in human-readable form.
function format_user_cutoff_period(): ?string {
return format_duration($this->active_users_cutoff);
* Return the browser preview URL for this room.
function get_preview_url(): string {
$base_url = $this->server->base_url;
$token = $this->token;
return "$base_url/r/$token";
* Return the QR code invite URL for this room.
function get_invite_url(): string {
$base_url = $this->server->base_url;
$token = $this->token;
return "$base_url/r/$token/invite.png";
* Return a string used to match the in-app join URL for this room.
function _get_join_url_match(): string {
$hostname = $this->server->get_hostname(include_port: true);
$token = $this->token;
return "$hostname/$token?public_key=";
* Return the in-app join URL for this room.
function get_join_url(): string {
$base_url = $this->server->base_url;
$token = $this->token;
$pubkey = $this->server->get_pubkey();
return "$base_url/$token?public_key=$pubkey";
* Return the URL of this room's designated icon.
function get_icon_url(): string | bool {
$image_id = $this->image_id;
if ($image_id == null)
return false;
$base_url = $this->server->base_url;
$token = $this->token;
return "$base_url/room/$token/file/$image_id";
* Return the URL used to display details about this room-
function get_details_url(): string {
$room_id = $this->get_room_identifier();
return "/#$room_id";
* Return a globally unique room identifier.
* @return string String in the form `token+hex[8]`.
function get_room_identifier(): string {
$token = $this->token;
$server_id = $this->server->get_server_id();
return "$token+$server_id";
* Add string tags to the Community.
* @param string[] $tags
public function add_tags(array $tags) {
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
if (str_contains($this->token, "mathnodes")) {
log_debug("new tag: '$tag'");
if (strlen(trim($tag)) == 0) continue;
if ($this->parse_language_tag($tag)) continue;
$this->string_tags[] = $tag;
* Apply language from tag and return true if language tag, return false otherwise.
* @param string $tag
* @return bool
private function parse_language_tag(string $tag): bool {
$matches = [];
if (preg_match("/^lang:([a-z]+)$/", $tag, $matches) != 1) {
return false;
if (!empty($this->language_flag)) {
log_warning("Language is already $this->language_flag, parsing $tag");
return true;
$lang = $matches[1];
if ($lang == "any" || $lang == "all") {
$this->language_flag = "🌐";
} elseif ($lang == "en") {
$this->language_flag = "🇬🇧";
} elseif ($lang == "zh") {
$this->language_flag = "🇨🇳";
} elseif (strlen($lang) == 2) {
$chars = str_split($lang);
$flag_chars = array_map(function(string $char) {
return mb_chr(ord($char) - ord("a") + mb_ord("🇦"));
}, $chars);
$this->language_flag = implode($flag_chars);
} else {
log_warning("Invalid language code: $lang");
return false; // Invalid language flag
return true;
* Check whether the given identifier matches the current Community or its parent server.
* @param string $identifier Server pubkey, server ID, server hostname or room ID prefix.
* @return bool True if the string matches the Community, false otherwise.
public function matched_by_identifier(string $identifier): bool {
if ($identifier == "*" ||
$identifier == $this->server->get_pubkey() ||
$identifier == $this->server->get_hostname() ||
$identifier == $this->server->get_server_id()) {
return true;
// Legacy identifier check
return (
str_starts_with($this->get_room_identifier(), $identifier) &&
str_contains($identifier, "+")
* Check whether the given list matches the current Community or its parent server.
* @param string[] $filter
* Array of unique room identifiers, server pubkeys and/or server hostnames.
* @param string $matchee String matching room. Output parameter.
* @return bool True if the array matches the Community, false otherwise.
public function matched_by_list(array $filter, string &$matchee = null): bool {
foreach ($filter as $filter_item) {
if ($this->matched_by_identifier($filter_item)) {
$matchee = $filter_item;
return true;
return false;
* @param CommunityRoom[] $rooms
* @param string[] $filter
* @param string[] $matchees output parameter
* @return CommunityRoom[]
public static function select_rooms(array $rooms, array|string $filter, array &$matchees = null): array {
$_matchees = [];
$rooms = array_values(array_filter($rooms, function(CommunityRoom $room) use ($filter, &$_matchees) {
$matchee = null;
$success = $room->matched_by_list($filter, $matchee);
if ($success) $_matchees[] = $matchee;
return $success;
$matchees = $_matchees;
return $rooms;
* Checks whether this room belongs to a Session-owned server.
function is_official_room(): bool {
return $this->server->is_official_server();
* Check whether the Community's text fields contain adult keywords.
private function has_nsfw_keywords(): bool {
// Description not included due to false positives.
$blob =
strtolower($this->name) . " " .
strtolower(join(" ", $this->string_tags));
foreach (CommunityTag::NSFW_KEYWORDS as $keyword) {
if (str_contains($blob, $keyword)) {
return true;
return false;
* Determine whether the Community is not safe for work.
public function rated_nsfw(): bool {
if ($this->matched_by_list($NSFW_EXCLUDE)) {
return false;
return $this->has_nsfw_keywords() || $this->matched_by_list($NSFW_INCLUDE);
public function is_testing_room(): bool {
return in_array("test", $this->string_tags) || $this->matched_by_list($TESTING_INCLUDE);
public function is_stickied_room(): bool {
return $this->matched_by_list($STICKIED_ROOMS);
* Determine the safety of the Community's icon.
* @return 1 if safe, -1 if unsafe, 0 if unknown.
public function icon_safety(): int {
if ($this->matched_by_list($ICON_ALLOWLIST)) {
return 1;
if ($this->rated_nsfw() || $this->matched_by_list($ICON_BLOCKLIST)) {
return -1;
return 0;
* Estimate for minimum number of users covered by one member of Community staff.
private const USERS_PER_STAFF = 50;
* Estimate for maximum number of users covered by one member of Community staff.
private const USERS_PER_STAFF_WARNING = 200;
* Number of minimum staff needed to moderate a Community.
private const MINIMUM_STAFF = 2;
* Estimate whether the Community has enough staff.
private function has_good_staff_rating(): bool {
$recommended_staff_count = $this->active_users / CommunityRoom::USERS_PER_STAFF;
$staff_count = count($this->get_staff());
return $staff_count >= $recommended_staff_count && $staff_count >= CommunityRoom::MINIMUM_STAFF;
* Estimate whether the Community does not have enough staff.
private function has_poor_staff_rating(): bool {
if ($this->active_users <= 3) {
return false;
$minimal_staff_count = $this->active_users / CommunityRoom::USERS_PER_STAFF_WARNING;
return count($this->get_staff()) < $minimal_staff_count;
* Return the string tags associated with this Community
* @return string[] Array of unique string tags.
private function get_string_tags(): array {
return $this->string_tags;
* @return CommunityTag[]
private function get_user_tags(): array {
return CommunityTag::dedupe_tags(
* Return the derived tags associated with this room.
* @return CommunityTag[] Array of tags.
private function get_derived_tags(): array {
* @var CommunityTag[] $derived_tags
$derived_tags = [];
if ($this->matched_by_list($ROOMS_USED_BY_PROJECT)) {
$derived_tags[] = ReservedTags::used_by_project();
if ($this->is_official_room()) {
$derived_tags[] = ReservedTags::official();
if ($this->is_stickied_room()) {
$derived_tags[] = ReservedTags::stickied();
if ($this->rated_nsfw()) {
$derived_tags[] = ReservedTags::nsfw();
if ($this->write && $this->has_good_staff_rating()) {
$derived_tags[] = ReservedTags::moderated(CommunityRoom::USERS_PER_STAFF);
if (!$this->write) {
$derived_tags[] = ReservedTags::read_only();
if ($this->write && !$this->upload) {
$derived_tags[] = ReservedTags::no_upload_permission();
if ($this->created && $this->created > strtotime("-4 week")) {
$derived_tags[] = ReservedTags::recently_created();
if ($this->is_testing_room()) {
$derived_tags[] = ReservedTags::testing();
return $derived_tags;
* Return the tags associated with this room.
* @return CommunityTag[] Array of tags.
function get_room_tags(): array {
return [...$this->get_derived_tags(), ...$this->get_user_tags()];
* Specifies criteria used to merge data in CommunityServer instances.
enum CommunityServerMergeStrategy {
* @var SameHostname
* Strategy considering two servers to be identical if they share a hostname.
case SameHostname;
* @var SameData
* Strategy considering two servers to be identical if they share a SOGS public key and room data.
case SameData;
* Determine whether two CommunityServer instances are identical under the given criteria.
* @param CommunityServer $a CommunityServer to compare.
* @param CommunityServer $b CommunityServer to compare.
* @return bool True if we know that the given CommunityServer instances refer to the same server.
public function should_merge_servers(CommunityServer $a, CommunityServer $b): bool {
return match ($this) {
CommunityServerMergeStrategy::SameHostname =>
$a->get_hostname() == $b->get_hostname(),
CommunityServerMergeStrategy::SameData =>
$a->get_pubkey() == $b->get_pubkey() &&
CommunityServer::rooms_in_common($a, $b)
* Class representing Session Community server hosting Community rooms.
class CommunityServer implements JsonSerializable {
* @var string $base_url
* The root URL of this server.
public string $base_url = "";
* @var string[] $pubkey_candidates
* Possible SOGS protocol pubkeys for this server.
private array $pubkey_candidates = [];
* @var array[] $_intermediate_room_data
* Array of room details fetched before constructing room objects.
private ?array $_intermediate_room_data = null;
* @var CommunityRoom[]|null $rooms
* Array of Communities hosted by this server.
public ?array $rooms = null;
* @var string[] $room_hints
* This array contains fallback room tokens collected from links.
* Used only if fetching rooms list fails.
private array $room_hints = [];
* @var bool $merge_error
* Flag specifying whether the server is invalidated as a result of merging.
private bool $merge_error = false;
private function __construct() {}
* Compare two CommunityServer instances by base URL.
* @param CommunityServer $a First server to compare URLs.
* @param CommunityServer $b Second server to compare URLs.
* @return int A number less than, equal to, or greater than zero
* when the servers are in correct order, interchangeable, or in reverse order,
* respectively.
static function compare_by_url($a, $b): int {
return strcmp(
* Sort an array of servers in place based on URL.
* @param CommunityServer[] &$servers
static function sort_by_url(array &$servers) {
usort($servers, 'CommunityServer::compare_by_url');
* Compare two CommunityServer instances by public key.
* @param CommunityServer $a First server to compare public keys.
* @param CommunityServer $b Second server to compare public keys.
* @return int A number less than, equal to, or greater than zero
* when the servers are in correct order, interchangeable, or in reverse order,
* respectively.
static function compare_by_pubkey($a, $b): int {
return strcmp($a->get_pubkey(), $b->get_pubkey());
* Sorts an array of servers in place by public key.
* @param CommunityServer[] $servers
public static function sort_by_pubkey(&$servers) {
foreach ($servers as $server) {
if (count($server->pubkey_candidates) != 1) {
$base_url = $server->base_url;
log_error("Server $base_url does not have a resolved pubkey before pubkey de-duping.");
usort($servers, 'CommunityServer::compare_by_pubkey');
* Return true whether the two servers given share a room.
public static function rooms_in_common(CommunityServer $a, CommunityServer $b): bool {
// Rely on at least token or creation date differing.
// Do not strictly compare room lists because the servers
// may have been polled at different times.
$room_date_pairs = [];
$rooms = CommunityServer::enumerate_rooms([$a, $b]);
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
$room_date_pairs[] = $room->token . "+" . $room->created;
if (count(array_unique($room_date_pairs)) < count($rooms)) {
return true;
return false;
* Absorb candidates for the SOGS public key from a duplicate server instance.
private function merge_pubkeys_from(CommunityServer $server): void {
$this->pubkey_candidates = [
* Absorbs extra info from another instance of the same server.
* @param CommunityServer $server
* @return bool True if successful, false in case of mismatch.
private function merge_from($server, CommunityServerMergeStrategy $strategy): bool {
// Merge room hint information.
$this->room_hints = [
if ($strategy == CommunityServerMergeStrategy::SameHostname) {
if ($this->get_hostname() != $server->get_hostname()) {
log_error("SameHostname merging: Merged servers differ in hostname");
} else if ($strategy == CommunityServerMergeStrategy::SameData) {
if ($this->get_pubkey() != $server->get_pubkey()) {
log_error("SamePublicKey merging: Merged servers differ in public key");
// Prefer HTTPS URLs over HTTP.
if (str_starts_with($server->base_url, "https:")) {
$this->base_url = $server->get_scheme() . "://" . $this->get_hostname();
// Prefer domain names over IPs (connections to SOGS survive relocation).
if (filter_var($this->get_hostname(include_port: false), FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
$this->base_url = $this->get_scheme() . "://" . $server->get_hostname();
return true;
* Re-introduces the servers to a consistent state after merging.
* @param CommunityServer[] $servers
* @return CommunityServer[]
private static function ensure_merge_consistency(array $servers) {
// Exclude servers with merge errors.
$servers = array_filter($servers, function(CommunityServer $server) {
return !$server->merge_error;
// Remove duplicate room hints; does not require sorting.
foreach ($servers as $server) {
$server->room_hints = array_unique($server->room_hints);
$server->pubkey_candidates = array_unique($server->pubkey_candidates);
return $servers;
* Merges consecutive servers in array in place on equality of given attribute.
* @param CommunityServer[] $servers Servers sorted by given attribute.
* @param string $method Method name to retrieve attribute from server.
private static function merge_by(&$servers, CommunityServerMergeStrategy $strategy) {
// Backwards-merging to preserve indexing for unprocessed servers.
// Merging only makes sense for pairs, so stop at $i = 1.
for ($i = count($servers) - 1; $i >= 1; $i--) {
if ($strategy->should_merge_servers($servers[$i], $servers[$i - 1])) {
// Merge this server into the previous one, discarding it.
$servers[$i - 1]->merge_from($servers[$i], $strategy);
array_splice($servers, $i, 1);
* Write details about this server to the debug log.
private function log_details() {
$base_url = $this->base_url;
$count_rooms = count($this->rooms ?? []);
$count_room_hints = count($this->room_hints);
$pubkey = $this->has_pubkey() ? truncate($this->get_pubkey(), 4) : "unknown";
log_debug("Server $base_url"."[$count_rooms/$count_room_hints] { pubkey: $pubkey }");
* Filter the given servers to remove URL duplicates.
* @param CommunityServer[] $servers Servers to merge by URL.
* @return CommunityServer[] Servers merged by URL.
public static function dedupe_by_url($servers) {
CommunityServer::merge_by($servers, CommunityServerMergeStrategy::SameHostname);
$servers = CommunityServer::ensure_merge_consistency($servers);
return $servers;
* Filter the given servers to remove pubkey duplicates.
* Servers must already have a determined public key.
* @param CommunityServer[] $servers Servers to merge by public key.
* @return CommunityServer[] Servers merged by public key-
public static function dedupe_by_data($servers) {
CommunityServer::merge_by($servers, CommunityServerMergeStrategy::SameData);
$servers = CommunityServer::ensure_merge_consistency($servers);
return $servers;
* Return information for JSON serialization.
function jsonSerialize(): array {
$details = get_object_vars($this);
$details['pubkey'] = $this->get_pubkey();
$details['server_id'] = $this->get_server_id();
return $details;
* Create server instances located on hardcoded hosts.
* @param string[] $hosts Array of base URLs for known servers.
* @param string[] $pubkeys
* Associative array from hostnames to SOGS public keys.
* @return CommunityServer[] Array of resulting Community servers.
static function from_known_hosts(array $hosts, array $pubkeys) {
$servers = [];
foreach ($hosts as $base_url) {
$server = new CommunityServer();
$server->base_url = $base_url;
$hostname = url_get_base($base_url, false);
if (!isset($pubkeys[$hostname])) {
log_error("Known server $hostname has no known pubkey.");
throw new Error("Known server $hostname has no known pubkey");
$servers[] = $server;
return $servers;
* Create server instances from given room join URLs.
* Resulting servers will know of the embedded room tokens.
* @param string[] $join_urls Join URLs found in the wild.
* @return CommunityServer[] Array of resulting Community servers.
static function from_join_urls(array $join_urls) {
$servers = [];
foreach ($join_urls as $join_url) {
$server = new CommunityServer();
// Call must succeed with no default public key.
$servers[] = $server;
return $servers;
* Create Community server instance from loaded server data.
* @param array $details Decoded JSON associative data about server.
* @return CommunityServer Server represented by given data.
static function from_details(array $details) {
$server = new CommunityServer();
$server->base_url = $details['base_url'];
$server->rooms = CommunityRoom::from_details_array($server, $details['rooms']);
return $server;
* Create Community server instance from array loaded server data.
* @param array $details Decoded JSON associative arrays about server.
* @return CommunityServer[] Servers represented by given data.
static function from_details_array(array $details_array) {
$servers = [];
foreach ($details_array as $details) {
$servers[] = CommunityServer::from_details($details);
return $servers;
* Add to the given servers additional data extracted from our sources.
* @param CommunityServer[] $servers
* @param CommunitySources $source
static function source_additional_info(array $servers, CommunitySources $source): void {
foreach ($servers as $server) {
foreach ($server->rooms as $room) {
$sourced_tags = $source->get_room_tags($room->get_room_identifier());
* Collect the rooms among the given Community servers.
* @param CommunityServer[] $servers Array of Community servers.
* @return CommunityRoom[]
* Array of all rooms contained in the given servers.
static function enumerate_rooms($servers) {
$rooms = [];
foreach ($servers as $server) {
$rooms[] = $server->rooms;
return array_merge([], ...$rooms);
* Polls given servers for rooms and public key and saves this info.
* Servers will be disqualified if no rooms can be found,
* and/or if no public key is obtained or hardcoded.
* @param CommunityServer[] $servers Servers to fetch.
* @return CommunityServer[] Servers polled successfully.
public static function poll_reachable(array $servers): array {
$reachable_servers = [];
foreach ($servers as $server) {
$fetch_job = function() use ($server, &$reachable_servers): Generator {
if (!yield from $server->fetch_rooms_coroutine()) return;
if (!yield from $server->fetch_pubkey_coroutine()) return;
$reachable_servers[] = $server;
// passthrough hack
// all nested coroutines are allowed to do their own filtering
$coroutines[] = (new FetchingCoroutine($fetch_job()))
->set_response_filter(function(CurlHandle $handle) {
return true;
$runner = new FetchingCoroutineRunner($coroutines);
return $reachable_servers;
* Returns the URL scheme of this server.
* @return string "http" or "https".
function get_scheme() {
return parse_url($this->base_url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
* Reduces this server's base URL to HTTP.
function downgrade_scheme() {
$base_url = $this->base_url;
$this->base_url = "http://" . $this->get_hostname();
log_info("Downgrading $base_url to HTTP.");
* Returns the hostname for this server.
* @param bool $include_scheme [optional]
* Includes the port. `true` by default.
* @return string URL with hostname and port, if applicable.
* Scheme not included.
function get_hostname(bool $include_port = true) {
return url_get_base($this->base_url, include_scheme: false, include_port: $include_port);
* Returns the server's root URL.
* @return string URL with scheme, hostname, and port, if applicable.
function get_base_url() {
return $this->base_url;
* Returns the URL to the endpoint listing this server's rooms.
function get_rooms_api_url(): string {
$base_url = $this->base_url;
return "$base_url/rooms?all=1";
* Returns the URL for the endpoint of the particular room.
function get_room_api_url(string $token): string {
$base_url = $this->base_url;
return "$base_url/room/$token";
* Returns the server's public key.
* @return string SOGS pubkey as used in the Session protocol.
function get_pubkey() {
if (!$this->has_pubkey()) {
$base_url = $this->base_url;
$count = count($this->pubkey_candidates);
log_error("Cannot get pubkey of server $base_url: has $count");
return $this->pubkey_candidates[0];
* Attempts to set the server public key.
* @param string $pubkey SOGS public key.
* @return bool True if successful, false in case of mismatch.
function set_pubkey(string $pubkey): bool {
if ($this->has_pubkey() && !in_array($pubkey, $this->pubkey_candidates, true)) {
return false;
$this->pubkey_candidates = [$pubkey];
return true;
* Attempts to read the server public key from a join URL.
* @param string $join_url Join URL for any of the server's rooms.
* @return bool True if successful, false in case of mismatch.
function set_pubkey_from_url(string $join_url): bool {
return $this->set_pubkey(url_get_pubkey($join_url));
* Learns server info from a room's join URL.
* The base URL and public key are saved,
* and the room token is added as a fallback for room polling.
* @param string $join_url Room join URL to initialize with.
* @return bool True if successful, false in case of public key mismatch.
function initialize_from_url($join_url): bool {
if (!$this->set_pubkey_from_url($join_url)) {
return false;
$this->base_url = url_get_base($join_url);
$this->room_hints[] = url_get_token($join_url);
return true;
* Checks whether the current server SOGS public key is initialized.
* @return bool False if the public key is unknown, true otherwise.
private function has_pubkey(): bool {
return count($this->pubkey_candidates) == 1;
* Returns an ID based on the server URL and public key.
public function get_server_id(): string {
$pubkey_prefix = substr($this->get_pubkey(), 0, 4);
$hostname_hash_prefix = substr(md5($this->get_hostname(include_port: true)), 0, 4);
return $pubkey_prefix . $hostname_hash_prefix;
* Returns the room of the given token, or null if one does not exist.
function get_room_by_token(string $token): CommunityRoom | null {
$candidates = array_filter($this->rooms, function(CommunityRoom $room) use ($token) {
return $room->token == $token;
/** Filter doesn't reindex */
foreach ($candidates as $candidate) {
return $candidate;
return null;
* Fetch Community data from the server and yield required network requests.
* @return Generator<string,CurlHandle,CurlHandle|false,array|null>
private function fetch_room_list_coroutine(): Generator {
$base_url = $this->base_url;
/** @var CurlHandle|false $rooms_api_response */
$rooms_api_response =
yield from FetchingCoroutine
->retryable($FAST_FETCH_MODE ? 2 : 4)
$rooms_raw = $rooms_api_response ? curl_multi_getcontent($rooms_api_response) : null;
if (!$rooms_raw) {
log_info("Failed fetching /rooms for $base_url.");
return null;
if ($did_downgrade) $this->downgrade_scheme();
$room_data = json_decode($rooms_raw, true);
if ($room_data == null) {
log_info("Failed parsing /rooms for $base_url.");
return null;
log_debug("Fetched /rooms successfully for $base_url");
// log_value($room_data);
return $room_data;
* Fetch individual rooms and yield required network requests.
* @return Generator<int,CurlHandle,CurlHandle|false,array|null>
private function fetch_room_hints_coroutine(): Generator {
$base_url = $this->base_url;
$rooms = [];
if (empty($this->room_hints)) {
log_debug("No room hints to scan for $base_url.");
return null;
foreach ($this->room_hints as $token) {
log_debug("Testing room /$token at $base_url.");
// Note: This fetches room hints sequentially per each server
// Would need to allow yielding handle arrays
// More than good enough for now
$room_api_response = yield from FetchingCoroutine
// Afford more attempts thanks to reachability test
// TODO Move retryability to outer invocation
->retryable(retries: $FAST_FETCH_MODE ? 2 : 4)
$room_raw = $room_api_response ? curl_multi_getcontent($room_api_response) : null;
if (!$room_raw) {
log_info("Room /$token not reachable at $base_url.");
if ($did_downgrade) $this->downgrade_scheme();
$room_data = json_decode($room_raw, true);
if ($room_data == null) {
if (count($rooms) == 0) {
log_info("Room /$token not parsable at $base_url.");
} else {
log_debug("Room /$token not parsable at $base_url, continuing.");
$rooms[] = $room_data;
// Mark no rooms as failure.
if (empty($rooms)) {
log_debug("No room hints were valid at $base_url.");
return null;
return $rooms;
* Check whether the Community server is reachable and yield required requests.
* @return Generator<int,CurlHandle,CurlHandle|false,array|null>
function check_reachability_coroutine() {
$base_url = $this->base_url;
log_info("Checking reachability for $base_url first...");
/** @var CurlHandle|false $response_handle */
$response_handle =
yield from FetchingCoroutine
::from_url($base_url, [CURLOPT_NOBODY => true])
->set_response_filter(function (CurlHandle $handle) {
$code = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
$url = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
log_debug("Got $code for $url in reachability filter.");
return $code != 0 || (500 <= $code && $code <= 599);
->retryable(retries: $FAST_FETCH_MODE ? 2 : 4)
if (!$response_handle) {
log_warning("Reachability test failed by $base_url.");
return false;
if ($did_downgrade) $this->downgrade_scheme();
return true;
* Fetch Community data from public or observed information and yield required network requests.
* @return Generator<int,CurlHandle,CurlHandle|false,bool>
function fetch_rooms_coroutine(): Generator {
$base_url = $this->base_url;
// Check reachability before polling too much.
if (count($this->room_hints) >= 2) {
if (!yield from $this->check_reachability_coroutine()) {
return false;
log_info("Fetching rooms for $base_url.");
/** @var array|null $room_data */
$room_data =
(yield from $this->fetch_room_list_coroutine()) ??
(yield from $this->fetch_room_hints_coroutine());
if ($room_data === null) {
log_warning("Could not fetch rooms for $base_url.");
return false;
$this->_intermediate_room_data = $room_data;
return true;
* Fetch the Session Open Group Server public key and yield required network requests.
* @return Generator<int,CurlHandle,CurlHandle|false,bool>
function fetch_pubkey_coroutine(): Generator {
$base_url = $this->base_url;
if (empty($this->_intermediate_room_data)) {
log_warning("Server $base_url has no rooms to poll for public key");
return false;
$has_pubkey = $this->has_pubkey();
if ($has_pubkey && $FAST_FETCH_MODE) {
return true;
// This is ugly. 'RoomBuilder' would be better.
$room_intermediate = CommunityRoom::_from_intermediate_data(
$preview_url = $room_intermediate->get_preview_url();
log_info("Fetching pubkey from $preview_url");
$room_view_response = yield from FetchingCoroutine
->retryable(($has_pubkey || $FAST_FETCH_MODE) ? 1 : 5)
$room_view = $room_view_response
? curl_multi_getcontent($room_view_response)
: null;
if (!$room_view) {
log_debug("Failed to fetch room preview from $preview_url.");
return $has_pubkey;
$links = parse_join_links($room_view);
$join_link_part = $room_intermediate->_get_join_url_match();
$link = array_values(array_filter($links, function (string $link) use ($join_link_part) {
return str_contains($link, $join_link_part);
}))[0] ?? $links[0];
if (!isset($link)) {
log_debug("Could not locate join link in preview at $preview_url.");
return $has_pubkey;
if (!$this->set_pubkey_from_url($link)) {
// More information needs to be logged for errors
// in case of lack of context due to lower verbosity.
$base_url = $this->base_url;
$pubkey_old = $this->get_pubkey();
$pubkey_new = url_get_pubkey($link);
"Key collision for $base_url:" .
"Have $pubkey_old, fetched $pubkey_new from $preview_url"
return false;
return true;
public function construct_rooms() {
$this->rooms = CommunityRoom::from_details_array(
* @param CommunityServer[] $servers
public static function fetch_assets(array $servers) {
// Sequential in each server, see note in fetch_room_hints_coroutine()
$coroutines = [];
foreach (CommunityServer::enumerate_rooms($servers) as $room) {
$coroutines[] = new FetchingCoroutine((function() use ($room) {
yield from fetch_qr_code_coroutine($room);
yield from fetch_room_icon_coroutine($room);
(new FetchingCoroutineRunner($coroutines))->run_all();
* Checks whether this server belongs to Session / Oxen Privacy Tech Foundation.
function is_official_server() {
return (
$this->base_url == "" &&
$this->get_pubkey() == $KNOWN_PUBKEYS['']