id = $id; $this->name = $name; $this->rating = $rating ?? "unknown"; $this->rooms = $rooms; } /** * Produce associative listing data for JSON serialization. */ public function jsonSerialize(): mixed { // TODO: Careful serialization $details = get_object_vars($this); $details['rooms'] = array_map(function(CommunityRoom $room){ return $room->to_listing_data(); }, $this->rooms); return $details; } /** * Produce associative data summarizing this listing. */ public function to_summary(): array { return array( 'id' => $this->id, 'name' => $this->name, 'rating' => $this->rating, 'rooms' => count($this->rooms) ); } } /** * Construct Community listings from listing configuration and cached Communities. * @return CommunityListing[] * \todo Refactor */ function resolve_listings_config(): array { global $LISTINGS_INI, $ROOMS_FILE; $listings_raw = parse_ini_file($LISTINGS_INI, process_sections: true, scanner_mode: INI_SCANNER_RAW); $servers_raw = file_get_contents($ROOMS_FILE); $server_data = json_decode($servers_raw, true); $servers = CommunityServer::from_details_array($server_data); $rooms_all = CommunityServer::enumerate_rooms($servers); $listings = []; foreach ($listings_raw as $id => $listing_props) { $filter = [...($listing_props['rooms'] ?? []), ...($listing_props['sogs'] ?? [])]; $matchees = []; $rooms = CommunityRoom::select_rooms($rooms_all, $filter, $matchees); foreach ($filter as $filter_item) { if (!in_array($filter_item, $matchees)) { log_warning("Could not find $filter_item from listing $id."); } } $rooms = array_filter($rooms, function(CommunityRoom $room) { return !$room->is_off_record(); }); $listings[] = new CommunityListing( $id, $listing_props['name'], $listing_props['rating'], $rooms ); } return $listings; } /** * Resolve and write configured Community listings to disk. */ function generate_listings() { global $LISTING_PROVIDER_LISTING_SUMMARY, $LISTING_PROVIDER_LISTINGS; log_info("Generating listings..."); $listings_resolved = resolve_listings_config(); $summaries = array_map(function(CommunityListing $listing) { return $listing->to_summary(); }, $listings_resolved); file_put_contents($LISTING_PROVIDER_LISTING_SUMMARY, json_encode($summaries)); foreach ($listings_resolved as $listing) { $id = $listing->id; file_put_contents( "$LISTING_PROVIDER_LISTINGS/$id", json_encode($listing) ); } $listings_count = count($listings_resolved); log_info("Generated $listings_count listings."); } file_exists($LISTING_PROVIDER_LISTINGS) or mkdir($LISTING_PROVIDER_LISTINGS, 0755, true); $options = getopt("v", ["verbose"]); if (isset($options["v"]) or isset($options["verbose"])) { $LOGGING_VERBOSITY = LoggingVerbosity::Debug; } generate_listings(); ?>