You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

423 lines
12 KiB

1 year ago
// Hello reader!
// This project can be found at:
1 year ago
* This JavaScript file uses the JSDoc commenting style.
* Learn more:
1 year ago
// Nudge TypeScript plugins to type-check using JSDoc comments.
// @ts-check
1 year ago
// Early prevention for bugs introduced by lazy coding.
'use strict';
// Import magic numbers and data
import {
1 year ago
columnAscendingByDefault, columnIsSortable, COLUMN_TRANSFORMATION,
element, JOIN_URL_PASTE, communityQRCodeURL
1 year ago
} from './js/constants.js';
// Hidden communities for transparency.
const filteredCommunities = {
tests: [
"fishing+8e2e", // Example group from PySOGS documentation
"test+118d", // Testing 1, 2, 3
"test+13f6", // Testing room2
1 year ago
"test+fe93", // 测试Test)
"xyz+7908", // XYZ Room
1 year ago
offensive: [
"aiunlimited+fc30", // illegal material
"AlexMed+e093", // drug trading?
"gore+e5e0", // illegal material
"internet+70d0", // illegal activity
"k9training+fdcb", // illegal material
"RU-STEROID+e093" // drug trading?
1 year ago
// This can be achieved with `text-overflow: ellipsis` instead
// and generated entirely server-side.
const transformJoinURL = (join_link) => {
return element.button({
textContent: "Copy",
className: "copy_button",
title: "Click here to copy the join URL",
onclick: () => copyToClipboard(join_link)
1 year ago
function getTimestamp() {
const timestampRaw = dom.meta_timestamp()
if (!timestampRaw) return null;
const timestamp = parseInt(timestampRaw);
if (Number.isNaN(timestamp)) return null;
return timestamp;
function onLoad() {
const timestamp = getTimestamp();
if (timestamp !== null) {
1 year ago
// Sort by server to show off new feature & align colors.
1 year ago
1 year ago
function displayQRModal(communityID) {
const modal = dom.details_modal();
if (!modal) {
throw new DOMException("Modal element not found.");
const row = dom.community_row(communityID);
if (!row) {
throw new DOMException("Community row not found.");
const rowInfo = dom.row_info(row);
for (const element of modal.querySelectorAll(`[${ATTRIBUTES.HYDRATION.CONTENT}]`)) {
const attributes = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.HYDRATION.CONTENT);
if (!attributes) continue;
for (const attribute of attributes.split(';')) {
const [property, targetProperty] = attribute.includes(':')
? attribute.split(":")
: [attribute, 'textContent'];
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rowInfo).includes(property)) {
console.error(`Unknown rowInfo property: ${property}`);
if (targetProperty === 'textContent') {
element.textContent = rowInfo[property];
} else {
element.setAttribute(targetProperty, rowInfo[property]);
dom.details_modal_qr_code().src = communityQRCodeURL(communityID);
1 year ago
function hideQRModal(communityID) {
1 year ago
function addQRModalHandlers() {
const rows = dom.tbl_communities_content_rows();
if (!rows) throw new Error("Rows not found");
for (const row of rows) {
const communityID = row.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.ROW.IDENTIFIER);
() => displayQRModal(communityID)
(e) => {
const closeButton =
() => hideQRModal()
dom.details_modal().addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (this == {
function () {
function () {
* @type {string[]}
const staff = JSON.parse(this.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.ROW.STAFF_DATA));
if (staff.length == 0) {
alert("No public moderators available for this Community.");
const staffId = staff[~~(staff.length * Math.random())];
copyToClipboard(`@${staffId}`, 'Copied staff ID to clipboard.');
for (const anchor of dom.qr_code_buttons()) {
// Disable QR code links
anchor.setAttribute("href", "#");
anchor.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); return false });
function preloadQRCodes() {
const rows = dom.tbl_communities_content_rows();
const identifiers =
rowElement => rowElement.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.ROW.IDENTIFIER)
for (const identifier of identifiers) {
(new Image()).src = communityQRCodeURL(identifier);
1 year ago
function createJoinLinkButtons() {
const join_URLs = dom.join_urls();
Array.from(join_URLs).forEach((td_url) => {
// Data attributes are more idiomatic and harder to change by accident in the DOM.
const join_link = td_url.getAttribute('data-url');
td_url.append(transformJoinURL(join_link)); // add interactive content
1 year ago
function hideBadCommunities() {
let numberOfHiddenCommunities = 0;
for (const category of ['tests', 'offensive']) {
numberOfHiddenCommunities +=
.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
1 year ago
const summary = dom.servers_hidden();
summary.innerText = `(${numberOfHiddenCommunities} hidden)`;
1 year ago
* Removes an element by its ID and returns the number of elements removed.
1 year ago
function hideElementByID(id) {
const element = document.getElementById(id);
return element ? 1 : 0;
1 year ago
* Copies text to clipboard and shows an informative toast.
* @param {string} text - Text to copy to clipboard.
* @param {string} [toastText] - Text shown by toast.
1 year ago
function copyToClipboard(text, toastText = JOIN_URL_PASTE) {
1 year ago
// Find snackbar element
const snackbar = dom.snackbar();
if (!snackbar) {
throw new DOMException("Could not find snackbar");
snackbar.textContent = toastText;
1 year ago
1 year ago
// After 3 seconds, hide the snackbar.
setTimeout(() => snackbar.classList.remove('show'), 3000);
* Sets the "last checked indicator" based on a timestamp.
* @param {number} last_checked - Timestamp of last community list update.
function setLastChecked(last_checked) {
const seconds_now = Math.floor( / 1000); // timestamp in seconds
const time_passed_in_seconds = seconds_now - last_checked;
const time_passed_in_minutes =
1 year ago
Math.floor(time_passed_in_seconds / 60); // time in minutes, rounded down
const timestamp_element = dom.last_checked();
timestamp_element.innerText = `${time_passed_in_minutes} minutes ago`;
1 year ago
// TODO: Move info into dynamic modal.
function addServerIconInteractions() {
const rows = dom.tbl_communities_content_rows();
for (const row of rows) {
const hostname = row.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.ROW.HOSTNAME);
const publicKey = row.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.ROW.PUBLIC_KEY);
const serverIcon = row.querySelector('.td_server_icon');
serverIcon.addEventListener('click', () => {
alert(`Host: ${hostname}\n\nPublic key:\n${publicKey}`);
1 year ago
* Function comparing two elements.
* @callback comparer
* @param {*} fst - First value to compare.
* @param {*} snd - Second value to compare.
* @returns 1 if fst is to come first, -1 if snd is, 0 otherwise.
1 year ago
* Performs a comparison on two arbitrary values. Treats "" as Infinity.
* @param {*} fst - First value to compare.
* @param {*} snd - Second value to compare.
* @returns 1 if fst > snd, -1 if fst < snd, 0 otherwise.
1 year ago
function compareAscending(fst, snd) {
// Triple equals to avoid "" == 0.
if (fst === "") return COMPARISON.GREATER;
if (snd === "") return COMPARISON.SMALLER;
return (fst > snd) - (fst < snd);
* Performs a comparison on two arbitrary values. Treats "" as Infinity.
* @param {*} fst - First value to compare.
* @param {*} snd - Second value to compare.
* @returns -1 if fst > snd, 1 if fst < snd, 0 otherwise.
1 year ago
function compareDescending(fst, snd) {
return -compareAscending(fst, snd);
* Produces a comparer dependent on a derived property of the compared elements.
* @param {comparer} comparer - Callback comparing derived properties.
* @param {Function} getProp - Callback to retrieve derived property.
* @returns {comparer} Function comparing elements based on derived property.
function compareProp(comparer, getProp) {
return (fst, snd) => comparer(getProp(fst), getProp(snd));
* Produces a comparer for table rows based on given sorting parameters.
* @param {number} column - Numeric ID of column to be sorted.
* @param {boolean} ascending - Sort ascending if true, descending otherwise.
* @returns {comparer}
function makeRowComparer(column, ascending) {
if (!columnIsSortable(column)) {
throw new Error(`Column ${column} is not sortable`);
1 year ago
// Callback to obtain sortable content from cell text.
const columnToSortable = COLUMN_TRANSFORMATION[column] ?? ((el) => el.innerText.trim());
// Construct comparer using derived property to determine sort order.
1 year ago
const rowComparer = compareProp(
ascending ? compareAscending : compareDescending,
row => columnToSortable(row.children[column])
1 year ago
1 year ago
return rowComparer;
* @typedef {Object} SortState
* @property {number} column - Column ID being sorted.
* @property {boolean} ascending - Whether the column is sorted ascending.
* Retrieves a table's sort settings from the DOM.
* @param {HTMLElement} table - Table of communities being sorted.
* @returns {?SortState}
function getSortState(table) {
if (!table.hasAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.SORTING.ACTIVE)) return null;
const directionState = table.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.SORTING.ASCENDING);
// This is not pretty, but the least annoying.
// Checking for classes would be more idiomatic.
const ascending = directionState.toString() === "true";
const columnState = table.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.SORTING.COLUMN);
const column = parseInt(columnState);
if (!Number.isInteger(column)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid column number read from table: ${columnState}`)
return { ascending, column };
* Sets a table's sort settings using the DOM.
* @param {HTMLElement} table - Table of communities being sorted.
* @param {SortState} sortState - Sorting settings being applied.
function setSortState(table, { ascending, column }) {
if (!table.hasAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.SORTING.ACTIVE)) {
table.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.SORTING.ACTIVE, true);
table.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.SORTING.ASCENDING, ascending);
table.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.SORTING.COLUMN, column);
// No way around this for brief CSS.
const headers = table.querySelectorAll("th");
headers.forEach((th, colno) => {
headers[column].setAttribute(ATTRIBUTES.SORTING.ACTIVE, true);
1 year ago
// This is best done in JS, as it would require <noscript> styles otherwise.
function markSortableColumns() {
const table = dom.tbl_communities();
const header_cells = table.querySelectorAll('th');
for (let colno = 0; colno < header_cells.length; colno++) {
if (!columnIsSortable(colno)) continue;
() => sortTable(colno)
1 year ago
* Sorts the default communities table according the given column.
* Sort direction is determined by defaults; successive sorts
1 year ago
* on the same column reverse the sort direction.
* @param {number} column - Numeric ID of column being sorted.
function sortTable(column) {
const table = dom.tbl_communities();
const sortState = getSortState(table);
const sortingNewColumn = column !== sortState?.column;
const ascending = sortingNewColumn
? columnAscendingByDefault(column)
: !sortState.ascending;
const compare = makeRowComparer(column, ascending);
const rows = Array.from(table.rows).slice(1);
rows.forEach((row) => row.remove());
setSortState(table, { ascending, column });
// `html.js` selector for styling purposes
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => onLoad());