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require_once 'utils/utils.php';
* @template TReturn
class FetchingCoroutine {
* @var \Generator<int,CurlHandle,CurlHandle|false,TReturn> $generator
private Generator $generator;
private bool $consumed = false;
* @var \Closure():bool $response_filter
private Closure $response_filter;
* Creates a new Fetching Couroutine instance.
* @param \Generator<int,CurlHandle,CurlHandle|false,TReturn> $generator
* An instantiated generator yielding `string => CurlHandle` pairs.
public function __construct(\Generator $generator) {
$this->generator = $generator;
$this->response_filter = function(CurlHandle $handle): bool {
$code = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
$url = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
log_debug("Got code $code for $url in default request arbitrator.");
return $code < 300 && $code != 0;
* Create a new FetchingCoroutine to fetch the contents of a URL.
* @param string $url URL to fetch.
* @param array $curlopts Addition cURL options.
* @return \FetchingCoroutine<CurlHandle|false> Coroutine returning
public static function from_url(string $url, array $curlopts = []): \FetchingCoroutine {
* @var Generator<int,CurlHandle,CurlHandle|false,CurlHandle|false> $oneshot
$oneshot = (function() use ($url, $curlopts) {
return yield make_curl_handle($url, $curlopts);
return new FetchingCoroutine($oneshot);
* Set callback deciding valid responses.
* @param Closure $response_filter Predicate on a processed CurlHandle.
* @return \FetchingCoroutine
public function set_response_filter(Closure $response_filter): \FetchingCoroutine {
$this->response_filter = $response_filter;
return $this;
private function assert_not_consumed() {
if ($this->consumed) {
throw new Error("This FetchingCoroutine has been used up by a transforming call");
private function consume() {
$this->consumed = true;
* Modifies the current coroutine to halt on failed fetches. Consumes current coroutine.
* Resulting coroutine will not produce further fetches.
* @return \FetchingCoroutine<TReturn|null> New FetchingCoroutine instance.
public function stop_on_failure(): \FetchingCoroutine {
$haltable = function () {
foreach ($this->generator as $id => $handle) {
if (!(yield $id => $handle)) {
return $this->generator->getReturn();
return $this->project_coroutine_parameters(new FetchingCoroutine($haltable()));
* Modifies the current coroutine to retry fetches. Consumes current coroutine.
* @param int $retries Number of additional retries made for curl handles returned.
* @param bool $tallied_retries If true, the retry count applies to the whole coroutine.
* If false, each request is afforded the given retries.
* @return \FetchingCoroutine<TReturn> New FetchingCoroutine instance.
public function retryable(int $retries, bool $tallied_retries = true): \FetchingCoroutine {
$coroutine = $this;
$retryable = function () use ($retries, $coroutine, $tallied_retries) {
while ($coroutine->valid()) {
$retries_current = $retries;
$id = $coroutine->current_key();
$handle = $coroutine->current_request();
$attempt_no = 1;
do {
if (!($attempt_handle = curl_copy_handle($handle))) {
log_error("Failed to clone cURL handle");
goto processing_new_coroutine;
/** @var CurlHandle|false $response_handle */
$response_handle = yield $id => $attempt_handle;
$url = curl_getinfo($attempt_handle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
if ($response_handle) {
$retcode = curl_getinfo($response_handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$url = curl_getinfo($response_handle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL) ?? $url;
log_debug("Attempt #$attempt_no for $url returned code $retcode.");
goto processing_new_coroutine;
log_debug("Attempt #$attempt_no for $url failed or was rejected upstream.");
} while ($retries_current-- > 0);
// failed to fetch handle
// decrease the remaining retries
if ($tallied_retries) {
$retries = $retries_current;
return $coroutine->return_value();
return $this->project_coroutine_parameters(new FetchingCoroutine($retryable()));
* Modifies the current coroutine to attempt HTTPS->HTTP downgrade after failure.
* Consumes current coroutine.
* @param bool $did_downgrade Set to true if a downgrade to HTTP has taken place.
* @return \FetchingCoroutine<TReturn> New FetchingCoroutine instance.
public function downgradeable(mixed &$did_downgrade = NULL): \FetchingCoroutine {
$coroutine = $this;
$has_downgrade_ref = func_num_args() >= 1;
if ($has_downgrade_ref) $did_downgrade = false;
$downgradeable = function () use ($coroutine, &$did_downgrade, $has_downgrade_ref) {
while ($coroutine->valid()) {
$id = $coroutine->current_key();
$handle = $coroutine->current_request();
$handle_downgraded = curl_handle_downgrade($handle);
// Try HTTPS first
if ($handle_downgraded) {
// Skip to next handle on success
if ($coroutine->send(yield $id => $handle)) {
if ($has_downgrade_ref) $did_downgrade = true;
$handle = $handle_downgraded;
// Use HTTP
$coroutine->send(yield $id => $handle);
return $coroutine->return_value();
return $this->project_coroutine_parameters(new FetchingCoroutine($downgradeable()));
* Assign non-generator parameters to given FetchingCoroutine.
private function project_coroutine_parameters(\FetchingCoroutine $coroutine): \FetchingCoroutine {
return $coroutine->set_response_filter($this->response_filter);
private function is_valid_response(CurlHandle $handle) {
$response_filter = $this->response_filter;
return $response_filter($handle);
* Get the key of the handle yielded at this point in the coroutine, if applicable.
public function current_key() {
return $this->generator->key();
* Get the cURL handle yielded at this point in the coroutine, if applicable.
public function current_request(): CurlHandle|null {
return $this->generator->current();
private function valid(): bool {
return $this->generator->valid();
* Invoke the current coroutine. Consumes coroutine.
* @return \Generator<int,CurlHandle,CurlHandle|false,TReturn>
public function run() {
// passthrough
return yield from $this->generator;
* Get the return value of the wrapped generator object once finished.
* @return TReturn
public function return_value(): mixed {
return $this->generator->getReturn();
* Step coroutine until next yield point or end.
* Coroutine must not be consumed by any transformations.
* @param CurlHandle|false $response
* Processed handle corresponding to yielded handle or false in case of failure.
public function advance(CurlHandle|false $response_handle): bool {
return $this->send($response_handle);
private function send(CurlHandle|false $handle): bool {
if ($handle && $this->is_valid_response($handle)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
class FetchingCoroutineRunner {
* Collection of enroled transfers.
private CurlMultiHandle $transfers;
* Coroutines executed by runner.
* @var \FetchingCoroutine[] $coroutines
private array $coroutines;
* Create new FetchingCoroutineRunner instance with the given coroutines.
* @param \FetchingCoroutine[] $coroutines Coroutines to run in parallel.
public function __construct(array $coroutines = []) {
$this->coroutines = $coroutines;
* Launches all coroutines in parallel.
* @return int CURLM_* status.
public function run_all(): int {
do {
$curlm_status = curl_multi_exec($this->transfers, $curlm_active_transfer);
if ($curlm_active_transfer) {
// Block 1 second for pending transfers
curl_multi_select($this->transfers, timeout: 1.0);
// curl_multi_select($transfers, timeout: 6.0);
} while ($curlm_active_transfer && $curlm_status == CURLM_OK);
return $curlm_status;
* Enrol initial transfers from all coroutines.
private function initialize_coroutines() {
$this->transfers = curl_multi_init();
foreach ($this->coroutines as $id => $coroutine) {
* Enrol latest transfer from coroutine with given id.
private function poll_coroutine_for_transfer(int $id) {
$coroutine = $this->coroutines[$id];
$handle = $coroutine->current_request();
if (!$handle) return;
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, $id);
curl_multi_add_handle($this->transfers, $handle);
* Respond to new activity on enroled transfers.
private function process_curl_activity() {
while (false !== ($info = curl_multi_info_read($this->transfers))) {
if ($info['msg'] != CURLMSG_DONE) continue;
* @var \CurlHandle $handle
$handle = $info['handle'];
curl_multi_remove_handle($this->transfers, $handle);
$coroutine_id = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_PRIVATE);
if (!isset($this->coroutines[$coroutine_id])) {
throw new Error("Invalid coroutine ID: " + $coroutine_id);