Add Git config

Signed-off-by: PandaCoderPL <>
main v1.3.0
PandaCoderPL 3 years ago
parent e7e96eb378
commit cc9b104599
Signed by: PandaCoderPL
GPG Key ID: 101E7BD8DF5C987B

@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [1.3.0] - 2021-11-08
### Added
- [Git Config](home/.config/git/config)
## [1.2.6] - 2021-11-08
### Changed
- Short to long options in [Bash Config](home/.bashrc)

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Repository with my dotfiles.
* [Bash]( - [
* [Git]( - [config](home/.config/git/config)
* [Termux]( - [](home/.termux/
* [Vim]( - [.vimrc](home/.vimrc)

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
a = add
ba = branch
bach = "!f() { \
git ba \"$1\" && \
git ch \"$1\"; \
}; f"
bd = ba -d
bfd = ba -D
ch = checkout
cl = clone
cl1 = cl --depth=1
co = commit -sm
coa = "!f() { \
local message=\"$1\"; \
local author=\"$2\"; \
git co \"${message}\" --author \"${author}\"; \
}; f"
cota = "!f() { \
local version=\"v$(cat VERSION)\"; \
git co \"$1\" && \
git ta \"${version}\"; \
}; f"
fu = "!f() { \
git fetch upstream && \
git ch master && \
git rebase upstream/master; \
}; f"
fup = fu && p
p = push
pa = push --all
pt = push --tags
pat = pa && pt
r = remote
ra = r add
rau = r set-url --add
rl = r -v
rr = r remove
s = status
t = tag
ta = "!f() { \
git t -am \"$1\" \"$1\"; \
}; f"
td = t -d
tl = t -l
gpgSign = true
editor = vim
pager = less
path = ~/.config/git/config-secret
defaultBranch = main
proxy = socks5h://
forceSignAnnotated = true
gpgSign = true